JavaScript Data GridRow trimming
Hide individual rows from your interface and exclude them from the rendering process and DataMap
Row trimming is similar to row hiding, but works a bit differently.
The TrimRows
plugin allows the trimming of specific rows from the table. Rows being trimmed aren't rendered and aren't included in the DataMap
, which can be retrieved by calling the getData
To enable row trimming, set the trimRows
option to true
// enable the `TrimRows` plugin
trimRows: true,
To both enable row trimming and trim selected rows at Handsontable's initialization, set the trimRows
option to an array of physical row indexes.
// enable the `TrimRows` plugin
// at Handsontable's initialization, trim rows 5, 10, and 15
trimRows: [5, 10, 15],
Note that the second, third, and sixth rows are missing in the following example:
API examples
The plugin instance can be accessed by calling:
const plugin = hot.getPlugin('trimRows');
To trim a single row, call the trimRow()
method of the plugin object:
To trim multiple rows, either pass them as arguments to the trimRow()
method, or pass an array of physical row indexes to the trimRows()
plugin.trimRow(0, 4, 6);
// or
plugin.trimRows([0, 4, 6]);
To restore the trimmed row(s), use the following methods:
plugin.untrimRow(0, 4, 6);
plugin.untrimRows([0, 4, 6]);
To see the changes made, call hot.render();
to re-render the table.
Related API reference
- Options:
- Hooks:
- Plugins:
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