React Data GridManualRowMove


This plugin allows to change rows order. To make rows order persistent the Options#persistentState plugin should be enabled.


  • moveRow - move single row to the new position.
  • moveRows - move many rows (as an array of indexes) to the new position.
  • dragRow - drag single row to the new position.
  • dragRows - drag many rows (as an array of indexes) to the new position.

Documentation explain differences between drag and move actions. Please keep in mind that if you want apply visual changes, you have to call manually the render method on the instance of Handsontable.

The plugin creates additional components to make moving possibly using user interface:

  • backlight - highlight of selected rows.
  • guideline - line which shows where rows has been moved.



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manualRowMove.manualRowMove : boolean | Array<number>

The manualRowMove option configures the ManualRowMove plugin.

You can set the manualRowMove option to one of the following:

Setting Description
true Enable the ManualRowMove plugin
false Disable the ManualRowMove plugin
An array - Enable the ManualRowMove plugin
- Move individual rows at initialization

Read more:

Default: undefined

// enable the `ManualRowMove` plugin
manualRowMove: true,

// enable the `ManualRowMove` plugin
// at initialization, move row 1 to 0
// at initialization, move row 4 to 1
// at initialization, move row 6 to 2
manualRowMove: [1, 4, 6],



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Destroys the plugin instance.


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Disables the plugin functionality for this Handsontable instance.


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manualRowMove.dragRow(row, dropIndex) ⇒ boolean

Drag a single row to drop index position.

Emits: Hooks#event:beforeRowMove, Hooks#event:afterRowMove

Param Type Description
row number Visual row index to be dragged.
dropIndex number Visual row index, being a drop index for the moved rows. Points to where we are going to drop the moved elements. To check visualization of drop index please take a look at documentation.


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manualRowMove.dragRows(rows, dropIndex) ⇒ boolean

Drag multiple rows to drop index position.

Emits: Hooks#event:beforeRowMove, Hooks#event:afterRowMove

Param Type Description
rows Array Array of visual row indexes to be dragged.
dropIndex number Visual row index, being a drop index for the moved rows. Points to where we are going to drop the moved elements. To check visualization of drop index please take a look at documentation.


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Enables the plugin functionality for this Handsontable instance.


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manualRowMove.isEnabled() ⇒ boolean

Checks if the plugin is enabled in the handsontable settings. This method is executed in Hooks#beforeInit hook and if it returns true then the ManualRowMove#enablePlugin method is called.


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manualRowMove.isMovePossible(movedRows, finalIndex) ⇒ boolean

Indicates if it's possible to move rows to the desired position. Some of the actions aren't possible, i.e. You can’t move more than one element to the last position.

Param Type Description
movedRows Array Array of visual row indexes to be moved.
finalIndex number Visual row index, being a start index for the moved rows. Points to where the elements will be placed after the moving action. To check the visualization of the final index, please take a look at documentation.


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manualRowMove.moveRow(row, finalIndex) ⇒ boolean

Moves a single row.

To see the outcome, rerender your grid by calling render().

Emits: Hooks#event:beforeRowMove, Hooks#event:afterRowMove

Param Type Description
row number Visual row index to be moved.
finalIndex number Visual row index, being a start index for the moved rows. Points to where the elements will be placed after the moving action. To check the visualization of the final index, please take a look at documentation.


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manualRowMove.moveRows(rows, finalIndex) ⇒ boolean

Moves multiple rows.

To see the outcome, rerender your grid by calling render().

Emits: Hooks#event:beforeRowMove, Hooks#event:afterRowMove

Param Type Description
rows Array Array of visual row indexes to be moved.
finalIndex number Visual row index, being a start index for the moved rows. Points to where the elements will be placed after the moving action. To check the visualization of the final index, please take a look at documentation.


Source code


Updates the plugin's state.

This method is executed when updateSettings() is invoked with any of the following configuration options: