This page covers a next version of Handsontable, and is not published yet.

This page covers a non-latest version of Handsontable.

# Keyboard navigation

Windows shortcut Mac shortcut Command
Arrow Up ↑ Arrow Up ↑ Move to the cell above current active cell if exists
Arrow Down ↓ Arrow Down ↓ Move to cell below the current active cell if exists
Arrow Right → Arrow Right → Move to the cell on the right side of the current active cell if exists
Arrow Left ← Arrow Left ← Move to the cell on the left side of current active cell if exists
Tab Tab Move to the cell on the right side of the current active cell if exists
Tab + Shift Tab + Shift Move to the cell on the left side of current active cell if exists
Home Fn + Arrow Left ← Move to the first cell in a row
End Fn + Arrow Right → Move to the last cell in a row
Ctrl + Home Ctrl + Fn + Arrow Left ←
Cmd + Home
Move to the first cell in a column
Ctrl + End Ctrl + Fn + Arrow Right →
Cmd + End
Move to the last cell in a column

# Selection

Windows Shortcut key Mac Shortcut key Command
Ctrl + A Cmd + A Select all
Shift + Arrow Up ↑ Shift + Arrow Up ↑ Extend selection of the cell above
Shift + Arrow Down ↓ Shift + Arrow Down ↓ Extend selection of the cell underneath
Shift + Arrow Right → Shift + Arrow Right → Extend selection of the cell on the right
Shift + Arrow Left ← Shift + Arrow Left ← Extend selection of the cell on the left
Shift + Home Shift + Fn + Arrow Left ←
Shift + Home
Select all cells in the row to the left including the current cell
Shift + End Shift + Fn + Arrow Right →
Shift + End
Select all cells in the row to the right including the current cell
Ctrl + Shift + Home Ctrl + Shift + Fn + Arrow Left ←
Cmd + Shift + Home
Select all cells in the column to the top including the current cell
Ctrl + Shift + End Ctrl + Shift + Fn + Arrow Right →
Cmd + Shift + End
Select all cells in the column to the bottom including the current cell
Ctrl + M Cmd + M M§erge/unmerge selected cells when plugin mergeCells are enabled

# Controlling the editor

Windows shortcut Mac shortcut Command
Enter ⏎ Enter ⏎ Open/close cell editor
F2 F2 Open cell editor
Esc Esc Cancel editing and close cell editor
Backspace Backspace Empty cell
Delete Delete Empty cell
Shift + Enter ⏎ Shift + Enter ⏎ Opens editor and move to the cell above current active cell (if exists)
Ctrl + Enter ⏎ Ctrl + Enter ⏎ Opens editor and adds new line in the cell
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + Insert
Cmd + C Copy cell's content
Ctrl + X Cmd + X Cut cell's content
Ctrl + V
Shift + Insert
Cmd + V Paste cell's content
Ctrl + Enter ⏎ Cmd + Enter ⏎ Fill all selected cells with edited cell's value
Ctrl + Z Cmd + Z undo
Ctrl + Y Cmd + Y redo

# Context menu

Windows shortcut Mac shortcut Command
Arrow Down ↓ Arrow Down ↓ Move to the next option in context menu
Arrow Up ↑ Arrow Up ↑ Move to the previous option in context menu
Enter ⏎ Enter ⏎ Select option from context menu