Disabling a cell makes the cell read-only or non-editable. Both have similar outcomes, the difference between the two being that the non-editable cells allow the drag-to-fill functionality, whereas read-only cells do not.
In many use cases, you will need to configure a certain column to be read-only. This column will be available for keyboard navigation and CTRL+C. Editing and pasting data will be disabled.
To make a column read-only, declare it in the columns setting. You can also define a special renderer function that will dim the read-only values, providing a visual cue for the user that the cells are read-only.
const container = document.querySelector('#example1');const hot =newHandsontable(container,{data:[{car:'Tesla',year:2017,chassis:'black',bumper:'black'},{car:'Nissan',year:2018,chassis:'blue',bumper:'blue'},{car:'Chrysler',year:2019,chassis:'yellow',bumper:'black'},{car:'Volvo',year:2020,chassis:'white',bumper:'gray'}],colHeaders:['Car','Year','Chassis color','Bumper color'],licenseKey:'non-commercial-and-evaluation',columns:[{data:'car',readOnly:true},{data:'year'},{data:'chassis'},{data:'bumper'}]});
This example makes cells that contain the word "Nissan" read-only. It forces all cells to be processed by the cells function which will decide whether a cell's metadata should have the readOnly property set.
Non-editable cells behave like any other cells apart from preventing you from manually changing their values. You are still able to copy-paste or drag-to-fill the data. There is no additional CSS class added. Read-only cells do not permit the drag-to-fill functionality.
In many cases, you will need to configure a certain column to be non-editable. Doing this does not change its basic behaviour, apart from editing. This means that you can still use the keyboard navigation CTRL+C, and CTRL+V functionalities, and drag-to-fill, etc.
To make a column non-editable, declare it in the columns setting. You can also define a special renderer function that will dim the editor value. This will provide the user with a visual cue that the cell is non-editable.
const container = document.querySelector('#example3');const hot =newHandsontable(container,{data:[{car:'Tesla',year:2017,chassis:'black',bumper:'black'},{car:'Nissan',year:2018,chassis:'blue',bumper:'blue'},{car:'Chrysler',year:2019,chassis:'yellow',bumper:'black'},{car:'Volvo',year:2020,chassis:'white',bumper:'gray'}],colHeaders:['Car','Year','Chassis color','Bumper color'],licenseKey:'non-commercial-and-evaluation',columns:[{data:'car',editor:false},{data:'year',editor:'numeric'},{data:'chassis',editor:'text'},{data:'bumper',editor:'text'}]});
The following example shows the table with non-editable cells containing the word "Nissan". This cell property is optional and can be easily set in the Handsontable configuration.