This page covers a non-latest version of Handsontable.
# Column moving
# Overview
This page shows you how to move columns in Handsontable.
# Enabling plugin
To enable column moving, set the manualColumnMove
configuration option to true
A draggable move handle appears above the selected column header. You can click and drag it to any location in the grid.
const container = document.querySelector('#example1');
const hot = new Handsontable(container, {
data: Handsontable.helper.createSpreadsheetData(200, 20),
width: '100%',
height: 320,
rowHeaders: true,
colHeaders: true,
colWidths: 100,
manualColumnMove: true,
licenseKey: 'non-commercial-and-evaluation'
# Drag and move actions of the ManualColumnMove
There are significant differences between the plugin's dragColumns and moveColumns API functions. Both of them change the order of columns, but they rely on different kinds of indexes. The differences between them are shown in the diagrams below.
Both of these methods trigger the beforeColumnMove and afterColumnMove hooks, but only dragColumns
passes the dropIndex
argument to them.
The dragColumns method has a dropIndex
parameter, which points to where the elements are being dropped.
The moveColumns method has a finalIndex
parameter, which points to where the elements will be placed after the moving action - finalIndex
being the index of the first moved element.
The moveColumns
function cannot perform some actions, e.g., more than one element can't be moved to the last position. In this scenario, the move will be cancelled. The Plugin's isMovePossible API method and the movePossible
parameters beforeColumnMove
and afterColumnMove
hooks help in determine such situations.
# Related API reference
- Configuration options:
- Core methods:
- Hooks:
- Plugins: