
Akindi makes paper-based multiple choice bubble sheet tests less terrible: teachers can customize our bubble sheets online, print them from any printer, scan their student's responses with any scanner or iPhone and see the results online. "We're consistently amazed by how much time and effort our teachers put into making sure that their students get a great education, and we hope that we can make their jobs just a little bit easier" says David Wolever, CTO of Akindi.

Akindi app

Photo credit: Akindi

The Challenge

The Akindi team strives to make teachers' lives just a little bit easier so they can focus on teaching instead of grading. That's why they are working hard to make Akindi as user-friendly as it can be. The challenge was to present teachers with their test results in a familiar format. The only alternative was to build their own data table, and that was not an option. They just couldn't afford to spend so much time, they needed a solution right away.

Quote Handsontable was a perfect fit because it looks and feels just like Excel, a tool teachers are already familiar with.

The Solution

Their search led them to Handsontable and it turned out to be the perfect solution – a ready to use component with a user-friendly interface that was well known among teachers. It's provided more functionality in less time than it would take to build their own custom table.

Akindi app

Photo credit: Akindi

Results and Plans for Future

The feedback that Akindi has received from their users was like getting A+ in a very important test. The familiarity of the interface was appreciated by all teachers. Akindi had achieved their goal – if the teachers are satisfied and it makes their work easier, what else could be a better indicator of success? The team plans to help teachers save even more time, and get even more insight into students' performance.

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David Wolever

David Wolever

CTO at Akindi

  • Akindi Inc
  • Ontario, Canada
  • 5+ employees