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React Data Grid Supported browsers

Handsontable supports all the most popular desktop and mobile browsers.


Handsontable supports Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, Opera, Samsung Internet, and others.

We carefully test our code on the two latest versions of every modern browser, on both mobile and desktop devices. In addition to running unit and end-to-end tests, we focus on two factors that are crucial for all users: performance and accuracy of the user interface.

Testing compatibility

Tests are run in BrowserStack (opens new window) as well as on a limited number of physical desktop and mobile devices. Access to physical machines gives us an opportunity to measure the performance better which is hard to do with virtual machines.

List of browsers

Desktop Browsers Mobile Browsers
Chrome Chrome
Firefox Firefox for Android
Safari Firefox for iOS
Edge Safari iOS
Opera Opera
QQ browser Samsung Internet


Handsontable 11.x is the long-term support (LTS) version for Internet Explorer 11 and Edge Legacy (the non-Chromium version of Edge), until the end of 2023.