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JavaScript Data Grid CellCoords


The CellCoords class holds the coordinates (row, col) of a single cell.

It also contains methods for validating the coordinates and retrieving them as an object.

To import the CellCoords class:

import Handsontable, { CellCoords } from '/handsontable';

// or, using modules
import Handsontable, { CellCoords } from '/handsontable/base';



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cellCoords.col : number

A visual column index.


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cellCoords.row : number

A visual row index.



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cellCoords.clone() ⇒ CellCoords

Clones your CellCoords instance.


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cellCoords.isEqual(cellCoords) ⇒ boolean

Checks if another set of coordinates (cellCoords) is equal to the coordinates in your CellCoords instance.

Param Type Description
cellCoords CellCoords Coordinates to check.


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cellCoords.isNorthEastOf(testedCoords) ⇒ boolean

Checks if another set of coordinates (testedCoords) is north-east of the coordinates in your CellCoords instance.

Param Type Description
testedCoords CellCoords Coordinates to check.


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cellCoords.isNorthWestOf(testedCoords) ⇒ boolean

Checks if another set of coordinates (testedCoords) is north-west of the coordinates in your CellCoords instance.

Param Type Description
testedCoords CellCoords Coordinates to check.


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cellCoords.isSouthEastOf(testedCoords) ⇒ boolean

Checks if another set of coordinates (testedCoords) is south-east of the coordinates in your CellCoords instance.

Param Type Description
testedCoords CellCoords Coordinates to check.


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cellCoords.isSouthWestOf(testedCoords) ⇒ boolean

Checks if another set of coordinates (testedCoords) is south-west of the coordinates in your CellCoords instance.

Param Type Description
testedCoords CellCoords Coordinates to check.


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cellCoords.isValid(wot) ⇒ boolean

Checks if the coordinates in your CellCoords instance are valid in the context of a given Walkontable instance.

The row index:

  • Can't be negative.
  • Can't be higher than the total number of rows in the Walkontable instance.

The col index:

  • Can't be negative.
  • Can't be higher than the total number of columns in the Walkontable instance.
Param Type Description
wot Walkontable A Walkontable instance.

Returns: boolean - true: The coordinates are valid.


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cellCoords.normalize() ⇒ CellCoords

Normalizes the coordinates in your CellCoords instance to the nearest valid position.

Coordinates that point to headers (negative values) are normalized to 0.


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cellCoords.toObject() ⇒ Object

Converts your CellCoords instance into an object literal with row and col properties.

Returns: Object - An object literal with row and col properties.

Last update: Nov 20, 2024