Array of arrays is the most popular choice for the more grid-like scenarios where you need to provide the end-user with permission to manipulate the grid, e.g., insert columns, delete rows, decorate cells, etc.
const container = document.getElementById('example1');const data =[['','Tesla','Nissan','Toyota','Honda','Mazda','Ford'],['2017',10,11,12,13,15,16],['2018',10,11,12,13,15,16],['2019',10,11,12,13,15,16],['2020',10,11,12,13,15,16],['2021',10,11,12,13,15,16]];const hot =newHandsontable(container,{
# Array of arrays with a selective display of columns
The following example shows how you would use the array of arrays with a selective display of columns. This scenario uses the same data source as in the previous example, this time omitting the Tesla column from the grid.
const container = document.getElementById('example2');const data =[['','Tesla','Nissan','Toyota','Honda','Mazda','Ford'],['2017',10,11,12,13,15,16],['2018',10,11,12,13,15,16],['2019',10,11,12,13,15,16],['2020',10,11,12,13,15,16],['2021',10,11,12,13,15,16]];const hot =newHandsontable(container,{
data,colHeaders:true,minSpareRows:1,height:'auto',width:'auto',columns:[{data:0},// skip the second column{data:2},{data:3},{data:4},{data:5},{data:6}],licenseKey:'non-commercial-and-evaluation'});
In a scenario where you have nested objects, you can use them as the data source by mapping the columns using the columns option.
const container = document.getElementById('example5');const data =[{id:1,name:{first:'Ted',last:'Right'},address:''},{id:2,address:''},// HOT will create missing properties on demand{id:3,name:{first:'Joan',last:'Well'},address:''}];const hot =newHandsontable(container,{
When using object data binding, Handsontable needs to know what data structure to create when adding a new row. If your data source contains at least one row, Handsontable will figure out the data structure based on the first row.
In a scenario where you start with an empty data source, you will need to provide the dataSchema option containing the data structure for any new row added to the grid. The example below shows a custom data schema with an empty data source:
const container = document.getElementById('example6');const hot =newHandsontable(container,{data:[],dataSchema:{id:null,name:{first:null,last:null},address:null},startRows:5,startCols:4,colHeaders:['ID','First Name','Last Name','Address'],height:'auto',width:'auto',columns:[{data:'id'},{data:'name.first'},{data:'name.last'},{data:'address'}],minSpareRows:1,licenseKey:'non-commercial-and-evaluation'});
If your dataSchema is a constructor of an object that doesn't directly expose its members, you can specify functions for the data member of each columns item.
Handsontable binds to your data source by reference, not by values. We don't copy the input dataset, and we rely on JavaScript to handle the objects. Any data entered into the grid will alter the original data source.
Note: Handsontable initializes the source data for the table using a reference, but you shouldn't rely on it. For example, you shouldn't change values in the source data using the reference to the input dataset. Some mechanisms for handling data aren't prepared for external changes that are made in this way.
To avoid this scenario, copy the data before you pass it to the grid. To change the data from outside Handsontable, you can use our API methods. For example, a change being made will be displayed immediately on the screen after calling setDataAtCell method.
const container = document.getElementById('example9');const data =[['','Tesla','Nissan','Toyota','Honda','Mazda','Ford'],['2017',10,11,12,13,15,16],['2018',10,11,12,13,15,16],['2019',10,11,12,13,15,16],['2020',10,11,12,13,15,16],['2021',10,11,12,13,15,16]];const settings ={data: data,height:'auto',licenseKey:'non-commercial-and-evaluation'};const hot =newHandsontable(container, settings);
When working with a copy of data for Handsontable, it is best practice is to clone the data source before loading it into Handsontable. This can be done with JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)) or another deep-cloning function.
const container = document.getElementById('example10');const data =[['','Tesla','Nissan','Toyota','Honda','Mazda','Ford'],['2017',10,11,12,13,15,16],['2018',10,11,12,13,15,16],['2019',10,11,12,13,15,16],['2020',10,11,12,13,15,16],['2021',10,11,12,13,15,16]];const hot =newHandsontable(container,{data:JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)),height:'auto',licenseKey:'non-commercial-and-evaluation'});