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# CellRange

# Members

# from

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.from : CellCoords

Usually the same as highlight, but in Excel there is distinction - one can change highlight within a selection.

# highlight

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.highlight : CellCoords

Used to draw bold border around a cell where selection was started and to edit the cell when you press Enter. The highlight cannot point to headers (negative values) so its coordinates object is normalized while assigning.

# to

Source code (opens new window) : CellCoords

End selection.

# Methods

# clone

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.clone() ⇒ CellRange

Clones the range coordinates.

# expand

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.expand(cellCoords) ⇒ boolean

Adds a cell to a range (only if exceeds corners of the range). Returns information if range was expanded.

Param Type Description
cellCoords CellCoords The cell coordinates.

# expandByRange

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.expandByRange(expandingRange) ⇒ boolean

Expand the current object by the range passed in the first argument.

Param Type Description
expandingRange CellRange Object extending the range.

# flipDirectionHorizontally

Source code (opens new window)


Flip the direction horizontally. (e.g. NW-SE changes to NE-SW).

# flipDirectionVertically

Source code (opens new window)


Flip the direction vertically. (e.g. NW-SE changes to SW-NE).

# forAll

Source code (opens new window)


Runs a callback function against all cells in the range. You can break the iteration by returning false in the callback function.

Param Type Description
callback function The callback function.

# getAll

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.getAll() ⇒ Array

Get all selected cell coords defined by this range.

# getBordersSharedWith

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.getBordersSharedWith(range) ⇒ Array

Param Type Description
range CellRange The cells range to compare with.

# getBottomLeftCorner

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.getBottomLeftCorner() ⇒ CellCoords

Gets the bottom left corner of this range. If the corner contains header coordinates (negative values), the corner coordinates will be normalized to 0.

# getBottomRightCorner

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.getBottomRightCorner() ⇒ CellCoords

Gets the bottom right corner of this range. If the corner contains header coordinates (negative values), the corner coordinates will be normalized to 0.

# getDirection

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.getDirection() ⇒ string

Gets the direction of the selection.

Returns: string - Returns one of the values: 'NW-SE', 'NE-SW', 'SE-NW', 'SW-NE'.

# getHeight

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.getHeight() ⇒ number

Returns selected range height (in number of rows excluding rows' headers).

# getHorizontalDirection

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.getHorizontalDirection() ⇒ string

Gets the horizontal direction of the range.

Returns: string - Returns one of the values: W-E (west->east), E-W (east->west).

# getInner

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.getInner() ⇒ Array

Get inner selected cell coords defined by this range.

# getOppositeCorner

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.getOppositeCorner(coords, [expandedRange]) ⇒ CellCoords

Gets coordinates of the corner which is opposite to the matched. When the passed coordinates matched to the bottom-right corner of this range then the coordinates for top-left will be returned.

Param Type Description
coords CellCoords Cell coordinates to check.
[expandedRange] CellRange optional The cells range to compare with.

# getOuterBottomLeftCorner

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.getOuterBottomLeftCorner() ⇒ CellCoords

Gets the bottom left corner of this range. If the corner contains header coordinates (negative values), then the left coordinate will be pointed to that header.

# getOuterBottomRightCorner

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.getOuterBottomRightCorner() ⇒ CellCoords

Gets the bottom right corner of this range.

# getOuterHeight

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.getOuterHeight() ⇒ number

Returns selected range height (in number of rows including rows' headers).

# getOuterTopLeftCorner

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.getOuterTopLeftCorner() ⇒ CellCoords

Gets the top left corner of this range. If the corner contains header coordinates (negative values), then the top and left coordinates will be pointed to that header.

# getOuterTopRightCorner

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.getOuterTopRightCorner() ⇒ CellCoords

Gets the top right corner of this range. If the corner contains header coordinates (negative values), then the top coordinate will be pointed to that header.

# getOuterWidth

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.getOuterWidth() ⇒ number

Returns selected range width (in number of columns including columns' headers).

# getTopLeftCorner

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.getTopLeftCorner() ⇒ CellCoords

Gets the top left corner of this range. If the corner contains header coordinates (negative values), the corner coordinates will be normalized to 0.

# getTopRightCorner

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.getTopRightCorner() ⇒ CellCoords

Gets the top right corner of this range. If the corner contains header coordinates (negative values), the corner coordinates will be normalized to 0.

# getVerticalDirection

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.getVerticalDirection() ⇒ string

Gets the vertical direction of the range.

Returns: string - Returns one of the values: N-S (north->south), S-N (south->north).

# getWidth

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.getWidth() ⇒ number

Returns selected range width (in number of columns excluding columns' headers).

# includes

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.includes(cellCoords) ⇒ boolean

Checks if given cell coordinates are within from and to cell coordinates of this range.

Param Type Description
cellCoords CellCoords The cell coordinates to check.

# includesRange

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.includesRange(cellRange) ⇒ boolean

Checks if given range is within of this range.

Param Type Description
cellRange CellRange The cells range to check.

# isCorner

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.isCorner(coords, [expandedRange]) ⇒ boolean

Checks if coordinates match to one of the 4th corners of this range.

Param Type Description
coords CellCoords Cell coordinates to check.
[expandedRange] CellRange optional The cells range to compare with.

# isEqual

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.isEqual(cellRange) ⇒ boolean

Checks if given range is equal to this range.

Param Type Description
cellRange CellRange The cells range to check.

# isNorthWestOf

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.isNorthWestOf(cellRange) ⇒ boolean

Checks if tested coordinates are positioned in north-west from this cell range.

Param Type Description
cellRange CellRange The cells range to check.

# isOverlappingHorizontally

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.isOverlappingHorizontally(cellRange) ⇒ boolean

Returns true if the provided range is overlapping the current range horizontally (e.g. The current range's last column is 5 and the provided range's first column is 3).

Param Type Description
cellRange CellRange The cells range to check.

# isOverlappingVertically

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.isOverlappingVertically(cellRange) ⇒ boolean

Returns true if the provided range is overlapping the current range vertically (e.g. The current range's last row is 5 and the provided range's first row is 3).

Param Type Description
cellRange CellRange The cells range to check.

# isSingle

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.isSingle() ⇒ boolean

Checks if this cell range is restricted to one cell.

# isSouthEastOf

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.isSouthEastOf(cellRange) ⇒ boolean

Checks if tested coordinates are positioned in south-east from this cell range.

Param Type Description
cellRange CellRange The cells range to check.

# isValid

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.isValid(wot) ⇒ boolean

Checks if given coordinates are valid in context of a given Walkontable instance.

Param Type Description
wot Walkontable The Walkontable instance.

# overlaps

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.overlaps(cellRange) ⇒ boolean

Checks if tested range overlaps with the range. Range A is considered to to be overlapping with range B if intersection of A and B or B and A is not empty.

Param Type Description
cellRange CellRange The cells range to check.

# setDirection

Source code (opens new window)


Sets the direction of the selection.

Param Type Description
direction string One of the values: 'NW-SE', 'NE-SW', 'SE-NW', 'SW-NE'.

# setFrom

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.setFrom(coords) ⇒ CellRange

Set the new coordinates where selection starts from.

Param Type Description
coords CellCoords Coordinates to use.

# setHighlight

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.setHighlight(coords) ⇒ CellRange

Set the new coordinates for highlighting selection.

Param Type Description
coords CellCoords Coordinates to use.

# setTo

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.setTo(coords) ⇒ CellRange

Set new coordinates where selection ends from.

Param Type Description
coords CellCoords Coordinates to use.

# toObject

Source code (opens new window)

cellRange.toObject() ⇒ object

Convert CellRange to literal object.

Returns: object - Returns a literal object with from and to properties which each of that object contains row and col keys.

Last Updated: Apr 19, 2024