There is a newer version of Handsontable available. Switch to the latest version ⟶
React Data Grid Core
- Description
- How to call a method
- Members
- Methods
- addHook
- addHookOnce
- alter
- batch
- batchExecution
- batchRender
- clear
- clearUndo
- colToProp
- countCols
- countEmptyCols
- countEmptyRows
- countRenderedCols
- countRenderedRows
- countRows
- countSourceCols
- countSourceRows
- countVisibleCols
- countVisibleRows
- deselectCell
- destroy
- destroyEditor
- emptySelectedCells
- getActiveEditor
- getCell
- getCellEditor
- getCellMeta
- getCellMetaAtRow
- getCellRenderer
- getCellsMeta
- getCellValidator
- getColHeader
- getColWidth
- getCoords
- getCopyableData
- getCopyableText
- getData
- getDataAtCell
- getDataAtCol
- getDataAtProp
- getDataAtRow
- getDataAtRowProp
- getDataType
- getDirectionFactor
- getInstance
- getPlugin
- getRowHeader
- getRowHeight
- getSchema
- getSelected
- getSelectedLast
- getSelectedRange
- getSelectedRangeLast
- getSettings
- getShortcutManager
- getSourceData
- getSourceDataArray
- getSourceDataAtCell
- getSourceDataAtCol
- getSourceDataAtRow
- getTranslatedPhrase
- getValue
- hasColHeaders
- hasHook
- hasRowHeaders
- isColumnModificationAllowed
- isEmptyCol
- isEmptyRow
- isExecutionSuspended
- isListening
- isLtr
- isRedoAvailable
- isRenderSuspended
- isRtl
- isUndoAvailable
- listen
- loadData
- populateFromArray
- propToCol
- redo
- refreshDimensions
- removeCellMeta
- removeHook
- render
- resumeExecution
- resumeRender
- runHooks
- scrollViewportTo
- selectAll
- selectCell
- selectCells
- selectColumns
- selectRows
- setCellMeta
- setCellMetaObject
- setDataAtCell
- setDataAtRowProp
- setSourceDataAtCell
- spliceCellsMeta
- spliceCol
- spliceRow
- suspendExecution
- suspendRender
- toHTML
- toPhysicalColumn
- toPhysicalRow
- toTableElement
- toVisualColumn
- toVisualRow
- undo
- unlisten
- updateData
- updateSettings
- validateCell
- validateCells
- validateColumns
- validateRows
The Handsontable
class (known as the Core
) lets you modify the grid's behavior by using Handsontable's public API methods.
To use these methods, associate a Handsontable instance with your instance
of the HotTable
by using React's ref
feature (read more on the Instance methods page).
How to call a method
import { useRef } from 'react';
const hotTableComponent = useRef(null);
// associate your `HotTable` component with a Handsontable instance
// access the Handsontable instance, under the `.current.hotInstance` property
// call a method
hotTableComponent.current.hotInstance.setDataAtCell(0, 0, 'new value');
Source code (opens new window)core.columnIndexMapper : IndexMapper
Instance of index mapper which is responsible for managing the column indexes.
Source code (opens new window)core.isDestroyed : boolean
A boolean to tell if the Handsontable has been fully destroyed. This is set to true
after afterDestroy
hook is called.
Source code (opens new window)core.rowIndexMapper : IndexMapper
Instance of index mapper which is responsible for managing the row indexes.
Source code (opens new window)core.addHook(key, callback)
Adds listener to the specified hook name (only for this Handsontable instance).
See: Hooks#add
hot.addHook('beforeInit', myCallback);
Param | Type | Description |
key | string | Hook name (see Hooks). |
callback | function Array | Function or array of functions. |
Source code (opens new window)core.addHookOnce(key, callback)
Adds listener to specified hook name (only for this Handsontable instance). After the listener is triggered, it will be automatically removed.
See: Hooks#once
hot.addHookOnce('beforeInit', myCallback);
Param | Type | Description |
key | string | Hook name (see Hooks). |
callback | function Array | Function or array of functions. |
Source code (opens new window)core.alter(action, [index], [amount], [source], [keepEmptyRows])
The alter()
method lets you alter the grid's structure
by adding or removing rows and columns at specified positions.
The alter()
method works only when your data
is an array of arrays.
// above row 10 (by visual index), insert 1 new row
hot.alter('insert_row_above', 10);
Action | With index | Without index |
'insert_row_above' | Inserts rows above the index row. | Inserts rows above the first row. |
'insert_row_below' | Inserts rows below the index row. | Inserts rows below the last row. |
'remove_row' | Removes rows, starting from the index row. | Removes rows, starting from the last row. |
'insert_col_start' | Inserts columns before the index column. | Inserts columns before the first column. |
'insert_col_end' | Inserts columns after the index column. | Inserts columns after the last column. |
'remove_col' | Removes columns, starting from the index column. | Removes columns, starting from the last column. |
'insert_row' (Deprecated) | Inserts rows above the index row. | Inserts rows below the last row. |
'insert_col' (Deprecated) | Inserts columns before the index column. | Inserts columns after the last column. |
The behavior of 'insert_col_start'
, 'insert_col_end'
, and 'insert_col'
depends on your layoutDirection
// above row 10 (by visual index), insert 1 new row
hot.alter('insert_row_above', 10);
// below row 10 (by visual index), insert 3 new rows
hot.alter('insert_row_below', 10, 3);
// in the LTR layout direction: to the left of column 10 (by visual index), insert 3 new columns
// in the RTL layout direction: to the right of column 10 (by visual index), insert 3 new columns
hot.alter('insert_col_start', 10, 3);
// in the LTR layout direction: to the right of column 10 (by visual index), insert 1 new column
// in the RTL layout direction: to the left of column 10 (by visual index), insert 1 new column
hot.alter('insert_col_end', 10);
// remove 2 rows, starting from row 10 (by visual index)
hot.alter('remove_row', 10, 2);
// remove 3 rows, starting from row 1 (by visual index)
// remove 2 rows, starting from row 5 (by visual index)
hot.alter('remove_row', [[1, 3], [5, 2]]);
Param | Type | Description |
action | string | Available operations:
[index] | number Array<number> | optional A visual index of the row/column before or after which the new row/column will be inserted or removed. Can also be an array of arrays, in format [[index, amount],...] . |
[amount] | number | optional The amount of rows or columns to be inserted or removed (default: 1 ). |
[source] | string | optional Source indicator. |
[keepEmptyRows] | boolean | optional If set to true : prevents removing empty rows. |
Source code (opens new window)core.batch(wrappedOperations) ⇒ *
It batches the rendering process and index recalculations. The method aggregates multi-line API calls into a callback and postpones the table rendering process as well aggregates the table logic changes such as index changes into one call after which the cache is updated. After the execution of the operations, the table is rendered, and the cache is updated once. As a result, it improves the performance of wrapped operations.
Since: 8.3.0
hot.batch(() => {
hot.alter('insert_row_above', 5, 45);
hot.alter('insert_col_start', 10, 40);
hot.setDataAtCell(1, 1, 'x');
hot.setDataAtCell(2, 2, 'c');
hot.setDataAtCell(3, 3, 'v');
hot.setDataAtCell(4, 4, 'b');
hot.setDataAtCell(5, 5, 'n');
hot.selectCell(0, 0);
const filters = hot.getPlugin('filters');
filters.addCondition(2, 'contains', ['3']);
hot.getPlugin('columnSorting').sort({ column: 1, sortOrder: 'desc' });
// The table will be re-rendered and cache will be recalculated once after executing the callback
Param | Type | Description |
wrappedOperations | function | Batched operations wrapped in a function. |
Returns: *
- Returns result from the wrappedOperations callback.
Source code (opens new window)core.batchExecution(wrappedOperations, [forceFlushChanges]) ⇒ *
The method aggregates multi-line API calls into a callback and postpones the table execution process. After the execution of the operations, the internal table cache is recalculated once. As a result, it improves the performance of wrapped operations. Without batching, a similar case could trigger multiple table cache rebuilds.
Since: 8.3.0
hot.batchExecution(() => {
const filters = hot.getPlugin('filters');
filters.addCondition(2, 'contains', ['3']);
hot.getPlugin('columnSorting').sort({ column: 1, sortOrder: 'desc' });
// The table cache will be recalculated once after executing the callback
Param | Type | Default | Description |
wrappedOperations | function | Batched operations wrapped in a function. | |
[forceFlushChanges] | boolean | false | optional If true , the table internal data cache is recalculated after the execution of the batched operations. For nested calls, it can be a desire to recalculate the table after each batch. |
Returns: *
- Returns result from the wrappedOperations callback.
Source code (opens new window)core.batchRender(wrappedOperations) ⇒ *
The method aggregates multi-line API calls into a callback and postpones the table rendering process. After the execution of the operations, the table is rendered once. As a result, it improves the performance of wrapped operations. Without batching, a similar case could trigger multiple table render calls.
Since: 8.3.0
hot.batchRender(() => {
hot.alter('insert_row_above', 5, 45);
hot.alter('insert_col_start', 10, 40);
hot.setDataAtCell(1, 1, 'John');
hot.setDataAtCell(2, 2, 'Mark');
hot.setDataAtCell(3, 3, 'Ann');
hot.setDataAtCell(4, 4, 'Sophia');
hot.setDataAtCell(5, 5, 'Mia');
hot.selectCell(0, 0);
// The table will be rendered once after executing the callback
Param | Type | Description |
wrappedOperations | function | Batched operations wrapped in a function. |
Returns: *
- Returns result from the wrappedOperations callback.
Source code (opens new window)core.clear()
Clears the data from the table (the table settings remain intact).
Source code (opens new window)core.clearUndo() ⇒ boolean
Source code (opens new window)core.colToProp(column) ⇒ string | number
Returns the property name that corresponds with the given column index. If the data source is an array of arrays, it returns the columns index.
Param | Type | Description |
column | number | Visual column index. |
Returns: string
| number
- Column property or physical column index.
Source code (opens new window)core.countCols() ⇒ number
Returns the total number of visible columns in the table.
Returns: number
- Total number of columns.
Source code (opens new window)core.countEmptyCols([ending]) ⇒ number
Returns the number of empty columns. If the optional ending parameter is true
, returns the number of empty
columns at right hand edge of the table.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[ending] | boolean | false | optional If true , will only count empty columns at the end of the data source row. |
Returns: number
- Count empty cols.
Source code (opens new window)core.countEmptyRows([ending]) ⇒ number
Returns the number of empty rows. If the optional ending parameter is true
, returns the
number of empty rows at the bottom of the table.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[ending] | boolean | false | optional If true , will only count empty rows at the end of the data source. |
Returns: number
- Count empty rows.
Source code (opens new window)core.countRenderedCols() ⇒ number
Returns the number of rendered rows including columns that are partially or fully rendered outside the table viewport.
Returns: number
- Returns -1 if table is not visible.
Source code (opens new window)core.countRenderedRows() ⇒ number
Returns the number of rendered rows including rows that are partially or fully rendered outside the table viewport.
Returns: number
- Returns -1 if table is not visible.
Source code (opens new window)core.countRows() ⇒ number
Returns the total number of visual rows in the table.
Returns: number
- Total number of rows.
Source code (opens new window)core.countSourceCols() ⇒ number
Returns the total number of columns in the data source.
Returns: number
- Total number of columns.
Source code (opens new window)core.countSourceRows() ⇒ number
Returns the total number of rows in the data source.
Returns: number
- Total number of rows.
Source code (opens new window)core.countVisibleCols() ⇒ number
Returns the number of rendered columns that are only visible in the table viewport. The columns that are partially visible are not counted.
Returns: number
- Number of visible columns or -1.
Source code (opens new window)core.countVisibleRows() ⇒ number
Returns the number of rendered rows that are only visible in the table viewport. The rows that are partially visible are not counted.
Returns: number
- Number of visible rows or -1.
Source code (opens new window)core.deselectCell()
Deselects the current cell selection on the table.
Source code (opens new window)core.destroy()
Removes the table from the DOM and destroys the instance of the Handsontable.
Emits: Hooks#event:afterDestroy
Source code (opens new window)core.destroyEditor([revertOriginal], [prepareEditorIfNeeded])
Destroys the current editor, render the table and prepares the editor of the newly selected cell.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[revertOriginal] | boolean | false | optional If true , the previous value will be restored. Otherwise, the edited value will be saved. |
[prepareEditorIfNeeded] | boolean | true | optional If true the editor under the selected cell will be prepared to open. |
Source code (opens new window)core.emptySelectedCells([source])
Erases content from cells that have been selected in the table.
Since: 0.36.0
Param | Type | Description |
[source] | string | optional String that identifies how this change will be described in the changes array (useful in afterChange or beforeChange callback). Set to 'edit' if left empty. |
Source code (opens new window)core.getActiveEditor() ⇒ BaseEditor
Returns the active editor class instance.
Returns: BaseEditor
- The active editor instance.
Source code (opens new window)core.getCell(row, column, [topmost]) ⇒ HTMLTableCellElement | null
Returns a TD element for the given row
and column
arguments, if it is rendered on screen.
Returns null
if the TD is not rendered on screen (probably because that part of the table is not visible).
Param | Type | Default | Description |
row | number | Visual row index. | |
column | number | Visual column index. | |
[topmost] | boolean | false | optional If set to true , it returns the TD element from the topmost overlay. For example, if the wanted cell is in the range of fixed rows, it will return a TD element from the top overlay. |
Returns: HTMLTableCellElement
| null
- The cell's TD element.
Source code (opens new window)core.getCellEditor(rowOrMeta, column) ⇒ function | boolean
Returns the cell editor class by the provided row
and column
// Get cell editor class using `row` and `column` coordinates.
hot.getCellEditor(1, 1);
// Get cell editor class using cell meta object.
hot.getCellEditor(hot.getCellMeta(1, 1));
Param | Type | Description |
rowOrMeta | number | Visual row index or cell meta object (see Core#getCellMeta). |
column | number | Visual column index. |
Returns: function
| boolean
- Returns the editor class or false
is cell editor is disabled.
Source code (opens new window)core.getCellMeta(row, column) ⇒ object
Returns the cell properties object for the given row
and column
Emits: Hooks#event:beforeGetCellMeta
, Hooks#event:afterGetCellMeta
Param | Type | Description |
row | number | Visual row index. |
column | number | Visual column index. |
Returns: object
- The cell properties object.
Source code (opens new window)core.getCellMetaAtRow(row) ⇒ Array
Returns an array of cell meta objects for specified physical row index.
Param | Type | Description |
row | number | Physical row index. |
Source code (opens new window)core.getCellRenderer(rowOrMeta, column) ⇒ function
Returns the cell renderer function by given row
and column
// Get cell renderer using `row` and `column` coordinates.
hot.getCellRenderer(1, 1);
// Get cell renderer using cell meta object.
hot.getCellRenderer(hot.getCellMeta(1, 1));
Param | Type | Description |
rowOrMeta | number object | Visual row index or cell meta object (see Core#getCellMeta). |
column | number | Visual column index. |
Returns: function
- Returns the renderer function.
Source code (opens new window)core.getCellsMeta() ⇒ Array
Get all the cells meta settings at least once generated in the table (in order of cell initialization).
Returns: Array
- Returns an array of ColumnSettings object instances.
Source code (opens new window)core.getCellValidator(rowOrMeta, column) ⇒ function | RegExp | undefined
Returns the cell validator by row
and column
// Get cell validator using `row` and `column` coordinates.
hot.getCellValidator(1, 1);
// Get cell validator using cell meta object.
hot.getCellValidator(hot.getCellMeta(1, 1));
Param | Type | Description |
rowOrMeta | number object | Visual row index or cell meta object (see Core#getCellMeta). |
column | number | Visual column index. |
Returns: function
| RegExp
| undefined
- The validator function.
Source code (opens new window)core.getColHeader([column], [headerLevel]) ⇒ Array | string | number
Gets the values of column headers (if column headers are enabled).
To get an array with the values of all
bottom-most column headers,
call getColHeader()
with no arguments.
To get the value of the bottom-most header of a specific column, use the column
To get the value of a specific-level header
of a specific column, use the column
and headerLevel
Read more:
// get the contents of all bottom-most column headers
// get the contents of the bottom-most header of a specific column
// get the contents of a specific column header at a specific level
hot.getColHeader(5, -2);
Emits: Hooks#event:modifyColHeader
, Hooks#event:modifyColumnHeaderValue
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[column] | number | optional A visual column index. | |
[headerLevel] | number | -1 | optional (Since 12.3.0) Header level index. Accepts positive (0 to n) and negative (-1 to -n) values. For positive values, 0 points to the topmost header. For negative values, -1 points to the bottom-most header (the header closest to the cells). |
Returns: Array
| string
| number
- Column header values.
Source code (opens new window)core.getColWidth(column) ⇒ number
Returns the width of the requested column.
Emits: Hooks#event:modifyColWidth
Param | Type | Description |
column | number | Visual column index. |
Returns: number
- Column width.
Source code (opens new window)core.getCoords(element) ⇒ CellCoords | null
Returns the coordinates of the cell, provided as a HTML table cell element.
hot.getCoords(hot.getCell(1, 1));
// it returns CellCoords object instance with props row: 1 and col: 1.
Param | Type | Description |
element | HTMLTableCellElement | The HTML Element representing the cell. |
Returns: CellCoords
| null
- Visual coordinates object.
Source code (opens new window)core.getCopyableData(row, column) ⇒ string
Returns the data's copyable value at specified row
and column
Param | Type | Description |
row | number | Visual row index. |
column | number | Visual column index. |
Source code (opens new window)core.getCopyableText(startRow, startCol, endRow, endCol) ⇒ string
Returns a string value of the selected range. Each column is separated by tab, each row is separated by a new line character.
Param | Type | Description |
startRow | number | From visual row index. |
startCol | number | From visual column index. |
endRow | number | To visual row index. |
endCol | number | To visual column index. |
Source code (opens new window)core.getData([row], [column], [row2], [column2]) ⇒ Array<Array>
Returns the current data object (the same one that was passed by data
configuration option or loadData
unless some modifications have been applied (i.e. Sequence of rows/columns was changed, some row/column was skipped).
If that's the case - use the Core#getSourceData method.).
Optionally you can provide cell range by defining row
, column
, row2
, column2
to get only a fragment of table data.
// Get all data (in order how it is rendered in the table).
// Get data fragment (from top-left 0, 0 to bottom-right 3, 3).
hot.getData(3, 3);
// Get data fragment (from top-left 2, 1 to bottom-right 3, 3).
hot.getData(2, 1, 3, 3);
Param | Type | Description |
[row] | number | optional From visual row index. |
[column] | number | optional From visual column index. |
[row2] | number | optional To visual row index. |
[column2] | number | optional To visual column index. |
Returns: Array<Array>
- Array with the data.
Source code (opens new window)core.getDataAtCell(row, column) ⇒ *
Returns the cell value at row
, column
Note: If data is reordered, sorted or trimmed, the currently visible order will be used.
Param | Type | Description |
row | number | Visual row index. |
column | number | Visual column index. |
Returns: *
- Data at cell.
Source code (opens new window)core.getDataAtCol(column) ⇒ Array
Returns array of column values from the data source.
Note: If columns were reordered or sorted, the currently visible order will be used.
Param | Type | Description |
column | number | Visual column index. |
Returns: Array
- Array of cell values.
Source code (opens new window)core.getDataAtProp(prop) ⇒ Array
Given the object property name (e.g. ''
or '0'
), returns an array of column's values from the table data.
You can also provide a column index as the first argument.
Param | Type | Description |
prop | string number | Property name or physical column index. |
Returns: Array
- Array of cell values.
Source code (opens new window)core.getDataAtRow(row) ⇒ Array
Returns a single row of the data.
Note: If rows were reordered, sorted or trimmed, the currently visible order will be used.
Param | Type | Description |
row | number | Visual row index. |
Returns: Array
- Array of row's cell data.
Source code (opens new window)core.getDataAtRowProp(row, prop) ⇒ *
Returns value at visual row
and prop
Note: If data is reordered, sorted or trimmed, the currently visible order will be used.
Param | Type | Description |
row | number | Visual row index. |
prop | string | Property name. |
Returns: *
- Cell value.
Source code (opens new window)core.getDataType(rowFrom, columnFrom, rowTo, columnTo) ⇒ string
Returns a data type defined in the Handsontable settings under the type
key (Options#type).
If there are cells with different types in the selected range, it returns 'mixed'
Note: If data is reordered, sorted or trimmed, the currently visible order will be used.
Param | Type | Description |
rowFrom | number | From visual row index. |
columnFrom | number | From visual column index. |
rowTo | number | To visual row index. |
columnTo | number | To visual column index. |
Returns: string
- Cell type (e.q: 'mixed'
, 'text'
, 'numeric'
, 'autocomplete'
Source code (opens new window)core.getDirectionFactor() ⇒ number
Returns 1 for LTR; -1 for RTL. Useful for calculations.
Since: 12.0.0
Returns: number
- Returns 1 for LTR; -1 for RTL.
Source code (opens new window)core.getInstance() ⇒ Handsontable
Returns the Handsontable instance.
Returns: Handsontable
- The Handsontable instance.
Source code (opens new window)core.getPlugin(pluginName) ⇒ BasePlugin | undefined
Returns plugin instance by provided its name.
Param | Type | Description |
pluginName | string | The plugin name. |
Returns: BasePlugin
| undefined
- The plugin instance or undefined if there is no plugin.
Source code (opens new window)core.getRowHeader([row]) ⇒ Array | string | number
Returns an array of row headers' values (if they are enabled). If param row
was given, it returns the header of the given row as a string.
Emits: Hooks#event:modifyRowHeader
Param | Type | Description |
[row] | number | optional Visual row index. |
Returns: Array
| string
| number
- Array of header values / single header value.
Source code (opens new window)core.getRowHeight(row) ⇒ number | undefined
Returns a row's height, as recognized by Handsontable.
Depending on your configuration, the method returns (in order of priority):
- The row height set by the
plugin (if the plugin is enabled). - The row height set by the
configuration option (if the option is set). - The row height as measured in the DOM by the
plugin (if the plugin is enabled). undefined
, if neitherManualRowResize
, norrowHeights
, norAutoRowSize
is used.
The height returned includes 1 px of the row's bottom border.
Mind that this method is different from the
of the AutoRowSize
Emits: Hooks#event:modifyRowHeight
Param | Type | Description |
row | number | A visual row index. |
Returns: number
| undefined
- The height of the specified row, in pixels.
Source code (opens new window)core.getSchema() ⇒ object
Returns schema provided by constructor settings. If it doesn't exist then it returns the schema based on the data structure in the first row.
Returns: object
- Schema object.
Source code (opens new window)core.getSelected() ⇒ Array<Array> | undefined
Returns indexes of the currently selected cells as an array of arrays [[startRow, startCol, endRow, endCol],...]
Start row and start column are the coordinates of the active cell (where the selection was started).
The version 0.36.0 adds a non-consecutive selection feature. Since this version, the method returns an array of arrays.
Additionally to collect the coordinates of the currently selected area (as it was previously done by the method)
you need to use getSelectedLast
Returns: Array<Array>
| undefined
- An array of arrays of the selection's coordinates.
Source code (opens new window)core.getSelectedLast() ⇒ Array | undefined
Returns the last coordinates applied to the table as a an array [startRow, startCol, endRow, endCol]
Since: 0.36.0
Returns: Array
| undefined
- An array of the selection's coordinates.
Source code (opens new window)core.getSelectedRange() ⇒ Array<CellRange> | undefined
Returns the current selection as an array of CellRange objects.
The version 0.36.0 adds a non-consecutive selection feature. Since this version, the method returns an array of arrays.
Additionally to collect the coordinates of the currently selected area (as it was previously done by the method)
you need to use getSelectedRangeLast
Returns: Array<[CellRange](/react-data-grid/api/cell-range/)>
| undefined
- Selected range object or undefined if there is no selection.
Source code (opens new window)core.getSelectedRangeLast() ⇒ CellRange | undefined
Returns the last coordinates applied to the table as a CellRange object.
Since: 0.36.0
Returns: CellRange
| undefined
- Selected range object or undefined` if there is no selection.
Source code (opens new window)core.getSettings() ⇒ TableMeta
Returns the object settings.
Returns: TableMeta
- Object containing the current table settings.
Source code (opens new window)core.getShortcutManager() ⇒ ShortcutManager
Returns instance of a manager responsible for handling shortcuts stored in some contexts. It run actions after pressing key combination in active Handsontable instance.
Since: 12.0.0
Returns: ShortcutManager
- Instance of ShortcutManager
Source code (opens new window)core.getSourceData([row], [column], [row2], [column2]) ⇒ Array<Array> | Array<object>
Returns a clone of the source data object.
Optionally you can provide a cell range by using the row
, column
, row2
, column2
arguments, to get only a
fragment of the table data.
Note: This method does not participate in data transformation. If the visual data of the table is reordered, sorted or trimmed only physical indexes are correct.
Param | Type | Description |
[row] | number | optional From physical row index. |
[column] | number | optional From physical column index (or visual index, if data type is an array of objects). |
[row2] | number | optional To physical row index. |
[column2] | number | optional To physical column index (or visual index, if data type is an array of objects). |
Returns: Array<Array>
| Array<object>
- The table data.
Source code (opens new window)core.getSourceDataArray([row], [column], [row2], [column2]) ⇒ Array
Returns the source data object as an arrays of arrays format even when source data was provided in another format.
Optionally you can provide a cell range by using the row
, column
, row2
, column2
arguments, to get only a
fragment of the table data.
Note: This method does not participate in data transformation. If the visual data of the table is reordered, sorted or trimmed only physical indexes are correct.
Param | Type | Description |
[row] | number | optional From physical row index. |
[column] | number | optional From physical column index (or visual index, if data type is an array of objects). |
[row2] | number | optional To physical row index. |
[column2] | number | optional To physical column index (or visual index, if data type is an array of objects). |
Returns: Array
- An array of arrays.
Source code (opens new window)core.getSourceDataAtCell(row, column) ⇒ *
Returns a single value from the data source.
Param | Type | Description |
row | number | Physical row index. |
column | number | Visual column index. |
Returns: *
- Cell data.
Source code (opens new window)core.getSourceDataAtCol(column) ⇒ Array
Returns an array of column values from the data source.
Param | Type | Description |
column | number | Visual column index. |
Returns: Array
- Array of the column's cell values.
Source code (opens new window)core.getSourceDataAtRow(row) ⇒ Array | object
Returns a single row of the data (array or object, depending on what data format you use).
Note: This method does not participate in data transformation. If the visual data of the table is reordered, sorted or trimmed only physical indexes are correct.
Param | Type | Description |
row | number | Physical row index. |
Returns: Array
| object
- Single row of data.
Source code (opens new window)core.getTranslatedPhrase(dictionaryKey, extraArguments) ⇒ string
Get language phrase for specified dictionary key.
Since: 0.35.0
Param | Type | Description |
dictionaryKey | string | Constant which is dictionary key. |
extraArguments | * | Arguments which will be handled by formatters. |
Source code (opens new window)core.getValue() ⇒ *
Get value from the selected cell.
Returns: *
- Value of selected cell.
Source code (opens new window)core.hasColHeaders() ⇒ boolean
Returns information about if this table is configured to display column headers.
Returns: boolean
- true
if the instance has the column headers enabled, false
Source code (opens new window)core.hasHook(key) ⇒ boolean
Check if for a specified hook name there are added listeners (only for this Handsontable instance). All available hooks you will find Hooks.
See: Hooks#has
const hasBeforeInitListeners = hot.hasHook('beforeInit');
Param | Type | Description |
key | string | Hook name. |
Source code (opens new window)core.hasRowHeaders() ⇒ boolean
Returns information about if this table is configured to display row headers.
Returns: boolean
- true
if the instance has the row headers enabled, false
Source code (opens new window)core.isColumnModificationAllowed() ⇒ boolean
Checks if the data format and config allows user to modify the column structure.
Source code (opens new window)core.isEmptyCol(column) ⇒ boolean
Check if all cells in the the column declared by the column
argument are empty.
Param | Type | Description |
column | number | Column index. |
Returns: boolean
- true
if the column at the given col
is empty, false
Source code (opens new window)core.isEmptyRow(row) ⇒ boolean
Check if all cells in the row declared by the row
argument are empty.
Param | Type | Description |
row | number | Visual row index. |
Returns: boolean
- true
if the row at the given row
is empty, false
Source code (opens new window)core.isExecutionSuspended() ⇒ boolean
Checks if the table indexes recalculation process was suspended. See explanation in Core#suspendExecution.
Since: 8.3.0
Source code (opens new window)core.isListening() ⇒ boolean
Returns true
if the current Handsontable instance is listening to keyboard input on document body.
Returns: boolean
- true
if the instance is listening, false
Source code (opens new window)core.isLtr() ⇒ boolean
Checks if the grid is rendered using the left-to-right layout direction.
Since: 12.0.0
Returns: boolean
- True if LTR.
Source code (opens new window)core.isRedoAvailable() ⇒ boolean
Source code (opens new window)core.isRenderSuspended() ⇒ boolean
Checks if the table rendering process was suspended. See explanation in Core#suspendRender.
Since: 8.3.0
Source code (opens new window)core.isRtl() ⇒ boolean
Checks if the grid is rendered using the right-to-left layout direction.
Since: 12.0.0
Returns: boolean
- True if RTL.
Source code (opens new window)core.isUndoAvailable() ⇒ boolean
Source code (opens new window)core.listen()
Listen to the keyboard input on document body. This allows Handsontable to capture keyboard events and respond in the right way.
Emits: Hooks#event:afterListen
Source code (opens new window)core.loadData(data, [source])
The loadData()
method replaces Handsontable's data
with a new dataset.
Additionally, the loadData()
- Resets cells' states (e.g. cells' formatting and cells'
states) - Resets rows' states (e.g. row order)
- Resets columns' states (e.g. column order)
To replace Handsontable's data
without resetting states, use the updateData()
Read more:
Emits: Hooks#event:beforeLoadData
, Hooks#event:afterLoadData
, Hooks#event:afterChange
Param | Type | Description |
data | Array | An array of arrays, or an array of objects, that contains Handsontable's data |
[source] | string | optional The source of the loadData() call |
Source code (opens new window)core.populateFromArray(row, column, input, [endRow], [endCol], [source], [method], direction, deltas) ⇒ object | undefined
Populates cells at position with 2D input array (e.g. [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
). Use endRow
, endCol
when you
want to cut input when a certain row is reached.
The populateFromArray()
method can't change readOnly
Optional method
argument has the same effect as pasteMode option (see Options#pasteMode).
Param | Type | Default | Description |
row | number | Start visual row index. | |
column | number | Start visual column index. | |
input | Array | 2d array. | |
[endRow] | number | optional End visual row index (use when you want to cut input when certain row is reached). | |
[endCol] | number | optional End visual column index (use when you want to cut input when certain column is reached). | |
[source] | string | "populateFromArray" | optional Used to identify this call in the resulting events (beforeChange, afterChange). |
[method] | string | "overwrite" | optional Populate method, possible values: 'shift_down' , 'shift_right' , 'overwrite' . |
direction | string | Populate direction, possible values: 'left' , 'right' , 'up' , 'down' . | |
deltas | Array | The deltas array. A difference between values of adjacent cells. Useful only when the type of handled cells is numeric . |
Returns: object
| undefined
- Ending td in pasted area (only if any cell was changed).
Source code (opens new window)core.propToCol(prop) ⇒ number
Returns column index that corresponds with the given property.
Param | Type | Description |
prop | string number | Property name or physical column index. |
Returns: number
- Visual column index.
Source code (opens new window)core.redo() ⇒ boolean
Source code (opens new window)core.refreshDimensions()
Updates dimensions of the table. The method compares previous dimensions with the current ones and updates accordingly.
Emits: Hooks#event:beforeRefreshDimensions
, Hooks#event:afterRefreshDimensions
Source code (opens new window)core.removeCellMeta(row, column, key)
Remove a property defined by the key
argument from the cell meta object for the provided row
and column
Emits: Hooks#event:beforeRemoveCellMeta
, Hooks#event:afterRemoveCellMeta
Param | Type | Description |
row | number | Visual row index. |
column | number | Visual column index. |
key | string | Property name. |
Source code (opens new window)core.removeHook(key, callback)
Removes the hook listener previously registered with Core#addHook.
See: Hooks#remove
hot.removeHook('beforeInit', myCallback);
Param | Type | Description |
key | string | Hook name. |
callback | function | Reference to the function which has been registered using Core#addHook. |
Source code (opens new window)core.render()
Rerender the table. Calling this method starts the process of recalculating, redrawing and applying the changes to the DOM. While rendering the table all cell renderers are recalled.
Calling this method manually is not recommended. Handsontable tries to render itself by choosing the most optimal moments in its lifecycle.
Source code (opens new window)core.resumeExecution([forceFlushChanges])
Resumes the execution process. In combination with the Core#suspendExecution method it allows aggregating the table logic changes after which the cache is updated. Resuming the state automatically invokes the table cache updating process.
The method is intended to be used by advanced users. Suspending the execution process could cause visual glitches caused by not updated the internal table cache.
Since: 8.3.0
const filters = hot.getPlugin('filters');
filters.addCondition(2, 'contains', ['3']);
hot.getPlugin('columnSorting').sort({ column: 1, sortOrder: 'desc' });
hot.resumeExecution(); // It updates the cache internally
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[forceFlushChanges] | boolean | false | optional If true , the table internal data cache is recalculated after the execution of the batched operations. For nested Core#batchExecution calls, it can be desire to recalculate the table after each batch. |
Source code (opens new window)core.resumeRender()
Resumes the rendering process. In combination with the Core#suspendRender method it allows aggregating the table render cycles triggered by API calls or UI actions (or both) and calls the "render" once in the end. When the table is in the suspend state, most operations will have no visual effect until the rendering state is resumed. Resuming the state automatically invokes the table rendering.
The method is intended to be used by advanced users. Suspending the rendering process could cause visual glitches when wrongly implemented.
Every suspendRender()
call needs to correspond with one resumeRender()
For example, if you call suspendRender()
5 times, you need to call resumeRender()
5 times as well.
Since: 8.3.0
hot.alter('insert_row_above', 5, 45);
hot.alter('insert_col_start', 10, 40);
hot.setDataAtCell(1, 1, 'John');
hot.setDataAtCell(2, 2, 'Mark');
hot.setDataAtCell(3, 3, 'Ann');
hot.setDataAtCell(4, 4, 'Sophia');
hot.setDataAtCell(5, 5, 'Mia');
hot.selectCell(0, 0);
hot.resumeRender(); // It re-renders the table internally
Source code (opens new window)core.runHooks(key, [p1], [p2], [p3], [p4], [p5], [p6]) ⇒ *
Run the callbacks for the hook provided in the key
argument using the parameters given in the other arguments.
See: Hooks#run
// Run built-in hook
// Run custom hook
hot.runHooks('customAction', 10, 'foo');
Param | Type | Description |
key | string | Hook name. |
[p1] | * | optional Argument passed to the callback. |
[p2] | * | optional Argument passed to the callback. |
[p3] | * | optional Argument passed to the callback. |
[p4] | * | optional Argument passed to the callback. |
[p5] | * | optional Argument passed to the callback. |
[p6] | * | optional Argument passed to the callback. |
Source code (opens new window)core.scrollViewportTo([row], [column], [snapToBottom], [snapToRight], [considerHiddenIndexes]) ⇒ boolean
Scroll viewport to coordinates specified by the row
and column
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[row] | number | optional Row index. If the last argument isn't defined we treat the index as a visual row index. Otherwise, we are using the index for numbering only this rows which may be rendered (we don't consider hidden rows). | |
[column] | number | optional Column index. If the last argument isn't defined we treat the index as a visual column index. Otherwise, we are using the index for numbering only this columns which may be rendered (we don't consider hidden columns). | |
[snapToBottom] | boolean | false | optional If true , the viewport is scrolled to show the cell at the bottom of the table. However, if the cell's height is greater than the table's viewport height, the cell is snapped to the top edge. |
[snapToRight] | boolean | false | optional If true , the viewport is scrolled to show the cell at the right side of the table. However, if the cell is wider than the table's viewport width, the cell is snapped to the left edge (or to the right edge, if the layout direction is set to rtl ). |
[considerHiddenIndexes] | boolean | true | optional If true , we handle visual indexes, otherwise we handle only indexes which may be rendered when they are in the viewport (we don't consider hidden indexes as they aren't rendered). |
Returns: boolean
- true
if scroll was successful, false
Source code (opens new window)core.selectAll([includeHeaders])
Select the whole table.
The previous selection is overwritten.
// select all cells in the table, including all headers
// select all cells in the table, without headers
Since: 0.38.2
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[includeHeaders] | boolean | true | optional true : include all row, column and corner headers. false : don't include any headers. |
Source code (opens new window)core.selectCell(row, column, [endRow], [endColumn], [scrollToCell], [changeListener]) ⇒ boolean
Select a single cell, or a single range of adjacent cells.
To select a cell, pass its visual row and column indexes, for example: selectCell(2, 4)
To select a range, pass the visual indexes of the first and last cell in the range, for example: selectCell(2, 4, 3, 5)
If your columns have properties, you can pass those properties' values instead of column indexes, for example: selectCell(2, 'first_name')
By default, selectCell()
- Scrolls the viewport to the newly-selected cells.
- Switches the keyboard focus to Handsontable (by calling Handsontable's
// select a single cell
hot.selectCell(2, 4);
// select a range of cells
hot.selectCell(2, 4, 3, 5);
// select a single cell, using a column property
hot.selectCell(2, 'first_name');
// select a range of cells, using column properties
hot.selectCell(2, 'first_name', 3, 'last_name');
// select a range of cells, without scrolling to them
hot.selectCell(2, 4, 3, 5, false);
// select a range of cells, without switching the keyboard focus to Handsontable
hot.selectCell(2, 4, 3, 5, null, false);
Param | Type | Default | Description |
row | number | A visual row index. | |
column | number string | A visual column index (number ), or a column property's value (string ). | |
[endRow] | number | optional If selecting a range: the visual row index of the last cell in the range. | |
[endColumn] | number string | optional If selecting a range: the visual column index (or a column property's value) of the last cell in the range. | |
[scrollToCell] | boolean | true | optional true : scroll the viewport to the newly-selected cells. false : keep the previous viewport. |
[changeListener] | boolean | true | optional true : switch the keyboard focus to Handsontable. false : keep the previous keyboard focus. |
Returns: boolean
- true
: the selection was successful, false
: the selection failed.
Source code (opens new window)core.selectCells(coords, [scrollToCell], [changeListener]) ⇒ boolean
Select multiple cells or ranges of cells, adjacent or non-adjacent.
You can pass one of the below:
- An array of arrays (which matches the output of Handsontable's
method). - An array of
objects (which matches the output of Handsontable'sgetSelectedRange()
To select multiple cells, pass the visual row and column indexes of each cell, for example: hot.selectCells([[1, 1], [5, 5]])
To select multiple ranges, pass the visual indexes of the first and last cell in each range, for example: hot.selectCells([[1, 1, 2, 2], [6, 2, 0, 2]])
If your columns have properties, you can pass those properties' values instead of column indexes, for example: hot.selectCells([[1, 'first_name'], [5, 'last_name']])
By default, selectCell()
- Scrolls the viewport to the newly-selected cells.
- Switches the keyboard focus to Handsontable (by calling Handsontable's
Since: 0.38.0
// select non-adjacent cells
hot.selectCells([[1, 1], [5, 5], [10, 10]]);
// select non-adjacent ranges of cells
hot.selectCells([[1, 1, 2, 2], [10, 10, 20, 20]]);
// select cells and ranges of cells
hot.selectCells([[1, 1, 2, 2], [3, 3], [6, 2, 0, 2]]);
// select cells, using column properties
hot.selectCells([[1, 'id', 2, 'first_name'], [3, 'full_name'], [6, 'last_name', 0, 'first_name']]);
// select multiple ranges, using an array of `CellRange` objects
const selected = hot.getSelectedRange();
selected[0].from.row = 0;
selected[0].from.col = 0;
selected[0].to.row = 5;
selected[0].to.col = 5;
selected[1].from.row = 10;
selected[1].from.col = 10;
selected[1].to.row = 20;
selected[1].to.col = 20;
Param | Type | Default | Description |
coords | Array<Array> Array<CellRange> | Visual coordinates, passed either as an array of arrays ([[rowStart, columnStart, rowEnd, columnEnd], ...] ) or as an array of CellRange objects. | |
[scrollToCell] | boolean | true | optional true : scroll the viewport to the newly-selected cells. false : keep the previous viewport. |
[changeListener] | boolean | true | optional true : switch the keyboard focus to Handsontable. false : keep the previous keyboard focus. |
Returns: boolean
- true
: the selection was successful, false
: the selection failed.
Source code (opens new window)core.selectColumns(startColumn, [endColumn]) ⇒ boolean
Select column specified by startColumn
visual index, column property or a range of columns finishing at endColumn
Since: 0.38.0
// Select column using visual index.
// Select column using column property.
// Select range of columns using visual indexes.
hot.selectColumns(1, 4);
// Select range of columns using column properties.
hot.selectColumns('id', 'last_name');
Param | Type | Default | Description |
startColumn | number | The visual column index from which the selection starts. | |
[endColumn] | number | startColumn | optional The visual column index to which the selection finishes. If endColumn is not defined the column defined by startColumn will be selected. |
Returns: boolean
- true
if selection was successful, false
Source code (opens new window)core.selectRows(startRow, [endRow]) ⇒ boolean
Select row specified by startRow
visual index or a range of rows finishing at endRow
Since: 0.38.0
// Select row using visual index.
// Select range of rows using visual indexes.
hot.selectRows(1, 4);
Param | Type | Default | Description |
startRow | number | The visual row index from which the selection starts. | |
[endRow] | number | startRow | optional The visual row index to which the selection finishes. If endRow is not defined the row defined by startRow will be selected. |
Returns: boolean
- true
if selection was successful, false
Source code (opens new window)core.setCellMeta(row, column, key, value)
Sets a property defined by the key
property to the meta object of a cell corresponding to params row
and column
Emits: Hooks#event:beforeSetCellMeta
, Hooks#event:afterSetCellMeta
Param | Type | Description |
row | number | Visual row index. |
column | number | Visual column index. |
key | string | Property name. |
value | string | Property value. |
Source code (opens new window)core.setCellMetaObject(row, column, prop)
Set cell meta data object defined by prop
to the corresponding params row
and column
Param | Type | Description |
row | number | Visual row index. |
column | number | Visual column index. |
prop | object | Meta object. |
Source code (opens new window)core.setDataAtCell(row, [column], [value], [source])
Set new value to a cell. To change many cells at once (recommended way), pass an array of changes
in format
[[row, col, value],...]
as the first argument.
Param | Type | Description |
row | number Array | Visual row index or array of changes in format [[row, col, value],...] . |
[column] | number | optional Visual column index. |
[value] | string | optional New value. |
[source] | string | optional String that identifies how this change will be described in the changes array (useful in afterChange or beforeChange callback). Set to 'edit' if left empty. |
Source code (opens new window)core.setDataAtRowProp(row, prop, value, [source])
Set new value to a cell. To change many cells at once (recommended way), pass an array of changes
in format
[[row, prop, value],...]
as the first argument.
Param | Type | Description |
row | number Array | Visual row index or array of changes in format [[row, prop, value], ...] . |
prop | string | Property name or the source string (e.g. '' or '0' ). |
value | string | Value to be set. |
[source] | string | optional String that identifies how this change will be described in changes array (useful in onChange callback). |
Source code (opens new window)core.setSourceDataAtCell(row, column, value, [source])
Set the provided value in the source data set at the provided coordinates.
Param | Type | Description |
row | number Array | Physical row index or array of changes in format [[row, prop, value], ...] . |
column | number string | Physical column index / prop name. |
value | * | The value to be set at the provided coordinates. |
[source] | string | optional Source of the change as a string. |
Source code (opens new window)core.spliceCellsMeta(visualIndex, [deleteAmount], [...cellMetaRows])
Removes or adds one or more rows of the cell meta objects to the cell meta collections.
Since: 0.30.0
Param | Type | Default | Description |
visualIndex | number | A visual index that specifies at what position to add/remove items. | |
[deleteAmount] | number | 0 | optional The number of items to be removed. If set to 0, no cell meta objects will be removed. |
[...cellMetaRows] | object | optional The new cell meta row objects to be added to the cell meta collection. |
Source code (opens new window)core.spliceCol(column, index, amount, [...elements]) ⇒ Array
Adds/removes data from the column. This method works the same as Array.splice for arrays.
Param | Type | Description |
column | number | Index of the column in which do you want to do splice. |
index | number | Index at which to start changing the array. If negative, will begin that many elements from the end. |
amount | number | An integer indicating the number of old array elements to remove. If amount is 0, no elements are removed. |
[...elements] | number | optional The elements to add to the array. If you don't specify any elements, spliceCol simply removes elements from the array. |
Returns: Array
- Returns removed portion of columns.
Source code (opens new window)core.spliceRow(row, index, amount, [...elements]) ⇒ Array
Adds/removes data from the row. This method works the same as Array.splice for arrays.
Param | Type | Description |
row | number | Index of column in which do you want to do splice. |
index | number | Index at which to start changing the array. If negative, will begin that many elements from the end. |
amount | number | An integer indicating the number of old array elements to remove. If amount is 0, no elements are removed. |
[...elements] | number | optional The elements to add to the array. If you don't specify any elements, spliceCol simply removes elements from the array. |
Returns: Array
- Returns removed portion of rows.
Source code (opens new window)core.suspendExecution()
Suspends the execution process. It's helpful to wrap the table logic changes such as index changes into one call after which the cache is updated. As a result, it improves the performance of wrapped operations.
The method is intended to be used by advanced users. Suspending the execution process could cause visual glitches caused by not updated the internal table cache.
Since: 8.3.0
const filters = hot.getPlugin('filters');
filters.addCondition(2, 'contains', ['3']);
hot.getPlugin('columnSorting').sort({ column: 1, sortOrder: 'desc' });
hot.resumeExecution(); // It updates the cache internally
Source code (opens new window)core.suspendRender()
Suspends the rendering process. It's helpful to wrap the table render cycles triggered by API calls or UI actions (or both) and call the "render" once in the end. As a result, it improves the performance of wrapped operations. When the table is in the suspend state, most operations will have no visual effect until the rendering state is resumed. Resuming the state automatically invokes the table rendering. To make sure that after executing all operations, the table will be rendered, it's highly recommended to use the Core#batchRender method or Core#batch, which additionally aggregates the logic execution that happens behind the table.
The method is intended to be used by advanced users. Suspending the rendering process could cause visual glitches when wrongly implemented.
Every suspendRender()
call needs to correspond with one resumeRender()
For example, if you call suspendRender()
5 times, you need to call resumeRender()
5 times as well.
Since: 8.3.0
hot.alter('insert_row_above', 5, 45);
hot.alter('insert_col_start', 10, 40);
hot.setDataAtCell(1, 1, 'John');
hot.setDataAtCell(2, 2, 'Mark');
hot.setDataAtCell(3, 3, 'Ann');
hot.setDataAtCell(4, 4, 'Sophia');
hot.setDataAtCell(5, 5, 'Mia');
hot.selectCell(0, 0);
hot.resumeRender(); // It re-renders the table internally
Source code (opens new window)core.toHTML() ⇒ string
Converts instance into outerHTML of HTMLTableElement.
Since: 7.1.0
Source code (opens new window)core.toPhysicalColumn(column) ⇒ number
Translate visual column index into physical.
This method is useful when you want to retrieve physical column index based on a visual index which can be reordered, moved or trimmed.
Param | Type | Description |
column | number | Visual column index. |
Returns: number
- Returns physical column index.
Source code (opens new window)core.toPhysicalRow(row) ⇒ number
Translate visual row index into physical.
This method is useful when you want to retrieve physical row index based on a visual index which can be reordered, moved or trimmed.
Param | Type | Description |
row | number | Visual row index. |
Returns: number
- Returns physical row index.
Source code (opens new window)core.toTableElement() ⇒ HTMLTableElement
Converts instance into HTMLTableElement.
Since: 7.1.0
Source code (opens new window)core.toVisualColumn(column) ⇒ number
Translate physical column index into visual.
This method is useful when you want to retrieve visual column index which can be reordered, moved or trimmed based on a physical index.
Param | Type | Description |
column | number | Physical column index. |
Returns: number
- Returns visual column index.
Source code (opens new window)core.toVisualRow(row) ⇒ number
Translate physical row index into visual.
This method is useful when you want to retrieve visual row index which can be reordered, moved or trimmed based on a physical index.
Param | Type | Description |
row | number | Physical row index. |
Returns: number
- Returns visual row index.
Source code (opens new window)core.undo() ⇒ boolean
Source code (opens new window)core.unlisten()
Stop listening to keyboard input on the document body. Calling this method makes the Handsontable inactive for any keyboard events.
Source code (opens new window)core.updateData(data, [source])
The updateData()
method replaces Handsontable's data
with a new dataset.
The updateData()
- Keeps cells' states (e.g. cells' formatting and cells'
states) - Keeps rows' states (e.g. row order)
- Keeps columns' states (e.g. column order)
To replace Handsontable's data
and reset states, use the loadData()
Read more:
Emits: Hooks#event:beforeUpdateData
, Hooks#event:afterUpdateData
, Hooks#event:afterChange
Since: 11.1.0
Param | Type | Description |
data | Array | An array of arrays, or an array of objects, that contains Handsontable's data |
[source] | string | optional The source of the updateData() call |
Source code (opens new window)core.updateSettings(settings, [init])
Use it if you need to change configuration after initialization. The settings
argument is an object containing the changed
settings, declared the same way as in the initial settings object.
Note, that although the updateSettings
method doesn't overwrite the previously declared settings, it might reset
the settings made post-initialization. (for example - ignore changes made using the columnResize feature).
Since 8.0.0 passing columns
or data
inside settings
objects will result in resetting states corresponding to rows and columns
(for example, row/column sequence, column width, row height, frozen columns etc.).
Since 12.0.0 passing data
inside settings
objects no longer results in resetting states corresponding to rows and columns
(for example, row/column sequence, column width, row height, frozen columns etc.).
Emits: Hooks#event:afterCellMetaReset
, Hooks#event:afterUpdateSettings
contextMenu: true,
colHeaders: true,
fixedRowsTop: 2
Param | Type | Default | Description |
settings | object | A settings object (see Options). Only provide the settings that are changed, not the whole settings object that was used for initialization. | |
[init] | boolean | false | optional Internally used for in initialization mode. |
Source code (opens new window)core.validateCell(value, cellProperties, callback, source)
Validate a single cell.
Param | Type | Description |
value | string number | The value to validate. |
cellProperties | object | The cell meta which corresponds with the value. |
callback | function | The callback function. |
source | string | The string that identifies source of the validation. |
Source code (opens new window)core.validateCells([callback])
Validates all cells using their validator functions and calls callback when finished.
If one of the cells is invalid, the callback will be fired with 'valid'
arguments as false
- otherwise it
would equal true
hot.validateCells((valid) => {
if (valid) {
// ... code for validated cells
Param | Type | Description |
[callback] | function | optional The callback function. |
Source code (opens new window)core.validateColumns([columns], [callback])
Validates columns using their validator functions and calls callback when finished.
If one of the cells is invalid, the callback will be fired with 'valid'
arguments as false
- otherwise it
would equal true
hot.validateColumns([3, 4, 5], (valid) => {
if (valid) {
// ... code for validated columns
Param | Type | Description |
[columns] | Array | optional Array of validation target visual columns indexes. |
[callback] | function | optional The callback function. |
Source code (opens new window)core.validateRows([rows], [callback])
Validates rows using their validator functions and calls callback when finished.
If one of the cells is invalid, the callback will be fired with 'valid'
arguments as false
- otherwise it
would equal true
hot.validateRows([3, 4, 5], (valid) => {
if (valid) {
// ... code for validated rows
Param | Type | Description |
[rows] | Array | optional Array of validation target visual row indexes. |
[callback] | function | optional The callback function. |
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