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# ShortcutContext

# Description

The ShortcutContext API lets you store and manage keyboard shortcuts in a given context.

Each ShortcutContext object stores and manages its own set of keyboard shortcuts.

# Methods

# addShortcut

Source code (opens new window)


Add a keyboard shortcut to this ShortcutContext.

Param Type Default Description
options object The shortcut's options
options.keys Array<Array<string>> Names of the shortcut's keys, (coming from KeyboardEvent.key (opens new window)), in lowercase or uppercase, unified across browsers
options.callback function The shortcut's action object A group of shortcuts to which the shortcut belongs
[options.runOnlyIf] object optional A condition on which the shortcut's action runs
[options.stopPropagation] object true optional If set to true: stops the event's propagation
[options.captureCtrl] object false optional If set to true: captures the state of the Control/Meta modifier key
[options.preventDefault] object true optional If set to true: prevents the default behavior
[options.position] object 'after' optional The order in which the shortcut's action runs: 'before' or 'after' the relativeToGroup group of actions
[options.relativeToGroup] object optional The name of a group of actions, used to determine an action's position

# addShortcuts

Source code (opens new window)

shortcutContext.addShortcuts(shortcuts, [options])

Add multiple keyboard shortcuts to this context.

Param Type Default Description
shortcuts Array<object> List of shortcuts to add to this shortcut context
[options] object optional A shortcut's options
[options.callback] function optional A shortcut's action
[] object optional A group of shortcuts to which a shortcut belongs
[options.runOnlyIf] object optional A condition on which a shortcut's action runs
[options.stopPropagation] object true optional If set to true: stops the event's propagation
[options.preventDefault] object true optional If set to true: prevents the default behavior
[options.position] object 'after' optional The order in which a shortcut's action runs: 'before' or 'after' a relativeToGroup group of actions
[options.relativeToGroup] object optional The name of a group of actions, used to determine an action's position

# getShortcuts

Source code (opens new window)

shortcutContext.getShortcuts(keys) ⇒ Array

Get a shortcut's details.

Param Type Description
keys Array<string> Names of the shortcut's keys, (coming from KeyboardEvent.key (opens new window)), in lowercase or uppercase, unified across browsers

# hasShortcut

Source code (opens new window)

shortcutContext.hasShortcut(keys) ⇒ boolean

Check if a shortcut exists in this context.

Param Type Description
keys Array<string> Names of the shortcut's keys, (coming from KeyboardEvent.key (opens new window)), in lowercase or uppercase, unified across browsers

# removeShortcutsByGroup

Source code (opens new window)


Remove a group of shortcuts from this context.

Param Type Description
group string The name of the group of shortcuts

# removeShortcutsByKeys

Source code (opens new window)


Remove a shortcut from this context.

Param Type Description
keys Array<string> Names of the shortcut's keys, (coming from KeyboardEvent.key (opens new window)), in lowercase or uppercase, unified across browsers
Last Updated: Jan 17, 2025