JavaScript Data GridRoadmap

We are on a mission to create the best data editing component for teams, and we're doing it with your feedback in mind. (opens new window)

Our roadmap includes the big strategic projects we are tackling, but that's not all. Each release also features bug fixes, documentation updates, and smaller tweaks suggested by our paying customers and community users.

Since the front-end world changes quickly, we might shuffle the order of projects from time to time (usually once a quarter). Some new projects might get the green light while others might not make the cut.

The roadmap below was last updated on May 14th, 2024.

Curious about our progress? Check out the Release Notes.

Accepted 🎯 In progress ✨ Done 🏁
New options for column headers allowing the align the columne name easily, and add custom CSS classes. Modern dark and light themes built with CSS variable Added the navigation within selection for power users #10732 (opens new window)
Column groups configured through arrays of columns (parent-children relation). Refactored wrapper for React improving DX (opens new window) Improved the undo-redo support for column moving #10746 (opens new window)
Column groups work with frozen columns Added the new option: renderAllColumns #10599 (opens new window)
Data loading indicator Improved TypeScript definitions #10670 (opens new window) / #10671 (opens new window)
Export to Excel
Key-value mapping for cell editors Improved support for SSR frameworks #10575 (opens new window)
Crop cell's content and turn off size calculators Improved accessibility - WCAG compliance
New feature: Table summary row Added new options: navigableHeaders #10301 (opens new window) and tabNavigation #10430 (opens new window)
New feature: Row pagination Aded new keyboard shortcuts
Second click should deselect the cell Add an ability to copy data with headers 10093 (opens new window)
Revamped documentation portal