This page covers a next version of Handsontable, and is not published yet.

This page covers a non-latest version of Handsontable.

# Text alignment

# Overview

Text alignment functionality enables you to predefine the horizontal and vertical alignment of how the text is displayed in the cells.

# Horizontal and vertical alignment

To initialize Handsontable with predefined horizontal and vertical alignment, provide the alignment details for the className cells in the form of a grid, configuring cells by col,row, and className. Cells can be configured individually, or the entire grid can be configured. See the code sample below for an example.

Available class names:

  • Horizontal: htLeft, htCenter, htRight, htJustify,
  • Vertical: htTop, htMiddle, htBottom.

Alignment changes can be tracked using the afterSetCellMeta hook.

# Basic example

The following code sample configures the grid to use htCenter and configures individual cells to use different alignments.