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# BaseEditor

# Members

# BaseEditor

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# _closeCallback

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baseEditor._closeCallback : function

Callback to call after closing editor.

# cellProperties

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baseEditor.cellProperties : object

Object containing the cell's properties.

# col

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baseEditor.col : number

Visual column index.

# hot

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A reference to the source instance of the Handsontable.

# instance

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baseEditor.instance : Handsontable


A reference to the source instance of the Handsontable.

# originalValue

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baseEditor.originalValue : *

Original cell's value.

# prop

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baseEditor.prop : number | string

Column property name or a column index, if datasource is an array of arrays.

# row

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baseEditor.row : number

Visual row index.

# state

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baseEditor.state : string

Editor's state.

# TD

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baseEditor.TD : HTMLTableCellElement

Currently rendered cell's TD element.

# Methods

# beginEditing

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baseEditor.beginEditing(newInitialValue, event)

Begins editing on a highlighted cell and hides fillHandle corner if was present.

Param Type Description
newInitialValue * The initial editor value.
event Event The keyboard event object.

# cancelChanges

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Finishes editing without singout saving value.

# close

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Required method to close editor.

# discardEditor

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Verifies result of validation or closes editor if user's cancelled changes.

Param Type Description
result boolean
If false and the cell using allowInvalid option, then an editor won't be closed until validation is passed.

# enableFullEditMode

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Switch editor into full edit mode. In this state navigation keys don't close editor. This mode is activated automatically after hit ENTER or F2 key on the cell or while editing cell press F2 key.

# extend

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baseEditor.extend() ⇒ function

Fallback method to provide extendable editors in ES5.

# finishEditing

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baseEditor.finishEditing(restoreOriginalValue, ctrlDown, callback)

Finishes editing and start saving or restoring process for editing cell or last selected range.

Param Type Description
restoreOriginalValue boolean If true, then closes editor without saving value from the editor into a cell.
ctrlDown boolean If true, then saveValue will save editor's value to each cell in the last selected range.
callback function The callback function, fired after editor closing.

# getEditedCell

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baseEditor.getEditedCell() ⇒ HTMLTableCellElement | null

Gets HTMLTableCellElement of the edited cell if exist.

# getEditedCellRect

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baseEditor.getEditedCellRect() ⇒ Object | undefined

Gets the object that provides information about the edited cell size and its position relative to the table viewport.

The rectangle has six integer properties:

  • top The top position relative to the table viewport
  • start The left (or right in RTL) position relative to the table viewport
  • width The cell's current width;
  • maxWidth The maximum cell's width after which the editor goes out of the table viewport
  • height The cell's current height;
  • maxHeight The maximum cell's height after which the editor goes out of the table viewport

# getEditedCellsLayerClass

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baseEditor.getEditedCellsLayerClass() ⇒ string

Gets className of the edited cell if exist.

# getValue

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Required method to get current value from editable element.

# init

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Initializes an editor's intance.

# isInFullEditMode

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baseEditor.isInFullEditMode() ⇒ boolean

Checks if editor is in full edit mode.

# isOpened

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baseEditor.isOpened() ⇒ boolean

Returns information whether the editor is open.

# isWaiting

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baseEditor.isWaiting() ⇒ boolean

Returns information whether the editor is waiting, eg.: for async validation.

# open

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Required method to open editor.

# prepare

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baseEditor.prepare(row, col, prop, td, value, cellProperties)

Prepares editor's meta data.

Param Type Description
row number The visual row index.
col number The visual column index.
prop number
The column property (passed when datasource is an array of objects).
td HTMLTableCellElement The rendered cell element.
value * The rendered value.
cellProperties object The cell meta object ({@see Core#getCellMeta}).

# saveValue

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baseEditor.saveValue(value, ctrlDown)

Saves value from editor into data storage.

Param Type Description
value * The editor value.
ctrlDown boolean If true, applies value to each cell in the last selected range.

# setValue

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Required method to set new value into editable element.

Last Updated: Jan 17, 2025