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JavaScript Data Grid CustomBorders


This plugin enables an option to apply custom borders through the context menu (configurable with context menu key borders).

To initialize Handsontable with predefined custom borders, provide cell coordinates and border styles in a form of an array.

See customBorders configuration option or go to Custom cell borders demo for more examples.


customBorders: [
   range: {
     from: {
       row: 1,
       col: 1
     to: {
       row: 3,
       col: 4
   start: {},
   end: {},
   top: {},
   bottom: {},

// or
customBorders: [
  { row: 2,
    col: 2,
    start: {
      width: 2,
      color: 'red',
    end: {
      width: 1,
      color: 'green',
    top: '',
    bottom: '',



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customBorders.customBorders : boolean | Array<object>

The customBorders option configures the CustomBorders plugin.

To enable the CustomBorders plugin (and add its menu items to the context menu), set the customBorders option to true.

To enable the CustomBorders plugin and add a predefined border around a particular cell, set the customBorders option to an array of objects. Each object represents a border configuration for one cell, and has the following properties:

Property Sub-properties Types Description
row - row: Number The cell's row coordinate.
col - col: Number The cell's column coordinate.
start width
width: Number
color: String
If the layout direction is LTR (default): start sets the width (width) and color (color) of the left-hand border.

If the layout direction is RTL: start sets the width (width) and color (color) of the right-hand border.
end width
width: Number
color: String
If the layout direction is LTR (default): end sets the width (width) and color (color) of the right-hand border.

If the layout direction is RTL: end sets the width (width) and color (color) of the left-hand border.
top width
width: Number
color: String
Sets the width (width) and color (color) of the top border.
bottom width
width: Number
color: String
Sets the width (width) and color (color) of the bottom border.

To enable the CustomBorders plugin and add a predefined border around a range of cells, set the customBorders option to an array of objects. Each object represents a border configuration for a single range of cells, and has the following properties:

Property Sub-properties Types Description
range from {row, col}
to {row, col}
from: Object
to: Object
row: Number
col: Number
If the layout direction is LTR (default):
- from selects the range's top-left corner.
- to selects the range's bottom-right corner.

If the layout direction is RTL:
- from selects the range's top-right corner.
- to selects the range's bottom-left corner.
start width
width: Number
color: String
If the layout direction is LTR (default): start sets the width (width) and color (color) of the left-hand border.

If the layout direction is RTL: start sets the width (width) and color (color) of the right-hand border.
end width
width: Number
color: String
If the layout direction is LTR (default): end sets the width (width) and color (color) of the right-hand border.

If the layout direction is RTL: end sets the width (width) and color (color) of the left-hand border.
top width
width: Number
color: String
Sets the width (width) and color (color) of the top border.
bottom width
width: Number
color: String
Sets the width (width) and color (color) of the bottom border.

Read more:

Default: false

// enable the `CustomBorders` plugin
customBorders: true,

// enable the `CustomBorders` plugin
// and add a predefined border for a particular cell
customBorders: [
  // add an object with a border configuration for one cell
    // set the cell's row coordinate
    row: 2,
    // set the cell's column coordinate
    col: 2,
    // set the left/right border's width and color
    start: {
      width: 2,
      color: 'red'
    // set the right/left border's width and color
    end: {
      width: 1,
      color: 'green'
    // set the top border's width and color
    top: '',
    // set the bottom border's width and color
    bottom: ''

// enable the `CustomBorders` plugin
// and add a predefined border for a range of cells
customBorders: [
  // add an object with a border configuration for one range of cells
    // select a range of cells
    range: {
      // set the range's top-left corner
      from: {
        row: 1,
        col: 1
      // set the range's bottom-right corner
      to: {
        row: 3,
        col: 4
    // set the left/right border's width and color
    start: {
      width: 2,
      color: 'red'
    // set the right/left border's width and color
    end: {},
    // set the top border's width and color
    top: {},
    // set the bottom border's width and color
    bottom: {}



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Clear custom borders.


const customBordersPlugin = hot.getPlugin('customBorders');

// Using an array of arrays (produced by `.getSelected()` method).
customBordersPlugin.clearBorders([[1, 1, 2, 2], [6, 2, 0, 2]]);
// Using an array of CellRange objects (produced by `.getSelectedRange()` method).
// Using without param - clear all customBorders.
Param Type Description
selectionRanges Array<Array>
Array of selection ranges.


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Destroys the plugin instance.


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Disables the plugin functionality for this Handsontable instance.


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Enables the plugin functionality for this Handsontable instance.


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customBorders.getBorders(selectionRanges) ⇒ Array<object>

Get custom borders.


const customBordersPlugin = hot.getPlugin('customBorders');

// Using an array of arrays (produced by `.getSelected()` method).
customBordersPlugin.getBorders([[1, 1, 2, 2], [6, 2, 0, 2]]);
// Using an array of CellRange objects (produced by `.getSelectedRange()` method).
// Using without param - return all customBorders.
Param Type Description
selectionRanges Array<Array>
Array of selection ranges.

Returns: Array<object> - Returns array of border objects.


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customBorders.isEnabled() ⇒ boolean

Checks if the plugin is enabled in the handsontable settings. This method is executed in Hooks#beforeInit hook and if it returns true then the CustomBorders#enablePlugin method is called.


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customBorders.setBorders(selectionRanges, borderObject)

Set custom borders.


const customBordersPlugin = hot.getPlugin('customBorders');

// Using an array of arrays (produced by `.getSelected()` method).
customBordersPlugin.setBorders([[1, 1, 2, 2], [6, 2, 0, 2]], {start: {width: 2, color: 'blue'}});

// Using an array of CellRange objects (produced by `.getSelectedRange()` method).
//  Selecting a cell range.
hot.selectCell(0, 0, 2, 2);
// Returning selected cells' range with the getSelectedRange method.
customBordersPlugin.setBorders(hot.getSelectedRange(), {start: {hide: false, width: 2, color: 'blue'}});
Param Type Description
selectionRanges Array<Array>
Array of selection ranges.
borderObject object Object with top, right, bottom and start properties.


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Updates the plugin's state.

This method is executed when updateSettings() is invoked with any of the following configuration options:

Last update: Nov 20, 2024