This page covers a next version of Handsontable, and is not published yet.

This page covers a non-latest version of Handsontable.

# GhostTable

# Members

# columns

Source code (opens new window)

ghostTable.columns : Array

Added columns collection.

# container

Source code (opens new window)

ghostTable.container : HTMLElement | null

Container element where every table will be injected.

# hot

Source code (opens new window) : Core

Handsontable instance.

# injected

Source code (opens new window)

ghostTable.injected : boolean

Flag which determine is table was injected to DOM.

# rows

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ghostTable.rows : Array

Added rows collection.

# samples

Source code (opens new window)

ghostTable.samples : Map

Samples prepared for calculations.

Default: {null}

# settings

Source code (opens new window)

ghostTable.settings : object

Ghost table settings.

Default: {Object}

# Methods

# addColumn

Source code (opens new window)

ghostTable.addColumn(column, samples)

Add column.

Param Type Description
column number Column index.
samples Map A map with sampled table values.

# addColumnHeadersRow

Source code (opens new window)


Add a row consisting of the column headers.

Param Type Description
samples Map A map with sampled table values.

# addRow

Source code (opens new window)

ghostTable.addRow(row, samples)

Add row.

Param Type Description
row number Row index.
samples Map Samples Map object.

# appendColumnHeadersRow

Source code (opens new window)


Creates DOM elements for headers and appends them to the THEAD element of the table.

# clean

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Remove table from document and reset internal state.

# createCol

Source code (opens new window)

ghostTable.createCol(column) ⇒ DocumentFragment

Create table column elements.

Param Type Description
column number Column index.

Returns: DocumentFragment - Returns created column table column elements.

# createColElement

Source code (opens new window)

ghostTable.createColElement(column) ⇒ HTMLElement

Create col element.

Param Type Description
column number Column index.

# createColGroupsCol

Source code (opens new window)

ghostTable.createColGroupsCol() ⇒ DocumentFragment

Create colgroup col elements.

# createContainer

Source code (opens new window)

ghostTable.createContainer(className) ⇒ object

Create container for tables.

Param Type Description
className string The CSS classes to add.

# createRow

Source code (opens new window)

ghostTable.createRow(row) ⇒ DocumentFragment

Create table row element.

Param Type Description
row number Row index.

Returns: DocumentFragment - Returns created table row elements.

# createTable

Source code (opens new window)

ghostTable.createTable(className) ⇒ object

Create table element.

Param Type Description
className string The CSS classes to add.

# getHeights

Source code (opens new window)


Get calculated heights.

Param Type Description
callback function Callback which will be fired for each calculated row.

# getSetting

Source code (opens new window)

ghostTable.getSetting(name) ⇒ boolean | null

Get a single Ghost Table setting.

Param Type Description
name string The setting name to get.

# getSettings

Source code (opens new window)

ghostTable.getSettings() ⇒ object | null

Get the Ghost Table settings.

# getWidths

Source code (opens new window)


Get calculated widths.

Param Type Description
callback function Callback which will be fired for each calculated column.

# injectTable

Source code (opens new window)


Inject generated table into document.

Param Type Default Description
[parent] HTMLElement null optional The element to which the ghost table is injected.

# isHorizontal

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ghostTable.isHorizontal() ⇒ boolean

Checks if table is raised horizontally (checking columns).

# isVertical

Source code (opens new window)

ghostTable.isVertical() ⇒ boolean

Checks if table is raised vertically (checking rows).

# removeTable

Source code (opens new window)


Remove table from document.

# setSetting

Source code (opens new window)

ghostTable.setSetting(name, value)

Set a single setting of the Ghost Table.

Param Type Description
name string Setting name.
value * Setting value.

# setSettings

Source code (opens new window)


Set the Ghost Table settings to the provided object.

Param Type Description
settings object New Ghost Table Settings.
Last Updated: Jan 17, 2025