JavaScript Data GridRow freezing

Lock the position of specified rows, keeping them visible when scrolling.


Row freezing locks specific rows of a grid in place, keeping them visible while scrolling to another area of the grid.

This feature is sometimes called "pinned rows".


The following example specifies two fixed rows with fixedRowsTop: 2. Horizontal scroll bars are needed, so set a container width and overflow: hidden in CSS.

import Handsontable from 'handsontable';
import 'handsontable/styles/handsontable.css';
import 'handsontable/styles/ht-theme-main.css';

// generate an array of arrays with dummy data
const data = new Array(100) // number of rows
  .map((_, row) =>
    new Array(50) // number of columns
      .map((_, column) => `${row}, ${column}`)

const container = document.querySelector('#example1');

new Handsontable(container, {
  colWidths: 100,
  width: '100%',
  height: 320,
  rowHeaders: true,
  colHeaders: true,
  fixedRowsTop: 2,
  autoWrapRow: true,
  autoWrapCol: true,
  licenseKey: 'non-commercial-and-evaluation',

There is a newer version of Handsontable available. Switch to the latest version ⟶