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# UndoRedo

# Description

Handsontable UndoRedo plugin allows to undo and redo certain actions done in the table.

Note, that not all actions are currently undo-able. The UndoRedo plugin is enabled by default.


undo: true

# Options

# undo

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undoRedo.undo : boolean

If true, undo/redo functionality is enabled. Note: undefined by default but it acts as enabled. You need to switch it to false to disable it completely.

Default: undefined Example

// enable undo and redo
undo: true,

# Methods

# clear

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Clears undo history.

# destroy

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Destroys the instance.

# disable

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Disables the plugin.

# done

Source code (opens new window)

undoRedo.done(wrappedAction, [source])

Stash information about performed actions.

Emits: Hooks#event:beforeUndoStackChange, Hooks#event:afterUndoStackChange, Hooks#event:beforeRedoStackChange, Hooks#event:afterRedoStackChange

Param Type Description
wrappedAction function The action descriptor wrapped in a closure.
[source] string optional Source of the action. It is defined just for more general actions (not related to plugins).

# enable

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Enables the plugin.

# isEnabled

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undoRedo.isEnabled() ⇒ boolean

Checks if the plugin is enabled.

# isRedoAvailable

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undoRedo.isRedoAvailable() ⇒ boolean

Checks if redo action is available.

Returns: boolean - Return true if redo can be performed, false otherwise.

# isUndoAvailable

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undoRedo.isUndoAvailable() ⇒ boolean

Checks if undo action is available.

Returns: boolean - Return true if undo can be performed, false otherwise.

# redo

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Redo the previous action performed to the table (used to reverse an undo).

Emits: Hooks#event:beforeUndoStackChange, Hooks#event:afterUndoStackChange, Hooks#event:beforeRedoStackChange, Hooks#event:afterRedoStackChange, Hooks#event:beforeRedo, Hooks#event:afterRedo

# undo

Source code (opens new window)


Undo the last action performed to the table.

Emits: Hooks#event:beforeUndoStackChange, Hooks#event:afterUndoStackChange, Hooks#event:beforeRedoStackChange, Hooks#event:afterRedoStackChange, Hooks#event:beforeUndo, Hooks#event:afterUndo

Last Updated: Apr 12, 2024