Case Studies
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We have delivered a big change
for our customers
Shaping the future of interactive content creation
Navigating the ocean of advertising data
Simplifying the complexities of project management
Creating end-to-end support for companies managing debt
Collaborative data management made easier
Making data imports a truly effortless process
There's no need to reinvent the wheel, especially when someone provides an extremely well-engineered wheel for you to use.
How Infogram combines simple solutions with stunning results
Mikko Järvenpää, Former CEO at Infogram
Breaking down silos in IT architecture
Building an app that's easy to grow and keeps making profits
Handling hundreds of thousands of data rows with peak performance
Simplified meal planning using the Mealplana app
Actionable data: the key to optimizing media spend
Eliminating the hurdles in securities trading
Helping organizations make better business decisions with data
Recreating the look and feel of Excel spreadsheets
Panthea makes surtitle creation a breeze
Taking control of the work process at Ballotpedia
Eliminating inefficiency at Resolute Property Tax Solutions
More productive teams with Open as App
Strategic portfolio management powered by Enrich
iSAMS' formula for creating a better school administration system
Data Controller’s mission to help SAS® business users safely manage their data
How Bellawatt is helping modernize the energy industry
How Decision Lens brings structure and quality to key decisions in leading organizations
How Labstep is innovating the scientific documentation procedure
Why Social Point hit the jackpot when choosing their spreadsheet
How amCharts plotted a path to an intuitive interface
How Datawrapper helps journalists to be first with their stories
How OmniDB overcame the complexity of database management
Visible's vision for an all-in-one stakeholder management platform
How BitTitan found a right spell for MigrationWiz
How SlicingDice simplified their API documentation
Why teachers gave an A+ to Akindi
How Nuxeo helps customers to implement their own business logic