Selection enables you to select a single cell or ranges of cells within Handsontable. Once selected, you can retrieve data from the cell, edit the cell's contents, or change the style of the cell.
With this feature, you can select single cells or ranges of cells across a grid. Easily retrieve the coordinates of the selected cells to clear or change the cells' content.
Use CMD on Mac or CTRL on Windows to select non-contiguous ranges of cells.
There are different modes in which you can use this plugin. Choose between selecting a single cell, a range of adjacent cells, and multiple ranges of non-contiguous cells.
Possible values of selectionMode:
single - A single cell can be selected.
range - Multiple cells within a single range can be selected.
multiple - Multiple non-contiguous ranges of cells can be selected.
const container = document.querySelector('#example1');const selectOption = document.querySelector('#selectOption');const hot =newHandsontable(container,{data: Handsontable.helper.createSpreadsheetData(10,10),width:'auto',height:'auto',colWidths:100,rowHeights:23,rowHeaders:true,colHeaders:true,selectionMode:'multiple',// 'single', 'range' or 'multiple',licenseKey:'non-commercial-and-evaluation'});
selectOption.addEventListener('change',event=>{const value =;const first = value.split(' ')[0].toLowerCase();
hot.updateSettings({selectionMode: first
You may want to delete, format, or otherwise change the selected cells. For example, you can change a value or add CSS classes to the selected cells using the demo below.