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# CustomBorders

# Description

This plugin enables an option to apply custom borders through the context menu (configurable with context menu key borders).

To initialize Handsontable with predefined custom borders, provide cell coordinates and border styles in a form of an array.

See Custom Borders demo for more examples.


customBorders: [
   range: {
     from: {
       row: 1,
       col: 1
     to: {
       row: 3,
       col: 4
   left: {},
   right: {},
   top: {},
   bottom: {},

// or
customBorders: [
  { row: 2,
    col: 2,
    left: {
      width: 2,
      color: 'red',
    right: {
      width: 1,
      color: 'green',
    top: '',
    bottom: '',

# Options

# customBorders

Source code (opens new window)

customBorders.customBorders : boolean | Array<object>

If true, enables the CustomBorders plugin, which enables an option to apply custom borders through the context menu (configurable with context menu key borders). To initialize Handsontable with predefined custom borders, provide cell coordinates and border styles in a form of an array.

See Custom Borders demo for examples.

Default: false Example

// enable custom borders
customBorders: true,

// or
// enable custom borders and start with predefined left border
customBorders: [
    range: {
      from: {
        row: 1,
        col: 1
      to: {
        row: 3,
        col: 4
    left: {
      width: 2,
      color: 'red'
    right: {},
    top: {},
    bottom: {}

// or
customBorders: [
    row: 2,
    col: 2,
    left: {
      width: 2,
      color: 'red'
    right: {
      width: 1,
      color: 'green'
    top: '',
    bottom: ''

# Methods

# clearBorders

Source code (opens new window)


Clear custom borders.


const customBordersPlugin = hot.getPlugin('customBorders');

// Using an array of arrays (produced by `.getSelected()` method).
customBordersPlugin.clearBorders([[1, 1, 2, 2], [6, 2, 0, 2]]);
// Using an array of CellRange objects (produced by `.getSelectedRange()` method).
// Using without param - clear all customBorders.
Param Type Description
selectionRanges Array<Array>
Array of selection ranges.

# destroy

Source code (opens new window)


Destroys the plugin instance.

# disablePlugin

Source code (opens new window)


Disables the plugin functionality for this Handsontable instance.

# enablePlugin

Source code (opens new window)


Enables the plugin functionality for this Handsontable instance.

# getBorders

Source code (opens new window)

customBorders.getBorders(selectionRanges) ⇒ Array<object>

Get custom borders.


const customBordersPlugin = hot.getPlugin('customBorders');

// Using an array of arrays (produced by `.getSelected()` method).
customBordersPlugin.getBorders([[1, 1, 2, 2], [6, 2, 0, 2]]);
// Using an array of CellRange objects (produced by `.getSelectedRange()` method).
// Using without param - return all customBorders.
Param Type Description
selectionRanges Array<Array>
Array of selection ranges.

Returns: Array<object> - Returns array of border objects.

# isEnabled

Source code (opens new window)

customBorders.isEnabled() ⇒ boolean

Checks if the plugin is enabled in the handsontable settings. This method is executed in Hooks#beforeInit hook and if it returns true than the CustomBorders#enablePlugin method is called.

# setBorders

Source code (opens new window)

customBorders.setBorders(selectionRanges, borderObject)

Set custom borders.


const customBordersPlugin = hot.getPlugin('customBorders');

// Using an array of arrays (produced by `.getSelected()` method).
customBordersPlugin.setBorders([[1, 1, 2, 2], [6, 2, 0, 2]], {left: {width: 2, color: 'blue'}});

// Using an array of CellRange objects (produced by `.getSelectedRange()` method).
//  Selecting a cell range.
hot.selectCell(0, 0, 2, 2);
// Returning selected cells' range with the getSelectedRange method.
customBordersPlugin.setBorders(hot.getSelectedRange(), {left: {hide: false, width: 2, color: 'blue'}});
Param Type Description
selectionRanges Array<Array>
Array of selection ranges.
borderObject object Object with top, right, bottom and left properties.

# updatePlugin

Source code (opens new window)


Updates the plugin state. This method is executed when Core#updateSettings is invoked.

Last Updated: Apr 12, 2024