This page covers a next version of Handsontable, and is not published yet.

This page covers a non-latest version of Handsontable.

# File structure

Handsontable's source files are stored on GitHub, in a mono repository (opens new window).

├── bin                                     # Binary files
├── docs                                    # Documentation files
├── examples                                # Code examples
└── handsontable                            # Handsontable project directory
    ├── dist                                # Compiled files
    ├── languages                           # Translations (i18n)
    ├── scripts                             # Handsontable scripts
    ├── src                                 # Source files
    ├── test                                # Automated tests
    └── types                               # Handsontable TypeScript definitions files
├── resources                               # Static files for
├── scripts                                 # Monorepo scripts
└── wrappers                                # Wrapper files
    ├── angular                             # Wrapper for Angular
    ├── react                               # Wrapper for React
    └── vue                                 # Wrapper for Vue 2