There is a newer version of Handsontable available. Switch to the latest version ⟶
JavaScript Data Grid GhostTable
columns Source code (opens new window)
ghostTable.columns : Array
Added columns collection.
container Source code (opens new window)
ghostTable.container : HTMLElement | null
Container element where every table will be injected.
hot Source code (opens new window) : Core
Handsontable instance.
injected Source code (opens new window)
ghostTable.injected : boolean
Flag which determine is table was injected to DOM.
rows Source code (opens new window)
ghostTable.rows : Array
Added rows collection.
samples Source code (opens new window)
ghostTable.samples : Map
Samples prepared for calculations.
Default: {null}
settings Source code (opens new window)
ghostTable.settings : object
Ghost table settings.
Default: {Object}
addColumn Source code (opens new window)
ghostTable.addColumn(column, samples)
Add column.
Param | Type | Description |
column | number | Column index. |
samples | Map | A map with sampled table values. |
addColumnHeadersRow Source code (opens new window)
Add a row consisting of the column headers.
Param | Type | Description |
samples | Map | A map with sampled table values. |
addRow Source code (opens new window)
ghostTable.addRow(row, samples)
Add row.
Param | Type | Description |
row | number | Row index. |
samples | Map | Samples Map object. |
appendColumnHeadersRow Source code (opens new window)
Creates DOM elements for headers and appends them to the THEAD element of the table.
clean Source code (opens new window)
Remove table from document and reset internal state.
createCol Source code (opens new window)
ghostTable.createCol(column) ⇒ DocumentFragment
Create table column elements.
Param | Type | Description |
column | number | Column index. |
Returns: DocumentFragment
- Returns created column table column elements.
createColElement Source code (opens new window)
ghostTable.createColElement(column, row) ⇒ HTMLElement
Create col element.
Param | Type | Description |
column | number | Visual column index. |
row | number | Visual row index. |
createColGroupsCol Source code (opens new window)
ghostTable.createColGroupsCol(row) ⇒ DocumentFragment
Create colgroup col elements.
Param | Type | Description |
row | number | Visual row index. |
createContainer Source code (opens new window)
ghostTable.createContainer(className) ⇒ object
Create container for tables.
Param | Type | Description |
className | string | The CSS classes to add. |
createRow Source code (opens new window)
ghostTable.createRow(row) ⇒ DocumentFragment
Create table row element.
Param | Type | Description |
row | number | Row index. |
Returns: DocumentFragment
- Returns created table row elements.
createTable Source code (opens new window)
ghostTable.createTable(className) ⇒ object
Create table element.
Param | Type | Description |
className | string | The CSS classes to add. |
getHeights Source code (opens new window)
Get calculated heights.
Param | Type | Description |
callback | function | Callback which will be fired for each calculated row. |
getSetting Source code (opens new window)
ghostTable.getSetting(name) ⇒ boolean | null
Get a single Ghost Table setting.
Param | Type | Description |
name | string | The setting name to get. |
getSettings Source code (opens new window)
ghostTable.getSettings() ⇒ object | null
Get the Ghost Table settings.
getWidths Source code (opens new window)
Get calculated widths.
Param | Type | Description |
callback | function | Callback which will be fired for each calculated column. |
injectTable Source code (opens new window)
Inject generated table into document.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[parent] | HTMLElement | null | optional The element to which the ghost table is injected. |
isHorizontal Source code (opens new window)
ghostTable.isHorizontal() ⇒ boolean
Checks if table is raised horizontally (checking columns).
isVertical Source code (opens new window)
ghostTable.isVertical() ⇒ boolean
Checks if table is raised vertically (checking rows).
removeTable Source code (opens new window)
Remove table from document.
setSetting Source code (opens new window)
ghostTable.setSetting(name, value)
Set a single setting of the Ghost Table.
Param | Type | Description |
name | string | Setting name. |
value | * | Setting value. |
setSettings Source code (opens new window)
Set the Ghost Table settings to the provided object.
Param | Type | Description |
settings | object | New Ghost Table Settings. |