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JavaScript Data Grid DropdownMenu


This plugin creates the Handsontable Dropdown Menu. It allows to create a new row or column at any place in the grid among other features. Possible values:

  • true (to enable default options),
  • false (to disable completely).

or array of any available strings:

  • ["row_above", "row_below", "col_left", "col_right", "remove_row", "remove_col", "---------", "undo", "redo"].

See the dropdown menu demo for examples.


const container = document.getElementById('example');
const hot = new Handsontable(container, {
  data: data,
  colHeaders: true,
  // enable dropdown menu
  dropdownMenu: true

// or
const hot = new Handsontable(container, {
  data: data,
  colHeaders: true,
  // enable and configure dropdown menu
  dropdownMenu: ['remove_col', '---------', 'make_read_only', 'alignment']


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dropdownMenu.dropdownMenu : boolean | object | Array<string>

The dropdownMenu option configures the DropdownMenu plugin.

You can set the dropdownMenu option to one of the following:

Setting Description
false Disable the DropdownMenu plugin
true - Enable the DropdownMenu plugin
- Use the default context menu options
An array - Enable the DropdownMenu plugin
- Modify individual context menu options
An object - Enable the DropdownMenu plugin
- Apply a custom dropdown menu configuration

Read more:

Default: undefined

// enable the `DropdownMenu` plugin
// use the default context menu options
dropdownMenu: true,

// enable the `DropdownMenu` plugin
// and modify individual context menu options
dropdownMenu: ['row_above', 'row_below', '---------', 'undo', 'redo'],

// enable the `DropdownMenu` plugin
// and apply a custom dropdown menu configuration
dropdownMenu: {
  items: {
    'option1': {
      name: 'option1'
    'option2': {
      name: 'option2',
      submenu: {
        items: [
            key: 'option2:suboption1',
            name: 'option2:suboption1',
            callback(key, options) {



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DropdownMenu.DEFAULT_ITEMS ⇒ Array

Default menu items order when dropdownMenu is enabled by setting the config item to true.



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Closes dropdown menu.


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Destroys the plugin instance.


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Disables the plugin functionality for this Handsontable instance.


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Enables the plugin functionality for this Handsontable instance.

Emits: Hooks#event:afterDropdownMenuDefaultOptions, Hooks#event:beforeDropdownMenuSetItems


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dropdownMenu.executeCommand(commandName, ...params)

Executes context menu command.

The executeCommand() method works only for selected cells.

When no cells are selected, executeCommand() doesn't do anything.

You can execute all predefined commands:

  • 'row_above' - Insert row above
  • 'row_below' - Insert row below
  • 'col_left' - Insert column left
  • 'col_right' - Insert column right
  • 'clear_column' - Clear selected column
  • 'remove_row' - Remove row
  • 'remove_col' - Remove column
  • 'undo' - Undo last action
  • 'redo' - Redo last action
  • 'make_read_only' - Make cell read only
  • 'alignment:left' - Alignment to the left
  • 'alignment:top' - Alignment to the top
  • 'alignment:right' - Alignment to the right
  • 'alignment:bottom' - Alignment to the bottom
  • 'alignment:middle' - Alignment to the middle
  • 'alignment:center' - Alignment to the center (justify).

Or you can execute command registered in settings where key is your command name.

Param Type Description
commandName string Command name to execute.
...params * Additional parameters passed to the command executor.


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dropdownMenu.isEnabled() ⇒ boolean

Checks if the plugin is enabled in the handsontable settings. This method is executed in Hooks#beforeInit hook and if it returns true then the DropdownMenu#enablePlugin method is called.


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Opens menu and re-position it based on the passed coordinates.

Emits: Hooks#event:beforeDropdownMenuShow, Hooks#event:afterDropdownMenuShow

Param Type Description
position object
An object with pageX and pageY properties which contains values relative to the top left of the fully rendered content area in the browser or with clientX and clientY properties which contains values relative to the upper left edge of the content area (the viewport) of the browser window. This object is structurally compatible with native mouse event so it can be used either.


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Updates the plugin's state.

This method is executed when updateSettings() is invoked with any of the following configuration options:

Last update: Nov 20, 2024