React Data Grid CellCoords



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cellCoords.col : number

Column index.


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cellCoords.row : number

Row index.



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cellCoords.clone() ⇒ CellCoords

Clones the coordinates.


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cellCoords.isEqual(cellCoords) ⇒ boolean

Checks if this cell coordinates are the same as cell coordinates given as an argument.

Param Type Description
cellCoords CellCoords Cell coordinates to equal.


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cellCoords.isNorthEastOf(testedCoords) ⇒ boolean

Checks if tested coordinates are positioned in north-east from this cell coordinates.

Param Type Description
testedCoords object Cell coordinates to check.


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cellCoords.isNorthWestOf(testedCoords) ⇒ boolean

Checks if tested coordinates are positioned in north-east from this cell coordinates.

Param Type Description
testedCoords object Cell coordinates to check.


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cellCoords.isSouthEastOf(testedCoords) ⇒ boolean

Checks if tested coordinates are positioned in south-east from this cell coordinates.

Param Type Description
testedCoords object Cell coordinates to check.


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cellCoords.isSouthWestOf(testedCoords) ⇒ boolean

Checks if tested coordinates are positioned in south-west from this cell coordinates.

Param Type Description
testedCoords object Cell coordinates to check.


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cellCoords.isValid(wot) ⇒ boolean

Checks if given set of coordinates is valid in context of a given Walkontable instance.

Param Type Description
wot Walkontable A Walkontable instance.


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cellCoords.normalize() ⇒ CellCoords

Normalizes the coordinates to the nearest valid position. The coordinates that point to the headers (negative values) are normalized to 0.


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cellCoords.toObject() ⇒ object

Converts CellCoords to literal object with row and col properties.

Returns: object - Returns a literal object with row and col properties.

Last Updated: Apr 19, 2024