This page covers a non-latest version of Handsontable.
JavaScript Data Grid Available plugins
Plugin Name | Description |
AutoColumnSize | Automatically adjusts the column's width to the size of the content. |
AutoRowSize | Automatically adjusts the row's height to the size of the content. |
Autofill | Drag the fill handle - a square in the bottom right corner of the cell to fill cells with the data series. |
BindRowsWithHeaders | Bind rows with headers to lock the row number, always displaying them side by side. Especially useful when each row has its unique ID. |
CollapsibleColumns | Expand and collapse columns. |
ColumnSorting | Sort data in ascending or descending order throughout the column (note: this plugin also represents the ability to sort rows, its name might cause confusion). |
ColumnSummary | Make pre-defined basic calculations (such as average, sum, max, min) and display the results. |
Comments | Provide an additional note about the cell to help better understand its content. |
ContextMenu | Right-click to open a context menu. |
CopyPaste | Copy, cut, and paste data. |
CustomBorders | Apply a custom border style around a single cell or a range of cells. |
DragToScroll | Drag the selection outside of the viewport to enable scrolling. |
DropdownMenu | Add a menu to the column header to enable additional operations for the column. |
ExportFile | Export the data to a CSV file (note: this plugin provides a capability to export the data to only a CSV file type, its name might cause confusion). |
Filters | Display rows that meet your criteria and hide the rest. |
Formulas | Use Excel-like functions inside of cells to perform calculations. |
HiddenColumns | Hide specific columns. |
HiddenRows | Hide specific rows. |
ManualColumnFreeze | Pin the columns to the left to keep them visible while scrolling. |
ManualColumnMove | Drag a column to change its order in the data grid. |
ManualColumnResize | Drag the sizing handle to change the width of a column. |
ManualRowMove | Drag a row to change its order in the data grid. |
ManualRowResize | Drag the sizing handle to change the height of a row. |
MergeCells | Span the cells across multiple rows or columns. |
MultiColumnSorting | Sort the rows by multiple columns. |
NestedHeaders | Create a nested, hierarchical structure of column headers to put your data into groups. |
NestedRows | Enable editable views of data sources with nested (tree/parent-child) structures. |
PersistentState | Save the state of column sorting, column positions, and column sizes in local storage to preserve the table state between page reloads. |
Search | Search for specific values in the displayed data across the table. |
TrimRows | Exclude the specific rows from being rendered and calculated by the data grid. This feature is mainly used internally, for example, in the filter plugin. |
UndoRedo | Undo or redo changes made by the user. |