JavaScript Data GridFormula calculation

Perform calculations on cells' values, using a powerful calculation engine that handles nearly 400 functions, custom functions, named expressions, and more.


The Formulas plugin provides you an extensive calculation capabilities based on formulas using the spreadsheet notation. Under the hood, it uses an engine called HyperFormula (opens new window) created by the Handsontable team as an independent library to help developers build complex data management apps.

This plugin comes with a library of 386 functions grouped into categories, such as Math and trigonometry, Engineering, Statistical, Financial, and Logical. Using these, you can create complex data entry rules in business apps and much more. Below are some ideas on what you can do with it:

  • Fully-featured spreadsheet apps
  • Smart documents
  • Educational apps
  • Business logic builders
  • Forms and form builders
  • Online calculators
  • Low connectivity apps

Basic multi-sheet example

You can use formulas in a single-sheet mode or with multiple Handsontable instances with cross-sheet references.

Double click on a cell to open the editor and preview the formula.

Sheet 1

Sheet 2

import Handsontable from 'handsontable';
import 'handsontable/styles/handsontable.css';
import 'handsontable/styles/ht-theme-main.css';
import { HyperFormula } from 'hyperformula';

const data1 = [
  ['10.26', null, 'Sum', '=SUM(A:A)'],
  ['20.12', null, 'Average', '=AVERAGE(A:A)'],
  ['30.01', null, 'Median', '=MEDIAN(A:A)'],
  ['40.29', null, 'MAX', '=MAX(A:A)'],
  ['50.18', null, 'MIN', '=MIN(A1:A5)'],

const data2 = [
  ['Is A1 in Sheet1 > 10?', '=IF(Sheet1!A1>10,"TRUE","FALSE")'],
  ['Is A:A in Sheet > 150?', '=IF(SUM(Sheet1!A:A)>150,"TRUE","FALSE")'],
  ['How many blank cells are in the Sheet1?', '=COUNTBLANK(Sheet1!A1:D5)'],
  ['Generate a random number', '=RAND()'],
  ['Number of sheets in this workbook', '=SHEETS()'],

// create an external HyperFormula instance
const hyperformulaInstance = HyperFormula.buildEmpty({
  // to use an external HyperFormula instance,
  // initialize it with the `'internal-use-in-handsontable'` license key
  licenseKey: 'internal-use-in-handsontable',

const container1 = document.querySelector('#example-basic-multi-sheet-1');

new Handsontable(container1, {
  data: data1,
  colHeaders: true,
  rowHeaders: true,
  height: 'auto',
  formulas: {
    engine: hyperformulaInstance,
    sheetName: 'Sheet1',
  autoWrapRow: true,
  autoWrapCol: true,
  licenseKey: 'non-commercial-and-evaluation',

const container2 = document.querySelector('#example-basic-multi-sheet-2');

new Handsontable(container2, {
  data: data2,
  colHeaders: true,
  rowHeaders: true,
  height: 'auto',
  formulas: {
    engine: hyperformulaInstance,
    sheetName: 'Sheet2',
  autoWrapRow: true,
  autoWrapCol: true,
  licenseKey: 'non-commercial-and-evaluation',

Data grid example

This example is more typical of data grids than spreadsheets. Calculations are present in two places – in column “Total due (fx)”, and in the summary row at the bottom.

import Handsontable from 'handsontable';
import 'handsontable/styles/handsontable.css';
import 'handsontable/styles/ht-theme-main.css';
import { HyperFormula } from 'hyperformula';

const data = [
  ['150', '643', '0.32', '11', '=A1*(B1*C1)+D1'],
  ['172', '474', '0.51', '11', '=A2*(B2*C2)+D2'],
  ['188', '371', '0.59', '11', '=A3*(B3*C3)+D3'],
  ['162', '731', '0.21', '10', '=A4*(B4*C4)+D4'],
  ['133', '682', '0.81', '9', '=A5*(B5*C5)+D5'],
  ['87', '553', '0.66', '10', '=A6*(B6*C6)+D6'],
  ['26', '592', '0.62', '11', '=A7*(B7*C7)+D7'],
  ['110', '461', '0.73', '9', '=A8*(B8*C8)+D8'],
  ['50', '346', '0.52', '15', '=A9*(B9*C9)+D9'],
  ['160', '423', '0.82', '11', '=A10*(B10*C10)+D10'],
  ['30', '216', '0.26', '9', '=A11*(B11*C11)+D11'],
  ['39', '473', '0.44', '5', '=A12*(B12*C12)+D12'],
  ['96', '490', '0.43', '5', '=A13*(B13*C13)+D13'],
  ['108', '176', '0.71', '7', '=A14*(B14*C14)+D14'],
  ['46', '586', '0.01', '14', '=A15*(B15*C15)+D15'],
  ['97', '514', '0.7', '14', '=A16*(B16*C16)+D16'],
  ['161', '717', '0.01', '13', '=A17*(B17*C17)+D17'],
  ['58', '123', '0.4', '8', '=A18*(B18*C18)+D18'],
  ['92', '739', '0.76', '14', '=A19*(B19*C19)+D19'],
  ['5', '320', '0.52', '13', '=A20*(B20*C20)+D20'],
  ['158', '480', '0.65', '5', '=A21*(B21*C21)+D21'],
  ['121', '373', '0.66', '8', '=A22*(B22*C22)+D22'],
  ['61', '704', '0.95', '7', '=A23*(B23*C23)+D23'],
  ['155', '452', '0.71', '10', '=A24*(B24*C24)+D24'],
  ['162', '693', '0.73', '11', '=A25*(B25*C25)+D25'],
  ['46', '75', '0.14', '15', '=A26*(B26*C26)+D26'],
  ['47', '691', '0.58', '15', '=A27*(B27*C27)+D27'],
  ['104', '346', '0.04', '7', '=A28*(B28*C28)+D28'],
  ['101', '717', '0.87', '5', '=A29*(B29*C29)+D29'],
  ['150', '487', '0.26', '15', '=A30*(B30*C30)+D30'],
  ['42', '465', '0.09', '14', '=A31*(B31*C31)+D31'],
  ['144', '337', '0.72', '7', '=A32*(B32*C32)+D32'],
  ['195', '138', '0.3', '6', '=A33*(B33*C33)+D33'],
  ['199', '717', '0.16', '6', '=A34*(B34*C34)+D34'],
  ['110', '236', '0.91', '9', '=A35*(B35*C35)+D35'],
  ['51', '351', '0.81', '13', '=A36*(B36*C36)+D36'],
  ['69', '221', '0.64', '9', '=A37*(B37*C37)+D37'],
  ['53', '125', '0.28', '12', '=A38*(B38*C38)+D38'],
  ['168', '428', '0.68', '9', '=A39*(B39*C39)+D39'],
  ['58', '361', '0.36', '5', '=A40*(B40*C40)+D40'],
  ['152', '213', '0.13', '13', '=A41*(B41*C41)+D41'],
  ['66', '431', '0.93', '10', '=A42*(B42*C42)+D42'],
  ['112', '108', '0.5', '14', '=A43*(B43*C43)+D43'],
  ['50', '127', '0.7', '7', '=A44*(B44*C44)+D44'],
  ['31', '200', '0.15', '14', '=A45*(B45*C45)+D45'],
  ['132', '654', '0.81', '8', '=A46*(B46*C46)+D46'],
  ['45', '438', '0.79', '6', '=A47*(B47*C47)+D47'],
  ['197', '615', '0.63', '7', '=A48*(B48*C48)+D48'],
  ['190', '592', '0.37', '8', '=A49*(B49*C49)+D49'],
  ['184', '419', '0.78', '8', '=A50*(B50*C50)+D50'],
  ['169', '58', '0.13', '7', '=A51*(B51*C51)+D51'],
  ['152', '324', '0.58', '5', '=A52*(B52*C52)+D52'],
  ['182', '713', '0.53', '5', '=A53*(B53*C53)+D53'],
  ['141', '576', '0.63', '12', '=A54*(B54*C54)+D54'],
  ['169', '429', '0.14', '13', '=A55*(B55*C55)+D55'],
  ['39', '694', '0.98', '13', '=A56*(B56*C56)+D56'],
  ['71', '361', '0.3', '13', '=A57*(B57*C57)+D57'],
  ['148', '540', '0.89', '6', '=A58*(B58*C58)+D58'],
  ['116', '52', '0.3', '7', '=A59*(B59*C59)+D59'],
  ['96', '395', '0.28', '7', '=A60*(B60*C60)+D60'],
  ['35', '222', '0.86', '13', '=A61*(B61*C61)+D61'],
  ['16', '430', '0.8', '8', '=A62*(B62*C62)+D62'],
  ['194', '357', '0.72', '9', '=A63*(B63*C63)+D63'],
  ['24', '498', '0.7', '7', '=A64*(B64*C64)+D64'],
  ['170', '142', '0.52', '5', '=A65*(B65*C65)+D65'],
  ['184', '614', '0.68', '9', '=A66*(B66*C66)+D66'],
  ['153', '524', '0.15', '9', '=A67*(B67*C67)+D67'],
  ['88', '620', '0.39', '15', '=A68*(B68*C68)+D68'],
  ['57', '452', '0.11', '6', '=A69*(B69*C69)+D69'],
  ['62', '493', '0.03', '11', '=A70*(B70*C70)+D70'],
  ['123', '431', '0.75', '15', '=A71*(B71*C71)+D71'],
  ['77', '113', '0.63', '12', '=A72*(B72*C72)+D72'],
  ['199', '208', '0.07', '6', '=A73*(B73*C73)+D73'],
  ['149', '514', '0.42', '12', '=A74*(B74*C74)+D74'],
  ['191', '334', '0.78', '13', '=A75*(B75*C75)+D75'],
  ['150', '643', '0.32', '11', '=A76*(B76*C76)+D76'],
  ['130', '721', '0.62', '5', '=A77*(B77*C77)+D77'],
  ['179', '517', '0.1', '8', '=A78*(B78*C78)+D78'],
  ['98', '31', '0.01', '10', '=A79*(B79*C79)+D79'],
  ['175', '509', '0.7', '11', '=A80*(B80*C80)+D80'],
  ['11', '569', '0.37', '7', '=A81*(B81*C81)+D81'],
  ['184', '630', '0.19', '6', '=A82*(B82*C82)+D82'],
  ['27', '165', '0.51', '13', '=A83*(B83*C83)+D83'],
  ['186', '417', '0.85', '15', '=A84*(B84*C84)+D84'],
  ['20', '741', '0.76', '11', '=A85*(B85*C85)+D85'],
  ['153', '640', '0.28', '6', '=A86*(B86*C86)+D86'],
  ['161', '542', '0.43', '14', '=A87*(B87*C87)+D87'],
  ['98', '344', '0.77', '6', '=A88*(B88*C88)+D88'],
  ['30', '400', '0.71', '13', '=A89*(B89*C89)+D89'],
  ['73', '91', '0.78', '8', '=A90*(B90*C90)+D90'],
  ['158', '72', '0.66', '12', '=A91*(B91*C91)+D91'],
  ['122', '35', '0.32', '15', '=A92*(B92*C92)+D92'],
  ['33', '99', '0.92', '9', '=A93*(B93*C93)+D93'],
  ['107', '538', '0.75', '10', '=A94*(B94*C94)+D94'],
  ['15', '563', '0.32', '6', '=A95*(B95*C95)+D95'],
  ['168', '572', '0.71', '6', '=A96*(B96*C96)+D96'],
  ['135', '217', '0.49', '12', '=A97*(B97*C97)+D97'],
  ['11', '595', '0.03', '13', '=A98*(B98*C98)+D98'],
  ['41', '739', '0.88', '11', '=A99*(B99*C99)+D99'],
  ['144', '289', '0.87', '13', '=A100*(B100*C100)+D100'],
  ['Sum', 'Average', 'Average', 'Sum', 'Sum'],

const container = document.querySelector('#example-data-grid');

new Handsontable(container, {
  formulas: {
    engine: HyperFormula,
  colHeaders: ['Qty', 'Unit price', 'Discount', 'Freight', 'Total due (fx)'],
  fixedRowsBottom: 2,
  stretchH: 'all',
  height: 500,
  autoWrapRow: true,
  autoWrapCol: true,
  licenseKey: 'non-commercial-and-evaluation',

Initialization methods

There are multiple ways of initializing the Formulas plugin. You can select the most convenient one depending on your use case.

In all cases, it is required to either pass in the HyperFormula object or a HyperFormula instance:

import { HyperFormula } from 'hyperformula';

There are also other installation methods available. Check out HyperFormula's installation documentation (opens new window).

HyperFormula instance

To use the Formulas plugin with an external HyperFormula instance, initialize HyperFormula with the 'internal-use-in-handsontable' license key:

// create an external HyperFormula instance
const hyperformulaInstance = HyperFormula.buildEmpty({
  // initialize it with the `'internal-use-in-handsontable'` license key
  licenseKey: 'internal-use-in-handsontable',

Pass the HyperFormula class/instance to Handsontable

  formulas: {
    engine: HyperFormula,
    // [plugin configuration]


  formulas: {
    engine: {
      hyperformula: HyperFormula, // or `engine: hyperformulaInstance`
      leapYear1900: false,
      // ...and more engine configuration options.
      // See
    // [plugin configuration]

Single Handsontable instance with an external HyperFormula instance

const hyperformulaInstance = HyperFormula.buildEmpty({
  // to use an external HyperFormula instance,
  // initialize it with the `'internal-use-in-handsontable'` license key
  licenseKey: 'internal-use-in-handsontable',

  formulas: {
    engine: hyperformulaInstance;

Multiple independent Handsontable instances

// Instance 1
  formulas: {
    engine: HyperFormula,
    // [plugin configuration]

// Instance 2
  formulas: {
    engine: HyperFormula,
    // [plugin configuration]

Multiple Handsontable instances with a shared HyperFormula instance

// Instance 1
  formulas: {
    engine: HyperFormula,
    sheetName: 'Sheet1'
    // [plugin configuration]

// Instance 2
  formulas: {
    engine: hot1.getPlugin('formulas').engine,
    sheetName: 'Sheet2'
    // [plugin configuration]

Multiple Handsontable instances with an external shared HyperFormula instance

const hyperformulaInstance = HyperFormula.buildEmpty({
  // to use an external HyperFormula instance,
  // initialize it with the `'internal-use-in-handsontable'` license key
  licenseKey: 'internal-use-in-handsontable',

// Instance 1
  formulas: {
    engine: hyperformulaInstance,
    sheetName: 'Sheet1'
    // [plugin configuration]

// Instance 2
  formulas: {
    engine: hyperformulaInstance,
    sheetName: 'Sheet2'
    // [plugin configuration]

Available options and methods

For the list of available settings and methods, visit the API reference.

Available functions

This plugin inherits the calculation powers from HyperFormula. The complete functions reference can be found in the HyperFormula documentation (opens new window).

afterFormulasValuesUpdate hook

This hook listens for any changes to cells in the calculation engine, including dependent cells containing formulas.

const afterFormulasValuesUpdate = (changes) => {
  changes.forEach((change) => {
    console.log('change', change.address, change.newValue);

new Handsontable(element, {
  formulas: {
    engine: HyperFormula,

Named expressions

You can use custom-named expressions in your formula expressions. A named expression can be either plain values or formulas with references to absolute cell addresses. To register a named expression, pass an array with name and expression to your formulas configuration object:

import Handsontable from 'handsontable';
import 'handsontable/styles/handsontable.css';
import 'handsontable/styles/ht-theme-main.css';
import { HyperFormula } from 'hyperformula';

const data = [
  ['Travel ID', 'Destination', 'Base price', 'Price with extra cost'],
  ['154', 'Rome', 400, '=ROUND(ADDITIONAL_COST+C2,0)'],
  ['155', 'Athens', 300, '=ROUND(ADDITIONAL_COST+C3,0)'],
  ['156', 'Warsaw', 150, '=ROUND(ADDITIONAL_COST+C4,0)'],

const container = document.querySelector('#example-named-expressions1');
const hot = new Handsontable(container, {
  colHeaders: true,
  rowHeaders: true,
  height: 'auto',
  formulas: {
    engine: HyperFormula,
    namedExpressions: [
        name: 'ADDITIONAL_COST',
        expression: 100,
  autoWrapRow: true,
  autoWrapCol: true,
  licenseKey: 'non-commercial-and-evaluation',

const input = document.getElementById('named-expressions-input');
const formulasPlugin = hot.getPlugin('formulas');
const button = document.getElementById('named-expressions-button');

button.addEventListener('click', () => {
  formulasPlugin.engine?.changeNamedExpression('ADDITIONAL_COST', input.value);

For more information about named expressions, refer to the HyperFormula docs (opens new window).

View the explainer video

Known limitations

HyperFormula version support

Different versions of Handsontable support different versions of HyperFormula.

To find out which HyperFormula version to use, see the table below:


You can use the 'internal-use-in-handsontable' license key only in those HyperFormula instances that are connected to a Handsontable instance.

To use HyperFormula outside of a Handsontable instance (e.g., on a server), you need a dedicated HyperFormula license key (opens new window). For details, contact our Sales Team (opens new window).

HyperFormula documentation

There is a newer version of Handsontable available. Switch to the latest version ⟶