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JavaScript Data Grid CopyPaste


This plugin enables the copy/paste functionality in the Handsontable. The functionality works for API, Context Menu, using keyboard shortcuts and menu bar from the browser. Possible values:

  • true (to enable default options),
  • false (to disable completely).

or an object with values:

See the copy/paste demo for examples.


// Enables the plugin with default values
copyPaste: true,
// Enables the plugin with custom values
copyPaste: {
  columnsLimit: 25,
  rowsLimit: 50,
  pasteMode: 'shift_down',
  uiContainer: document.body,



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copyPaste.copyPaste : object | boolean

The copyPaste option configures the CopyPaste plugin.

You can set the copyPaste option to one of the following:

Setting Description
true (default) Enable the CopyPaste plugin with the default configuration
false Disable the CopyPaste plugin
An object - Enable the CopyPaste plugin
- Modify the CopyPaste plugin options

If you set the copyPaste option to an object, you can set the following CopyPaste plugin options:

Option Possible settings Description
columnsLimit A number (default: Infinity) A maximum number of columns that can be copied
rowsLimit A number (default: Infinity) A maximum number of columns that can be copied
pasteMode 'overwrite' | 'shift_down' | 'shift_right' When pasting:
'overwrite': overwrite currently-selected cells
'shift_down': move currently-selected cells down
'shift_right': move currently-selected cells to the right
uiContainer An HTML element A UI container for the secondary focusable element

Read more:

Default: true Example

// disable the `CopyPaste` plugin
copyPaste: false,

// enable the `CopyPaste` plugin
// and modify the `CopyPaste` plugin options
copyPaste: {
  // set the maximum number of columns that can be copied
  columnsLimit: 25,
  // set the maximum number of rows that can be copied
  rowsLimit: 50,
  // set the paste behavior
  pasteMode: 'shift_down',
  // set the UI container
  uiContainer: document.body,



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copyPaste.columnsLimit : number

Maximum number of columns than can be copied to clipboard using Ctrl/Cmd + C.

Default: Infinity


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copyPaste.pasteMode : string

Defines paste (Ctrl/Cmd + V) behavior.

  • Default value "overwrite" will paste clipboard value over current selection.
  • When set to "shift_down", clipboard data will be pasted in place of current selection, while all selected cells are moved down.
  • When set to "shift_right", clipboard data will be pasted in place of current selection, while all selected cells are moved right.

Default: "overwrite"


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copyPaste.rowsLimit : number

Maximum number of rows than can be copied to clipboard using Ctrl/Cmd + C.

Default: Infinity


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copyPaste.uiContainer : HTMLElement

UI container for the secondary focusable element.



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Copies the selected cell into the clipboard.


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Cuts the selected cell into the clipboard.


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Destroys the plugin instance.


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Disables the plugin functionality for this Handsontable instance.


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Enables the plugin functionality for this Handsontable instance.


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copyPaste.getRangedCopyableData(ranges) ⇒ string

Creates copyable text releated to range objects.

Param Type Description
ranges Array<object> Array of objects with properties startRow, endRow, startCol and endCol.

Returns: string - Returns string which will be copied into clipboard.


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copyPaste.getRangedData(ranges) ⇒ Array<Array>

Creates copyable text releated to range objects.

Param Type Description
ranges Array<object> Array of objects with properties startRow, startCol, endRow and endCol.

Returns: Array<Array> - Returns array of arrays which will be copied into clipboard.


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copyPaste.isEnabled() ⇒ boolean

Checks if the plugin is enabled in the handsontable settings. This method is executed in Hooks#beforeInit hook and if it returns true then the CopyPaste#enablePlugin method is called.


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copyPaste.paste(pastableText, [pastableHtml])

Simulates the paste action.

Due to security reasons, modern browsers disallow reading from the system clipboard.

Param Type Default Description
pastableText string Value as raw string to paste.
[pastableHtml] string "" optional Value as HTML to paste.


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Prepares copyable text from the cells selection in the invisible textarea.


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Updates the plugin's state.

This method is executed when updateSettings() is invoked with any of the following configuration options:

Last update: Nov 20, 2024