This page covers a non-latest version of Handsontable.
# Options
- Description
- Members
- activeHeaderClassName
- allowEmpty
- allowHtml
- allowInsertColumn
- allowInsertRow
- allowInvalid
- allowRemoveColumn
- allowRemoveRow
- autoColumnSize
- autoRowSize
- autoWrapCol
- autoWrapRow
- bindRowsWithHeaders
- cell
- cells
- checkedTemplate
- className
- colHeaders
- collapsibleColumns
- columnHeaderHeight
- columns
- columnSorting
- columnSummary
- colWidths
- commentedCellClassName
- comments
- contextMenu
- copyable
- copyPaste
- correctFormat
- currentColClassName
- currentHeaderClassName
- currentRowClassName
- customBorders
- data
- dataSchema
- dateFormat
- defaultDate
- disableVisualSelection
- dragToScroll
- dropdownMenu
- editor
- enterBeginsEditing
- enterMoves
- fillHandle
- filter
- filteringCaseSensitive
- filters
- fixedColumnsLeft
- fixedRowsBottom
- fixedRowsTop
- formulas
- fragmentSelection
- height
- hiddenColumns
- hiddenRows
- invalidCellClassName
- label
- language
- licenseKey
- locale
- manualColumnFreeze
- manualColumnMove
- manualColumnResize
- manualRowMove
- manualRowResize
- maxCols
- maxRows
- mergeCells
- minCols
- minRows
- minSpareCols
- minSpareRows
- multiColumnSorting
- nestedHeaders
- nestedRows
- noWordWrapClassName
- numericFormat
- observeDOMVisibility
- outsideClickDeselects
- persistentState
- placeholder
- placeholderCellClassName
- preventOverflow
- readOnly
- readOnlyCellClassName
- renderAllRows
- renderer
- rowHeaders
- rowHeaderWidth
- rowHeights
- search
- selectionMode
- selectOptions
- skipColumnOnPaste
- skipRowOnPaste
- sortByRelevance
- source
- startCols
- startRows
- stretchH
- strict
- tableClassName
- tabMoves
- title
- trimDropdown
- trimRows
- type
- uncheckedTemplate
- undo
- validator
- viewportColumnRenderingOffset
- viewportRowRenderingOffset
- visibleRows
- width
- wordWrap
- Methods
# Description
Configuration options let you heavily customize your Handsontable instance. For example, you can:
- Enable and disable built-in features
- Enable and configure additional plugins
- Personalize Handsontable's look
- Adjust Handsontable's behavior
- Implement your own custom features
To apply configuration options, pass them as a second argument of the Handsontable constructor, using the object literal notation (opens new window):
const container = document.getElementById('example');
const hot = new Handsontable(container, {
// configuration options, in the object literal notation
licenseKey: 'non-commercial-and-evaluation',
data: Handsontable.helper.createSpreadsheetData(5, 10),
width: 400,
height: 300,
colHeaders: true,
rowHeaders: true,
customBorders: true,
dropdownMenu: true,
multiColumnSorting: true,
filters: true,
manualRowMove: true,
Depending on your needs, you can apply configuration options to different elements of your grid, such as:
- The entire grid
- Individual columns
- Individual rows
- Individual cells
- Individual grid elements, based on any logic you implement
Read more:
# Members
# activeHeaderClassName
Source code (opens new window)options.activeHeaderClassName : string
The activeHeaderClassName
option lets you add a CSS class name
to every currently-active, currently-selected header (when a whole column or row is selected).
Default: "ht__active_highlight"
Category: Core Since: 0.38.2
// add an `ht__active_highlight` CSS class name
// to every currently-active, currently-selected header
activeHeaderClassName: 'ht__active_highlight',
# allowEmpty
Source code (opens new window)options.allowEmpty : boolean
The allowEmpty
option determines whether Handsontable accepts the following values:
You can set the allowEmpty
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true (default) | - Accept null , undefined and '' values- Mark cells that contain null , undefined and '' values as valid |
false | - Don't accept null , undefined and '' values- Mark cells that contain null , undefined and '' values with as invalid |
Default: true
Category: Core Example
// allow empty values in every cell of the entire grid
allowEmpty: true,
// or
columns: [
data: 'date',
dateFormat: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
// allow empty values in every cell of the 'date' column
allowEmpty: true
# allowHtml
Source code (opens new window)options.allowHtml : boolean
The allowHtml
option configures whether autocomplete
and dropdown
cells' source
is treated as HTML.
You can set the allowHtml
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
false (default) | The source data is not treated as HTML |
true | The source data is treated as HTML |
Warning: Setting the allowHtml
option to true
can cause serious XSS vulnerabilities.
Read more:
Default: false
Category: Core Example
columns: [
// set the `type` of every cell in this column to `autocomplete`
type: 'autocomplete',
// set options available in every `autocomplete` cell of this column
source: ['<strong>foo</strong>', '<strong>bar</strong>']
// use HTML in the `source` list
allowHtml: true,
# allowInsertColumn
Source code (opens new window)options.allowInsertColumn : boolean
If set to true
, the allowInsertColumn
option adds the following menu items to the context menu:
- Insert column left
- Insert column right
Default: true
Category: Core Example
// hide the 'Insert column left' and 'Insert column right' menu items from the context menu
allowInsertColumn: false,
# allowInsertRow
Source code (opens new window)options.allowInsertRow : boolean
If set to true
, the allowInsertRow
option adds the following menu items to the context menu:
- Insert row above
- Insert row below
Default: true
Category: Core Example
// hide the 'Insert row above' and 'Insert row below' menu items from the context menu
allowInsertRow: false,
# allowInvalid
Source code (opens new window)options.allowInvalid : boolean
The allowInvalid
option determines whether Handsontable accepts values
that were marked as invalid
by the cell validator.
You can set the allowInvalid
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true (default) | - Accept invalid values- Allow the user to close the cell editor with invalid values- Save invalid values into the data source |
false | - Don't accept invalid values- Don't allow the user to close the cell editor with invalid values- Don't save invalid values into the data source |
Setting the allowInvalid
option to false
can be useful when used with the Autocomplete strict mode.
Read more:
Default: true
Category: Core Example
// don't accept `invalid` values
// don't allow the user to close the cell editor
// don't save `invalid` values into the data source
allowInvalid: false,
# allowRemoveColumn
Source code (opens new window)options.allowRemoveColumn : boolean
If set to true
, the allowRemoveColumn
option adds the following menu items to the context menu:
- Remove column
Read more:
Default: true
Category: Core Example
// hide the 'Remove column' menu item from the context menu
allowRemoveColumn: false,
# allowRemoveRow
Source code (opens new window)options.allowRemoveRow : boolean
If set to true
, the allowRemoveRow
option adds the following menu items to the context menu:
- Remove row
Read more:
Default: true
Category: Core Example
// hide the 'Remove row' menu item from the context menu
allowRemoveRow: false,
# autoColumnSize
Source code (opens new window)options.autoColumnSize : object | boolean
The autoColumnSize
option configures the AutoColumnSize
You can set the autoColumnSize
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
false | Disable the AutoColumnSize plugin |
true | Enable the AutoColumnSize plugin with the default configuration |
An object | Enable the AutoColumnSize plugin and modify the plugin options |
If you set the autoColumnSize
option to an object, you can set the following AutoColumnSize
plugin options:
Property | Possible values | Description |
syncLimit | A number | A percentage string | The number/percentage of columns to keep in sync (default: 50 ) |
useHeaders | true | false | When calculating column widths:true : use column headersfalse : don't use column headers |
samplingRatio | A number | The number of samples of the same length to be used in column width calculations |
allowSampleDuplicates | true | false | When calculating column widths:true : Allow duplicate samplesfalse : Don't allow duplicate samples |
By default, the autoColumnSize
option is set to undefined
but the AutoColumnSize
plugin acts as enabled.
To disable the AutoColumnSize
plugin completely,
set the autoColumnSize
option to false
Using the colWidths
option forcibly disables the AutoColumnSize
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: AutoColumnSize Example
autoColumnSize: {
// keep 40% of columns in sync (the rest of columns: async)
syncLimit: '40%',
// when calculating column widths, use column headers
useHeaders: true,
// when calculating column widths, use 10 samples of the same length
samplingRatio: 10,
// when calculating column widths, allow duplicate samples
allowSampleDuplicates: true
# autoRowSize
Source code (opens new window)options.autoRowSize : object | boolean
The autoRowSize
option configures the AutoRowSize
You can set the autoRowSize
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
false | Disable the AutoRowSize plugin |
true | Enable the AutoRowSize plugin with the default configuration |
An object | Enable the AutoRowSize plugin and modify the plugin options |
To give Handsontable's scrollbar (opens new window)
a proper size, set the autoRowSize
option to true
If you set the autoRowSize
option to an object, you can set the following AutoRowSize
plugin options:
Property | Possible values | Description |
syncLimit | A number | A percentage string | The number/percentage of rows to keep in sync (default: 500 ) |
Using the rowHeights
option forcibly disables the AutoRowSize
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: AutoRowSize Example
autoRowSize: {
// keep 40% of rows in sync (the rest of rows: async)
syncLimit: '40%'
# autoWrapCol
Source code (opens new window)options.autoWrapCol : boolean
The autoWrapCol
option determines what happens to current cell selection when you navigate to the grid's top or bottom edge.
You can set the autoWrapCol
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true | On reaching the grid's top or bottom edge - Jump to the opposite edge - Select a cell in the previous/next column |
false (default) | On reaching the grid's top or bottom edge, stop |
Default: false
Category: Core Example
// on reaching the grid's top or bottom edge, jump to the opposite edge
autoWrapCol: true,
# autoWrapRow
Source code (opens new window)options.autoWrapRow : boolean
The autoWrapRow
option determines what happens to current cell selection when you navigate to the grid's left or right edge.
You can set the autoWrapRow
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true | On reaching the grid's left or right edge: - Jump to the grid's opposite edge - Select a cell in the previous/next row |
false (default) | On reaching the grid's left or right edge, stop |
Default: false
Category: Core Example
// on reaching the grid's left or right edge, jump to the opposite edge
autoWrapRow: true,
# bindRowsWithHeaders
Source code (opens new window)options.bindRowsWithHeaders : boolean | string
The bindRowsWithHeaders
option configures the BindRowsWithHeaders
You can set the bindRowsWithHeaders
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
false | Disable the the BindRowsWithHeaders plugin |
true | Enable the the BindRowsWithHeaders plugin |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: BindRowsWithHeaders Example
// enable the `BindRowsWithHeaders` plugin
bindRowsWithHeaders: true
# cell
Source code (opens new window)options.cell : Array<Array>
The cell
option lets you apply configuration options to individual cells.
The cell
option overwrites the top-level grid options,
and the columns
Read more:
Default: []
Category: Core Example
// set the `cell` option to an array of objects
cell: [
// make the cell with coordinates (0, 0) read-only
row: 0,
col: 0,
readOnly: true
# cells
Source code (opens new window)options.cells : function
The cells
option lets you apply configuration options to
individual grid elements (columns, rows, cells), based on any logic you implement.
The cells
option overwrites all other options (including options set by columns
and cell
It takes the following parameters:
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
row | Yes | Number | A physical row index |
column | Yes | Number | A physical column index |
prop | No | String | Number | If data is set to an array of arrays, prop is the same number as column .If data is set to an array of objects, prop is a property name for the column's data object. |
Read more:
- Configuration options: Implementing custom logic →
- Configuration options: Setting row options →
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
// set the `cells` option to your custom function
cells(row, column, prop) {
const cellProperties = { readOnly: false };
const visualRowIndex = this.instance.toVisualRow(row);
const visualColIndex = this.instance.toVisualColumn(column);
if (visualRowIndex === 0 && visualColIndex === 0) {
cellProperties.readOnly = true;
return cellProperties;
# checkedTemplate
Source code (opens new window)options.checkedTemplate : boolean | string | number
The checkedTemplate
option lets you configure what value
a checked checkbox
cell has.
You can set the checkedTemplate
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true (default) | If a checkbox cell is checked,the getDataAtCell method for this cell returns true |
A string | If a checkbox cell is checked,the getDataAtCell method for this cell returns a string of your choice |
Read more:
Default: true
Category: Core Example
columns: [
// set the `type` of every cell in this column to `checkbox`
// when checked, the cell's value is `true`
// when unchecked, the cell's value is `false`
type: 'checkbox',
// set the `type` of every cell in this column to `checkbox`
type: 'checkbox',
// when checked, the cell's value is `'Yes'`
checkedTemplate: 'Yes',
// when unchecked, the cell's value is `'No'`
uncheckedTemplate: 'No'
# className
Source code (opens new window)options.className : string | Array<string>
The className
option lets you add CSS class names to every currently-selected element.
You can set the className
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
A string | Add a single CSS class name to every currently-selected element |
An array of strings | Add multiple CSS class names to every currently-selected element |
To apply different CSS class names on different levels, use Handsontable's cascading configuration.
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
// add a `your-class-name` CSS class name
// to every currently-selected element
className: 'your-class-name',
// add `first-class-name` and `second-class-name` CSS class names
// to every currently-selected element
className: ['first-class-name', 'second-class-name'],
# colHeaders
Source code (opens new window)options.colHeaders : boolean | Array<string> | function
The colHeaders
option configures your grid's column headers.
You can set the colHeaders
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true | Enable the default column headers ('A', 'B', 'C', ...) |
false | Disable column headers |
An array | Define your own column headers (e.g. ['One', 'Two', 'Three', ...] ) |
A function | Define your own column headers, using a function |
Read more:
Default: null
Category: Core Example
// enable the default column headers
colHeaders: true,
// set your own column headers
colHeaders: ['One', 'Two', 'Three'],
// set your own column headers, using a function
colHeaders: function(visualColumnIndex) {
return `${visualColumnIndex} + : AB`;
# collapsibleColumns
Source code (opens new window)options.collapsibleColumns : boolean | Array<object>
The collapsibleColumns
option configures the CollapsibleColumns
You can set the collapsibleColumns
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
false | Disable the CollapsibleColumns plugin |
true | Enable the CollapsibleColumns plugin |
An array of objects | Enable the CollapsibleColumns plugin for selected column headers |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: CollapsibleColumns Example
// enable column collapsing for all headers
collapsibleColumns: true,
// enable column collapsing for selected headers
collapsibleColumns: [
{row: -4, col: 1, collapsible: true},
{row: -3, col: 5, collapsible: true}
# columnHeaderHeight
Source code (opens new window)options.columnHeaderHeight : number | Array<number>
The columnHeaderHeight
option configures the height of column headers.
You can set the columnHeaderHeight
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
A number | Set the same height for every column header |
An array | Set different heights for individual column headers |
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
// set the same height for every column header
columnHeaderHeight: 25,
// set different heights for individual column headers
columnHeaderHeight: [25, 30, 55],
# columns
Source code (opens new window)options.columns : Array<object> | function
The columns
option lets you apply configuration options to individual columns (or ranges of columns).
You can set the columns
option to one of the following:
- An array of objects (each object represents one column)
- A function that returns an array of objects
The columns
option overwrites the top-level grid options.
When you use the columns
option, the startCols
, minCols
, and maxCols
are ignored.
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
// set the `columns` option to an array of objects
// each object represents one column
columns: [
// column options for the first (by physical index) column
type: 'numeric',
numericFormat: {
pattern: '0,0.00 $'
// column options for the second (by physical index) column
type: 'text',
readOnly: true
// or set the `columns` option to a function, based on physical indexes
columns(index) {
return {
type: index > 0 ? 'numeric' : 'text',
readOnly: index < 1
# columnSorting
Source code (opens new window)options.columnSorting : boolean | object
The columnSorting
option configures the ColumnSorting
You can set the columnSorting
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true | Enable the ColumnSorting plugin with the default configuration |
false | Disable the ColumnSorting plugin |
An object | - Enable the ColumnSorting plugin- Modify the ColumnSorting plugin options |
If you set the columnSorting
option to an object,
you can set the following ColumnSorting
plugin options:
Option | Possible settings |
indicator | true : Display an arrow icon in the column header, to indicate a sortable columnfalse : Don't display the arrow icon in the column header |
headerAction | true : Enable clicking on the column header to sort the columnfalse : Disable clicking on the column header to sort the column |
sortEmptyCells | true : Sort empty cells as wellfalse : Place empty cells at the end |
compareFunctionFactory | A custom compare function |
If you set the columnSorting
option to an object,
you can also sort individual columns at Handsontable's initialization.
In the columnSorting
object, add an object named initialConfig
with the following properties:
Option | Possible settings | Description |
column | A number | The index of the column that you want to sort at initialization |
sortOrder | 'asc' | 'desc' | The sorting order:'asc' : ascending'desc' : descending |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: ColumnSorting Example
// enable the `ColumnSorting` plugin
columnSorting: true
// enable the `ColumnSorting` plugin with custom configuration
columnSorting: {
// sort empty cells as well
sortEmptyCells: true,
// display an arrow icon in the column header
indicator: true,
// disable clicking on the column header to sort the column
headerAction: false,
// add a custom compare function
compareFunctionFactory(sortOrder, columnMeta) {
return function(value, nextValue) {
// some value comparisons which will return -1, 0 or 1...
// enable the `ColumnSorting` plugin
columnSorting: {
// at initialization, sort column 1 in ascending order
initialConfig: {
column: 1,
sortOrder: 'asc'
// at initialization, sort column 2 in descending order
initialConfig: {
column: 2,
sortOrder: 'desc'
# columnSummary
Source code (opens new window)options.columnSummary : Array<object> | function
The columnSummary
option configures the ColumnSummary
You can set the columnSummary
option to an array of objects.
Each object configures a single column summary, using the following properties:
Property | Possible values | Description |
sourceColumn | A number | Column to summarize |
ranges | An array | Ranges of rows to summarize |
type | 'sum' | 'min' | 'max' | 'count' | 'average' | 'custom' | Summary function |
destinationRow | A number | Destination cell's row coordinate |
destinationColumn | A number | Destination cell's column coordinate |
forceNumeric | true | false | Treat non-numerics as numerics |
reversedRowCoords | true | false | Reverse row coordinates |
suppressDataTypeErrors | true | false | Suppress data type errors |
readOnly | true | false | Make summary cell read-only |
roundFloat | true | false | Round summary result |
customFunction | A function | Custom summary function |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: ColumnSummary Example
columnSummary: [
sourceColumn: 0,
ranges: [
[0, 2], [4], [6, 8]
type: 'custom',
destinationRow: 4,
destinationColumn: 1,
forceNumeric: true,
reversedRowCoords: true,
suppressDataTypeErrors: false,
readOnly: true,
roundFloat: false,
customFunction(endpoint) {
return 100;
# colWidths
Source code (opens new window)options.colWidths : number | Array<number> | string | Array<string> | Array<undefined> | function
The colWidths
option sets columns' widths, in pixels.
In the rendering process, the default column width is 50px. To change it,
set the colWidths
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description | Example |
A number | Set the same width for every column | colWidths: 100 |
A string | Set the same width for every column | colWidths: '100px' |
An array | Set widths separately for each column | colWidths: [100, 120, undefined] |
A function | Set column widths dynamically, on each render | colWidths(visualColumnIndex) { return visualColumnIndex * 10; } |
undefined | Used by the modifyColWidth hook, to detect column width changes. | colWidths: undefined |
Setting the colWidths
option disables the AutoColumnSize plugin.
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
// set every column's width to 100px
colWidths: 100,
// set every column's width to 100px
colWidths: '100px',
// set the first (by visual index) column's width to 100
// set the second (by visual index) column's width to 120
// set the third (by visual index) column's width to `undefined`
// set any other column's width to the default 50px
colWidths: [100, 120, undefined],
// set each column's width individually, using a function
colWidths(visualColumnIndex) {
return visualColumnIndex * 10;
# commentedCellClassName
Source code (opens new window)options.commentedCellClassName : string
The commentedCellClassName
option lets you add a CSS class name to cells
that have comments.
Read more:
Default: "htCommentCell"
Category: Core Example
// add a `has-comment` CSS class name
// to every cell that has a comment
commentedCellClassName: 'has-comment',
# comments
Source code (opens new window)options.comments : boolean | Array<object>
The comments
option configures the Comments
You can set the comments
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true | - Enable the Comments plugin- Add comment menu items to the context menu |
false | Disable the Comments plugin |
An object | - Enable the Comments plugin- Add comment menu items to the context menu - Configure comment settings |
If you set the comments
option to an object, you can configure the following comment options:
Option | Possible settings | Description |
displayDelay | A number (default: 250 ) | Display comments after a delay (in milliseconds) |
readOnly | true | false (default) | true : Make comments read-only |
style | An object | Set comment boxes' width and height (in pixels) |
Read more:
Default: false
Category: Comments Example
// enable the `Comments` plugin
comments: true,
// enable the `Comments` plugin
// and configure its settings
comments: {
// display all comments with a 1-second delay
displayDelay: 1000,
// make all comments read-only
readOnly: true,
// set the default size of all comment boxes
style: {
width: 300,
height: 100
# contextMenu
Source code (opens new window)options.contextMenu : boolean | Array<string> | object
The contextMenu
option configures the ContextMenu
You can set the contextMenu
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
false | Disable the ContextMenu plugin |
true | - Enable the ContextMenu plugin- Use the default context menu options |
An array | - Enable the ContextMenu plugin- Modify individual context menu options |
An object | - Enable the ContextMenu plugin- Apply a custom context menu configuration |
Read more:
- Context menu →
- Context menu: Context menu with default options →
- Context menu: Context menu with specific options →
- Context menu: Context menu with fully custom configuration options →
- Plugins:
Default: undefined
Category: ContextMenu Example
// enable the `ContextMenu` plugin
// use the default context menu options
contextMenu: true,
// enable the `ContextMenu` plugin
// and modify individual context menu options
contextMenu: ['row_above', 'row_below', '---------', 'undo', 'redo'],
// enable the `ContextMenu` plugin
// and apply a custom context menu configuration
contextMenu: {
items: {
'option1': {
name: 'option1'
'option2': {
name: 'option2',
submenu: {
items: [
key: 'option2:suboption1',
name: 'option2:suboption1',
callback: function(key, options) {
# copyable
Source code (opens new window)options.copyable : boolean
The copyable
option determines whether a cell's value can be copied to the clipboard or not.
You can set the copyable
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true (default) | - Enable copying for this cell - On pressing Ctrl/Cmd+C, add the cell's value to the clipboard |
false (default for the password cell type) | - Disable copying for this cell |
Read more:
Default: true
Category: Core Example
// enable copying for every cell of the entire grid
copyable: true,
// enable copying for individual columns
columns: [
// enable copying for every cell of this column
copyable: true
// disable copying for every cell of this column
copyable: false
// enable copying for specific cells
cells: [
cell: 0,
row: 0,
// disable copying for cell (0, 0)
copyable: false,
# copyPaste
Source code (opens new window)options.copyPaste : object | boolean
The copyPaste
option configures the CopyPaste
You can set the copyPaste
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true (default) | Enable the CopyPaste plugin with the default configuration |
false | Disable the CopyPaste plugin |
An object | - Enable the CopyPaste plugin- Modify the CopyPaste plugin options |
If you set the copyPaste
option to an object, you can set the following CopyPaste
plugin options:
Option | Possible settings | Description |
columnsLimit | A number (default: Infinity ) | A maximum number of columns that can be copied |
rowsLimit | A number (default: Infinity ) | A maximum number of columns that can be copied |
pasteMode | 'overwrite' | 'shift_down' | 'shift_right' | When pasting:'overwrite' : overwrite currently-selected cells'shift_down' : move currently-selected cells down'shift_right' : move currently-selected cells to the right |
uiContainer | An HTML element | A UI container for the secondary focusable element |
Read more:
Default: true
Category: CopyPaste Example
// disable the `CopyPaste` plugin
copyPaste: false,
// enable the `CopyPaste` plugin
// and modify the `CopyPaste` plugin options
copyPaste: {
// set the maximum number of columns that can be copied
columnsLimit: 25,
// set the maximum number of rows that can be copied
rowsLimit: 50,
// set the paste behavior
pasteMode: 'shift_down',
// set the UI container
uiContainer: document.body,
# correctFormat
Source code (opens new window)options.correctFormat : boolean
The correctFormat
option configures date
cells' date format correction.
You can set the correctFormat
option to one of the following
Setting | Description |
false (default) | Don't correct dates |
true | Enforce the date format set by the dateFormat option |
Read more:
Default: false
Category: Core Example
columns: [
// set the `type` of every cell in this column to `date`
type: 'date',
// for every `date` cell of this column, set the date format to `YYYY-MM-DD`
dateFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
// enforce the `YYYY-MM-DD` date format
correctFormat: true
# currentColClassName
Source code (opens new window)options.currentColClassName : string
The currentColClassName
option lets you add a CSS class name
to every cell of the currently-visible, currently-selected columns.
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
// add a `your-class-name` CSS class name
// to every cell of the currently-visible, currently-selected columns
currentColClassName: 'your-class-name',
# currentHeaderClassName
Source code (opens new window)options.currentHeaderClassName : string
The currentHeaderClassName
option lets you add a CSS class name
to every currently-visible, currently-selected header.
Default: "ht__highlight"
Category: Core Example
// add an `ht__highlight` CSS class name
// to every currently-visible, currently-selected header
currentHeaderClassName: 'ht__highlight',
# currentRowClassName
Source code (opens new window)options.currentRowClassName : string
The currentRowClassName
option lets you add a CSS class name
to every cell of the currently-visible, currently-selected rows.
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
// add a `your-class-name` CSS class name
// to every cell of the currently-visible, currently-selected rows
currentRowClassName: 'your-class-name',
# customBorders
Source code (opens new window)options.customBorders : boolean | Array<object>
The customBorders
option configures the CustomBorders
To enable the CustomBorders
(and add its menu items to the context menu),
set the customBorders
option to true
To enable the CustomBorders
and add a predefined border around a particular cell,
set the customBorders
option to an array of objects.
Each object represents a border configuration for one cell, and has the following properties:
Property | Sub-properties | Types | Description |
row | - | row : Number | The cell's row coordinate. |
col | - | col : Number | The cell's column coordinate. |
left | width color | width : Numbercolor : String | Sets the left border's width (width )and color ( color ). |
right | width color | width : Numbercolor : String | Sets the right border's width (width )and color ( color ). |
top | width color | width : Numbercolor : String | Sets the top border's width (width )and color ( color ). |
bottom | width color | width : Numbercolor : String | Sets the bottom border's width (width )and color ( color ). |
To enable the CustomBorders
and add a predefined border around a range of cells,
set the customBorders
option to an array of objects.
Each object represents a border configuration for a single range of cells, and has the following properties:
Property | Sub-properties | Types | Description |
range | from {row , col }to {row , col } | from : Objectto : Objectrow : Numbercol : Number | from selects the range's top-left selects the range's bottom-right corner. |
left | width color | width : Numbercolor : String | Sets the left border's width and color . |
right | width color | width : Numbercolor : String | Sets the right border's width and color . |
top | width color | width : Numbercolor : String | Sets the top border's width and color . |
bottom | width color | width : Numbercolor : String | Sets the bottom border's width and color . |
Read more:
Default: false
Category: CustomBorders Example
// enable the `CustomBorders` plugin
customBorders: true,
// enable the `CustomBorders` plugin
// and add a predefined border for a particular cell
customBorders: [
// add an object with a border configuration for one cell
// set the cell's row coordinate
row: 2,
// set the cell's column coordinate
col: 2,
// set the left border's width and color
left: {
width: 2,
color: 'red'
// set the right border's width and color
right: {
width: 1,
color: 'green'
// set the top border's width and color
top: '',
// set the bottom border's width and color
bottom: ''
// enable the `CustomBorders` plugin
// and add a predefined border for a range of cells
customBorders: [
// add an object with a border configuration for one range of cells
// select a range of cells
range: {
// set the range's top-left corner
from: {
row: 1,
col: 1
// set the range's bottom-right corner
to: {
row: 3,
col: 4
// set the left border's width and color
left: {
width: 2,
color: 'red'
// set the right border's width and color
right: {},
// set the top border's width and color
top: {},
// set the bottom border's width and color
bottom: {}
# data
Source code (opens new window) : Array<Array> | Array<object>
The data
option sets the initial data of your Handsontable instance.
Handsontable's data is bound to your source data by reference (i.e. when you edit Handsontable's data, your source data alters as well).
You can set the data
- Either to an array of arrays.
- Or to an array of objects.
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
// as an array of arrays
data: [
['A', 'B', 'C'],
['D', 'E', 'F'],
['G', 'H', 'J']
// as an array of objects
data: [
{id: 1, name: 'Ted Right'},
{id: 2, name: 'Frank Honest'},
{id: 3, name: 'Joan Well'},
{id: 4, name: 'Gail Polite'},
{id: 5, name: 'Michael Fair'},
# dataSchema
Source code (opens new window)options.dataSchema : object
If the data
option is set to an array of objects
(or is empty), the dataSchema
option defines the structure of new rows.
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
// with `dataSchema`, you can start with an empty grid
data: null,
dataSchema: {id: null, name: {first: null, last: null}, address: null},
colHeaders: ['ID', 'First Name', 'Last Name', 'Address'],
columns: [
{data: 'id'},
{data: 'name.first'},
{data: 'name.last'},
{data: 'address'}
startRows: 5,
minSpareRows: 1
# dateFormat
Source code (opens new window)options.dateFormat : string
The dateFormat
option configures date
cells' date format.
You can set the dateFormat
option to a date format string. The default value is: 'DD/MM/YYYY'
To enforce the date format set by the dateFormat
use the correctFormat
Read more:
Default: "DD/MM/YYYY"
Category: Core Example
columns: [
// set the `type` of every cell in this column to `date`
type: 'date',
// for every `date` cell of this column, set the date format to `YYYY-MM-DD`
dateFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
# defaultDate
Source code (opens new window)options.defaultDate : string
The defaultDate
option configures the date displayed
in empty date
You can set the defaultDate
option to a string.
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
columns: [
// set the `type` of every cell in this column to `date`
type: 'date',
// in every empty `date` cell of this column, display `2015-02-02`
defaultDate: '2015-02-02'
# disableVisualSelection
Source code (opens new window)options.disableVisualSelection : boolean | string | Array<string>
The disableVisualSelection
option configures how
selection is shown.
You can set the disableVisualSelection
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
false (default) | - Show single-cell selection - Show range selection - Show header selection |
true | - Don't show single-cell selection - Don't show range selection - Don't show header selection |
'current' | - Don't show single-cell selection - Show range selection - Show header selection |
'area' | - Show single-cell selection - Don't show range selection - Show header selection |
'header' | - Show single-cell selection - Show range selection - Don't show header selection |
An array | A combination of 'current' , 'area' , and/or 'header' |
Read more:
Default: false
Category: Core Example
// don't show single-cell selection
// don't show range selection
// don't show header selection
disableVisualSelection: true,
// don't show single-cell selection
// show range selection
// show header selection
disableVisualSelection: 'current',
// don't show single-cell selection
// don't show range selection
// show header selection
disableVisualSelection: ['current', 'area'],
# dragToScroll
Source code (opens new window)options.dragToScroll : boolean
The dragToScroll
option configures the DragToScroll
You can set the dragToScroll
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true (default) | When selection reaches the edge of the grid's viewport, scroll the viewport |
false | Don't scroll the viewport |
Read more:
Default: true
Category: DragToScroll Example
// when selection reaches the edge of the grid's viewport, scroll the viewport
dragToScroll: true,
# dropdownMenu
Source code (opens new window)options.dropdownMenu : boolean | object | Array<string>
The dropdownMenu
option configures the DropdownMenu
You can set the dropdownMenu
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
false | Disable the DropdownMenu plugin |
true | - Enable the DropdownMenu plugin- Use the default context menu options |
An array | - Enable the DropdownMenu plugin- Modify individual context menu options |
An object | - Enable the DropdownMenu plugin- Apply a custom dropdown menu configuration |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: DropdownMenu Example
// enable the `DropdownMenu` plugin
// use the default context menu options
dropdownMenu: true,
// enable the `DropdownMenu` plugin
// and modify individual context menu options
dropdownMenu: ['row_above', 'row_below', '---------', 'undo', 'redo'],
// enable the `DropdownMenu` plugin
// and apply a custom dropdown menu configuration
dropdownMenu: {
items: {
'option1': {
name: 'option1'
'option2': {
name: 'option2',
submenu: {
items: [
key: 'option2:suboption1',
name: 'option2:suboption1',
callback(key, options) {
# editor
Source code (opens new window)options.editor : string | function | boolean
The editor
option sets a cell editor for a cell.
You can set the editor
option to one of the following cell editor aliases:
Alias | Cell editor function |
A custom alias | Your custom cell editor function |
'autocomplete' | AutocompleteEditor |
'base' | BaseEditor |
'checkbox' | CheckboxEditor |
'date' | DateEditor |
'dropdown' | DropdownEditor |
'handsontable' | HandsontableEditor |
'numeric' | NumericEditor |
'password' | PasswordEditor |
'select' | SelectEditor |
'text' | TextEditor |
'time' | TimeEditor |
To disable editing cells through cell editors,
set the editor
option to false
You'll still be able to change cells' content through Handsontable's API
or through plugins (e.g. CopyPaste
), though.
To set the editor
, renderer
, and validator
options all at once, use the type
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
// use the `numeric` editor for every cell of the entire grid
editor: 'numeric',
// apply the `editor` option to individual columns
columns: [
// use the `autocomplete` editor for every cell of this column
editor: 'autocomplete'
// disable editing cells through cell editors for every cell of this column
editor: false
# enterBeginsEditing
Source code (opens new window)options.enterBeginsEditing : boolean
The enterBeginsEditing
option configures the action of the Enter key.
You can set the enterBeginsEditing
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true (default) | - On pressing Enter once, start editing the currently-selected cell - On pressing Enter twice, move to another cell, as configured by the enterMoves setting |
false | - On pressing Enter once, move to another cell, as configured by the enterMoves setting |
Read more:
Default: true
Category: Core Example
// press Enter once to start editing
// press Enter twice to move to another cell
enterBeginsEditing: true,
// press Enter once to move to another cell
enterBeginsEditing: false,
# enterMoves
Source code (opens new window)options.enterMoves : object | function
The enterMoves
option configures the action of the Enter key.
If the enterBeginsEditing
option is set to true
the enterMoves
setting applies to the second pressing of the Enter key.
If the enterBeginsEditing
option is set to false
the enterMoves
setting applies to the first pressing of the Enter key.
You can set the enterMoves
option to an object with the following properties
(or to a function that returns such an object):
Property | Type | Description |
col | Number | - On pressing Enter, move selection col columns right- On pressing Shift+Enter, move selection col columns left |
row | Number | - On pressing Enter, move selection row rows down- On pressing Shift+Enter, move selection row rows up |
Read more:
Default: {col: 0, row: 1}
Category: Core Example
// on pressing Enter, move selection 1 column right and 1 row down
// on pressing Shift+Enter, move selection 1 column left and 1 row up
enterMoves: {col: 1, row: 1},
// the same setting, as a function
// `event` is a DOM Event object received on pressing Enter
// you can use it to check whether the user pressed Enter or Shift+Enter
enterMoves(event) {
return {col: 1, row: 1};
# fillHandle
Source code (opens new window)options.fillHandle : boolean | string | object
The fillHandle
option configures the Autofill plugin.
You can set the fillHandle
option to one the following:
Setting | Description |
true | - Enable autofill in all directions - Add the fill handle |
false | Disable autofill |
'vertical' | - Enable vertical autofill - Add the fill handle |
'horizontal' | - Enable horizontal autofill - Add the fill handle |
An object | - Enable autofill - Add the fill handle - Configure autofill options |
If you set the fillHandle
option to an object, you can configure the following autofill options:
Option | Possible settings | Description |
autoInsertRow | true (default) | false | true : When you reach the grid's bottom, add new rowsfalse : When you reach the grid's bottom, stop |
direction | 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'vertical' : Enable vertical autofill'horizontal' : Enable horizontal autofill |
Read more:
Default: true
Category: Core Example
// enable autofill in all directions
// with `autoInsertRow` enabled
fillHandle: true,
// enable vertical autofill
// with `autoInsertRow` enabled
fillHandle: 'vertical',
// enable horizontal autofill
// with `autoInsertRow` enabled
fillHandle: 'horizontal',
// enable autofill in all directions
// with `autoInsertRow` disabled
fillHandle: {
autoInsertRow: false,
// enable vertical autofill
// with `autoInsertRow` disabled
fillHandle: {
autoInsertRow: false,
direction: 'vertical'
# filter
Source code (opens new window)options.filter : boolean
The filter
option configures whether autocomplete
lists are updated by the end user's input.
You can set the filter
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true (default) | When the end user types into the input area, only options matching the input are displayed |
false | When the end user types into the input area, all options are displayed (options matching the input are put in bold |
Read more:
Default: true
Category: Core Example
columns: [{
// set the `type` of every cell in this column to `autocomplete`
type: 'autocomplete',
// set options available in every `autocomplete` cell of this column
source: ['A', 'B', 'C'],
// when the end user types in `A`, display only the A option
// when the end user types in `B`, display only the B option
// when the end user types in `C`, display only the C option
filter: true
# filteringCaseSensitive
Source code (opens new window)options.filteringCaseSensitive : boolean
The filteringCaseSensitive
option configures whether autocomplete
input is case-sensitive.
You can set the filteringCaseSensitive
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
false (default) | autocomplete cells' input is not case-sensitive |
true | autocomplete cells' input is case-sensitive |
Read more:
Default: false
Category: Core Example
columns: [
type: 'autocomplete',
source: [ ... ],
// match case while searching autocomplete options
filteringCaseSensitive: true
# filters
Source code (opens new window)options.filters : boolean
The filters
option configures the Filters
You can set the filters
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
false | Disable the Filters plugin |
true | Enable the Filters plugin |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: Filters Example
// enable the `Filters` plugin
filters: true,
# fixedColumnsLeft
Source code (opens new window)options.fixedColumnsLeft : number
The fixedColumnsLeft
option sets the number of frozen columns
at the left-hand side of the grid.
Read more:
Default: 0
Category: Core Example
// freeze the first 3 columns from the left
fixedColumnsLeft: 3,
# fixedRowsBottom
Source code (opens new window)options.fixedRowsBottom : number
The fixedRowsBottom
option sets the number of frozen rows
at the bottom of the grid.
Read more:
Default: 0
Category: Core Example
// freeze the bottom 3 rows
fixedRowsBottom: 3,
# fixedRowsTop
Source code (opens new window)options.fixedRowsTop : number
The fixedRowsTop
option sets the number of frozen rows at the top of the grid.
Read more:
Default: 0
Category: Core Example
// freeze the top 3 rows
fixedRowsTop: 3,
# formulas
Source code (opens new window)options.formulas : object
The formulas
option configures the Formulas
The Formulas
plugin uses the HyperFormula (opens new window) calculation engine.
To install HyperFormula (opens new window), read the following:
You can set the formulas
option to an object with the following properties:
Property | Possible values |
engine | HyperFormula |A HyperFormula (opens new window) instance | A HyperFormula configuration (opens new window) object |
sheetId | A number |
sheetName | A string |
Read more:
- Plugins:
→ - Formula calculation →
- HyperFormula documentation: Client-side installation (opens new window)
- HyperFormula documentation: Configuration options (opens new window)
Default: undefined
Category: Formulas Example
// either add the `HyperFormula` class
formulas: {
// set engine to `HyperFormula`
engine: HyperFormula,
sheetId: 1,
sheetName: 'Sheet 1'
// or, add a HyperFormula instance
// initialized with the `'internal-use-in-handsontable'` license key
const hyperformulaInstance = HyperFormula.buildEmpty({
licenseKey: 'internal-use-in-handsontable',
formulas: {
// set `engine` to a HyperFormula instance
engine: hyperFormulaInstance,
sheetId: 1,
sheetName: 'Sheet 1'
// or, add a HyperFormula configuration object
formulas: {
// set `engine` to a HyperFormula configuration object
engine: {
hyperformula: HyperFormula // or `engine: hyperFormulaInstance`
leapYear1900: false, // this option comes from HyperFormula
// add more HyperFormula configuration options
sheetId: 1,
sheetName: 'Sheet 1'
// use the same HyperFormula instance in multiple Handsontable instances
// a Handsontable instance `hot1`
formulas: {
engine: HyperFormula,
sheetId: 1,
sheetName: 'Sheet 1'
// a Handsontable instance `hot2`
formulas: {
engine: hot1.getPlugin('formulas').engine,
sheetId: 1,
sheetName: 'Sheet 1'
# fragmentSelection
Source code (opens new window)options.fragmentSelection : boolean | string
The fragmentSelection
option configures text selection settings.
You can set the fragmentSelection
option to one of the following:
Setting | Decription |
false (default) | Disable text selection |
true | Enable text selection in multiple cells at a time |
'cell' | Enable text selection in one cell at a time |
Default: false
Category: Core Example
// enable text selection in multiple cells at a time
fragmentSelection: true,
// enable text selection in one cell a time
fragmentSelection: 'cell',
# height
Source code (opens new window)options.height : number | string | function
The height
option configures the height of your grid.
You can set height
option to one of the following:
Setting | Example |
A number of pixels | height: 500 |
A string with a CSS unit (opens new window) | height: '75vw' |
A function that returns a valid number or string | height() { return 500; } |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
// set the grid's height to 500px
height: 500,
// set the grid's height to 75vh
height: '75vh',
// set the grid's height to 500px, using a function
height() {
return 500;
# hiddenColumns
Source code (opens new window)options.hiddenColumns : boolean | object
The hiddenColumns
option configures the HiddenColumns
You can set the hiddenColumns
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
false | Disable the HiddenColumns plugin |
true | Enable the HiddenColumns plugin with the default plugin options |
An object | - Enable the HiddenColumns plugin- Modify the plugin options |
If you set the hiddenColumns
to an object, you can set the following HiddenColumns
plugin options:
Property | Possible values | Description |
columns | An array of indexes | An array of indexes of columns that are hidden at initialization |
copyPasteEnabled | true | false | true : when copying or pasting data, take hidden columns into accountfalse : when copying or pasting data, don't take hidden columns into account |
indicators | true | false | true : display UI markers to indicate the presence of hidden columnsfalse : display UI markers |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: HiddenColumns Example
// enable the `HiddenColumns` plugin
hiddenColumns: true,
// enable `HiddenColumns` plugin, and modify the plugin options
hiddenColumns: {
// set columns that are hidden by default
columns: [5, 10, 15],
// when copying or pasting data, take hidden columns into account
copyPasteEnabled: true,
// show where hidden columns are
indicators: true
# hiddenRows
Source code (opens new window)options.hiddenRows : boolean | object
The hiddenRows
option configures the HiddenRows
You can set the hiddenRows
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
false | Disable the HiddenRows plugin |
true | Enable the HiddenRows plugin with the default plugin options |
An object | - Enable the HiddenRows plugin- Modify the plugin options |
If you set the hiddenRows
to an object, you can set the following HiddenRows
plugin options:
Property | Possible values | Description |
rows | An array of indexes | An array of indexes of rows that are hidden at initialization |
copyPasteEnabled | true | false | true : when copying or pasting data, take hidden rows into accountfalse : when copying or pasting data, don't take hidden rows into account |
indicators | true | false | true : display UI markers to indicate the presence of hidden rowsfalse : display UI markers |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: HiddenRows Example
// enable the `HiddenRows` plugin
hiddenRows: true,
// enable `HiddenRows` plugin, and modify the plugin options
hiddenRows: {
// set rows that are hidden by default
rows: [5, 10, 15],
// when copying or pasting data, take hidden rows into account
copyPasteEnabled: true,
// show where hidden rows are
indicators: true
# invalidCellClassName
Source code (opens new window)options.invalidCellClassName : string
The invalidCellClassName
option lets you add a CSS class name to cells
that were marked as invalid
by the cell validator.
Read more:
Default: "htInvalid"
Category: Core Example
// add a `highlight-error` CSS class name
// to every `invalid` cell`
invalidCellClassName: 'highlight-error',
# label
Source code (opens new window)options.label : object
The label
option configures checkbox
cells` labels.
You can set the label
option to an object with the following properties:
Property | Possible values | Description |
position | 'after' (default) | 'before' | 'after' : place the label to the right of the checkbox'before' : place the label to the left of the checkbox |
value | A string | A function | The label's text |
separated | false (default) | true | false : don't separate the label from the checkboxtrue : separate the label from the checkbox |
property | A string | - A data object property name that's used as the label's text - Works only when the data option is set to an array of objects |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
columns: [{
type: 'checkbox',
// add 'My label:' after the checkbox
label: { position: 'after', value: 'My label: ', separated: true }
# language
Source code (opens new window)options.language : string
The language
option configures Handsontable's language.
You can set the language
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
'en-US' (default) | English - United States |
'de-DE' | German - Germany |
'es-MX' | Spanish - Mexico |
'fr-FR' | French - France |
'it-IT' | Italian - Italy |
'ja-JP' | Japanese - Japan |
'ko-KR' | Korean - Korea |
'lv-LV' | Latvian - Latvia |
'nb-NO' | Norwegian (Bokmål) - Norway |
'nl-NL' | Dutch - Netherlands |
'pl-PL' | Polish - Poland |
'pt-BR' | Portuguese - Brazil |
'ru-RU' | Russian - Russia |
'zh-CN' | Chinese - China |
'zh-TW' | Chinese - Taiwan |
Read more:
Default: "en-US"
Category: Core Example
// set Handsontable's language to Polish
language: 'pl-PL',
# licenseKey
Source code (opens new window)options.licenseKey : string
The licenseKey
option sets your Handsontable license key.
You can set the licenseKey
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
A string with your commercial license key | For commercial use |
'non-commercial-and-evaluation' | For non-commercial use |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
// for commercial use
licenseKey: 'xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx', // your commercial license key
// for non-commercial use
licenseKey: 'non-commercial-and-evaluation',
# locale
Source code (opens new window)options.locale : string
The locale
option configures Handsontable's locale.
You can set the locale
option to any valid and canonicalized Unicode BCP 47 locale tag,
both for the entire grid, and for individual columns.
Read more:
Default: "en-US"
Category: Core Example
// set the entire grid's locale to Polish
locale: 'pl-PL',
// set individual columns' locales
columns: [
// set the first column's locale to Polish
locale: 'pl-PL',
// set the second column's locale to German
locale: 'de-DE',
# manualColumnFreeze
Source code (opens new window)options.manualColumnFreeze : boolean
The manualColumnFreeze
option configures the ManualColumnFreeze
You can set the manualColumnFreeze
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true | Enable the ManualColumnFreeze plugin |
false | Disable the ManualColumnFreeze plugin |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: ManualColumnFreeze Example
// enable the `ManualColumnFreeze` plugin
manualColumnFreeze: true,
# manualColumnMove
Source code (opens new window)options.manualColumnMove : boolean | Array<number>
The manualColumnMove
option configures the ManualColumnMove
You can set the manualColumnMove
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true | Enable the ManualColumnMove plugin |
false | Disable the ManualColumnMove plugin |
An array | - Enable the ManualColumnMove plugin- Move individual columns at initialization |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: ManualColumnMove Example
// enable the `ManualColumnMove` plugin
manualColumnMove: true,
// enable the `ManualColumnMove` plugin
// at initialization, move column 0 to 1
// at initialization, move column 1 to 4
// at initialization, move column 2 to 6
manualColumnMove: [1, 4, 6],
# manualColumnResize
Source code (opens new window)options.manualColumnResize : boolean | Array<number>
The manualColumnResize
option configures the ManualColumnResize
You can set the manualColumnResize
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true | Enable the ManualColumnResize plugin |
false | Disable the ManualColumnResize plugin |
An array | - Enable the ManualColumnResize plugin- Set initial widths of individual columns |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: ManualColumnResize Example
// enable the `manualColumnResize` plugin
manualColumnResize: true,
// enable the `manualColumnResize` plugin
// set the initial width of column 0 to 40 pixels
// set the initial width of column 1 to 50 pixels
// set the initial width of column 2 to 60 pixels
manualColumnResize: [40, 50, 60],
# manualRowMove
Source code (opens new window)options.manualRowMove : boolean | Array<number>
The manualRowMove
option configures the ManualRowMove
You can set the manualRowMove
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true | Enable the ManualRowMove plugin |
false | Disable the ManualRowMove plugin |
An array | - Enable the ManualRowMove plugin- Move individual rows at initialization |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: ManualRowMove Example
// enable the `ManualRowMove` plugin
manualRowMove: true,
// enable the `ManualRowMove` plugin
// at initialization, move row 0 to 1
// at initialization, move row 1 to 4
// at initialization, move row 2 to 6
manualColumnMove: [1, 4, 6],
# manualRowResize
Source code (opens new window)options.manualRowResize : boolean | Array<number>
The manualRowResize
option configures the ManualRowResize
You can set the manualRowResize
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true | Enable the ManualRowResize plugin |
false | Disable the ManualRowResize plugin |
An array | - Enable the ManualRowResize plugin- Set initial heights of individual rows |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: ManualRowResize Example
// enable the `ManualRowResize` plugin
manualColumnResize: true,
// enable the `ManualRowResize` plugin
// set the initial height of row 0 to 40 pixels
// set the initial height of row 1 to 50 pixels
// set the initial height of row 2 to 60 pixels
manualColumnResize: [40, 50, 60],
# maxCols
Source code (opens new window)options.maxCols : number
The maxCols
option sets a maximum number of columns.
The maxCols
option is used:
- At initialization: if the
value is lower than the initial number of columns, Handsontable trims columns from the right. - At runtime: for example, when inserting columns.
Default: Infinity
Category: Core Example
// set the maximum number of columns to 300
maxCols: 300,
# maxRows
Source code (opens new window)options.maxRows : number
The maxRows
option sets a maximum number of rows.
The maxRows
option is used:
- At initialization: if the
value is lower than the initial number of columns, Handsontable trims rows from the bottom. - At runtime: for example, when inserting rows.
Default: Infinity
Category: Core Example
// set the maximum number of rows to 300
maxRows: 300,
# mergeCells
Source code (opens new window)options.mergeCells : boolean | Array<object>
The mergeCells
option configures the MergeCells
You can set the mergeCells
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true | Enable the MergeCells plugin |
false | Disable the MergeCells plugin |
An array of objects | - Enable the MergeCells plugin- Merge specific cells at initialization |
To merge specific cells at Handsontable's initialization,
set the mergeCells
option to an array of objects, with the following properties:
Property | Description |
row | The row index of the merged section's beginning |
col | The column index of the merged section's beginning |
rowspan | The width (as a number of rows) of the merged section |
colspan | The height (as a number of columns ) of the merged section |
Read more:
Default: false
Category: MergeCells Example
// enable the `MergeCells` plugin
margeCells: true,
// enable the `MergeCells` plugin
// and merge specific cells at initialization
mergeCells: [
// merge cells from cell (1,1) to cell (3,3)
{row: 1, col: 1, rowspan: 3, colspan: 3},
// merge cells from cell (3,4) to cell (2,2)
{row: 3, col: 4, rowspan: 2, colspan: 2},
// merge cells from cell (5,6) to cell (3,3)
{row: 5, col: 6, rowspan: 3, colspan: 3}
# minCols
Source code (opens new window)options.minCols : number
The minCols
option sets a minimum number of columns.
The minCols
option is used:
- At initialization: if the
value is higher than the initial number of columns, Handsontable adds empty columns to the right. - At runtime: for example, when removing columns.
The minCols
option works only when your data
is an array of arrays.
When your data
is an array of objects,
you can only have as many columns as defined in:
- The first data row
- The
option - The
Default: 0
Category: Core Example
// set the minimum number of columns to 10
minCols: 10,
# minRows
Source code (opens new window)options.minRows : number
The minRows
option sets a minimum number of rows.
The minRows
option is used:
- At initialization: if the
value is higher than the initial number of rows, Handsontable adds empty rows at the bottom. - At runtime: for example, when removing rows.
Default: 0
Category: Core Example
// set the minimum number of rows to 10
minRows: 10,
# minSpareCols
Source code (opens new window)options.minSpareCols : number
The minSpareCols
option sets a minimum number of empty columns
at the grid's right-hand end.
If there already are other empty columns at the grid's right-hand end,
they are counted into the minSpareCols
The total number of columns can't exceed the maxCols
The minSpareCols
option works only when your data
is an array of arrays.
When your data
is an array of objects,
you can only have as many columns as defined in:
- The first data row
- The
option - The
Default: 0
Category: Core Example
// at Handsontable's initialization, add at least 3 empty columns on the right
minSpareCols: 3,
# minSpareRows
Source code (opens new window)options.minSpareRows : number
The minSpareRows
option sets a minimum number of empty rows
at the bottom of the grid.
If there already are other empty rows at the bottom,
they are counted into the minSpareRows
The total number of rows can't exceed the maxRows
Default: 0
Category: Core Example
// at Handsontable's initialization, add at least 3 empty rows at the bottom
minSpareRows: 3,
# multiColumnSorting
Source code (opens new window)options.multiColumnSorting : boolean | object
The multiColumnSorting
option configures the MultiColumnSorting
You can set the multiColumnSorting
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true | Enable the MultiColumnSorting plugin with the default configuration |
false | Disable the MultiColumnSorting plugin |
An object | - Enable the MultiColumnSorting plugin- Modify the MultiColumnSorting plugin options |
If you set the multiColumnSorting
option to an object,
you can set the following MultiColumnSorting
plugin options:
Option | Possible settings |
indicator | true : Display an arrow icon in the column header, to indicate a sortable columnfalse : Don't display the arrow icon in the column header |
headerAction | true : Enable clicking on the column header to sort the columnfalse : Disable clicking on the column header to sort the column |
sortEmptyCells | true : Sort empty cells as wellfalse : Place empty cells at the end |
compareFunctionFactory | A custom compare function |
If you set the multiColumnSorting
option to an object,
you can also sort individual columns at Handsontable's initialization.
In the multiColumnSorting
object, add an object named initialConfig
with the following properties:
Option | Possible settings | Description |
column | A number | The index of the column that you want to sort at initialization |
sortOrder | 'asc' | 'desc' | The sorting order:'asc' : ascending'desc' : descending |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: MultiColumnSorting Example
// enable the `MultiColumnSorting` plugin
multiColumnSorting: true
// enable the `MultiColumnSorting` plugin with custom configuration
multiColumnSorting: {
// sort empty cells as well
sortEmptyCells: true,
// display an arrow icon in the column header
indicator: true,
// disable clicking on the column header to sort the column
headerAction: false,
// add a custom compare function
compareFunctionFactory(sortOrder, columnMeta) {
return function(value, nextValue) {
// some value comparisons which will return -1, 0 or 1...
// enable the `MultiColumnSorting` plugin
multiColumnSorting: {
// at initialization, sort column 1 in ascending order
initialConfig: {
column: 1,
sortOrder: 'asc'
// at initialization, sort column 2 in descending order
initialConfig: {
column: 2,
sortOrder: 'desc'
# nestedHeaders
Source code (opens new window)options.nestedHeaders : Array<Array>
The nestedHeaders
option configures the NestedHeaders
You can set the nestedHeaders
option to an array of arrays:
- Each array configures one set of nested headers.
- Each array element configures one header, and can be one of the following:
Array element | Description |
A string | The header's label |
An object | Properties:label (string): the header's labelcolspan (integer): the column width |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: NestedHeaders Example
nestedHeaders: [
['A', {label: 'B', colspan: 8}, 'C'],
['D', {label: 'E', colspan: 4}, {label: 'F', colspan: 4}, 'G'],
['H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'R', 'S', 'T']
# nestedRows
Source code (opens new window)options.nestedRows : boolean
The nestedRows
option configures the NestedRows
You can set the nestedRows
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
false (default) | Disable the NestedRows plugin |
true | Enable the NestedRows plugin |
Read more:
Default: false
Category: NestedRows Example
// enable the `NestedRows` plugin
nestedRows: true,
# noWordWrapClassName
Source code (opens new window)options.noWordWrapClassName : string
The noWordWrapClassName
option lets you add a CSS class name
to every cell that has the wordWrap
option set to false
Read more:
Default: "htNoWrap"
Category: Core Example
// add an `is-noWrapCell` CSS class name
// to every cell that doesn't wrap content
noWordWrapClassName: 'is-noWrapCell',
# numericFormat
Source code (opens new window)options.numericFormat : object
The numericFormat
option configures the number format and the currency format
of numeric
cells` displayed output.
You can set the numericFormat
option to an object with the following properties:
Property | Possible values | Description |
pattern | All numbro.js number formats (opens new window) | Number format |
culture | All numbro.js currency formats (opens new window) | Currency format |
The numericFormat
option as no effect on cells' input data.
To enter numeric data into Handsontable, use:
- Either floats (separated by a dot, or a comma)
- Or integers
In the source data, numeric data is stored as JavaScript numbers.
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: Core Since: 0.35.0
columns: [
// set the `type` of every cell in this column to `numeric`
type: 'numeric',
// set the `numericFormat` option for every `numeric` cell of this column
numericFormat: {
// set the number format
pattern: '0,00',
// set the currency format
culture: 'en-US'
# observeDOMVisibility
Source code (opens new window)options.observeDOMVisibility : boolean
If the observeDOMVisibility
option is set to true
Handsontable rerenders every time it detects that the grid was made visible in the DOM.
Default: true
Category: Core Example
// don't rerender the grid on visibility changes
observeDOMVisibility: false,
# outsideClickDeselects
Source code (opens new window)options.outsideClickDeselects : boolean | function
The outsideClickDeselects
option determines what happens to the current selection
when you click outside of the grid.
You can set the outsideClickDeselects
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true (default) | On a mouse click outside of the grid, clear the current selection |
false | On a mouse click outside of the grid, keep the current selection |
A function | A function that takes the click event target and returns a boolean |
Default: true
Category: Core Example
// on a mouse click outside of the grid, clear the current selection
outsideClickDeselects: true,
// on a mouse click outside of the grid, keep the current selection
outsideClickDeselects: false,
// take the click event target and return `false`
outsideClickDeselects(event) {
return false;
// take the click event target and return `true`
outsideClickDeselects(event) {
return false;
# persistentState
Source code (opens new window)options.persistentState : boolean
The persistentState
option configures the PersistentState
You can set the persistentState
to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
false (default) | Disable the PersistentState plugin |
true | Enable the PersistentState plugin |
Read more:
Default: false
Category: PersistentState Example
// enable the `PersistentState` plugin
persistentState: true,
# placeholder
Source code (opens new window)options.placeholder : string
The placeholder
option lets you display placeholder text in every empty cell.
You can set the placeholder
option to one of the following:
Setting | Example | Description |
A non-empty string | 'Empty cell' | Display Empty cell text in empty cells |
A non-string value | 000 | Display 000 text in empty cells (non-string values get stringified) |
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
// display 'Empty cell' text
// in every empty cell of the entire grid
placeholder: 'Empty cell',
// or
columns: [
data: 'date',
dateFormat: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
// display 'Empty date cell' text
// in every empty cell of the `date` column
placeholder: 'Empty date cell'
# placeholderCellClassName
Source code (opens new window)options.placeholderCellClassName : string
The placeholderCellClassName
option lets you add a CSS class name to cells
that contain placeholder
Default: "htPlaceholder"
Category: Core Example
// add a `has-placeholder` CSS class name
// to every cell that contains `placeholder` text
placeholderCellClassName: 'has-placeholder',
# preventOverflow
Source code (opens new window)options.preventOverflow : string | boolean
The preventOverflow
option configures preventing Handsontable
from overflowing outside of its parent element.
You can set the preventOverflow
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
false (default) | Don't prevent overflowing |
'horizontal' | Prevent horizontal overflowing |
'vertical' | Prevent vertical overflowing |
Default: false
Category: Core Example
// prevent horizontal overflowing
preventOverflow: 'horizontal',
# readOnly
Source code (opens new window)options.readOnly : boolean
The readOnly
option determines whether a cell, column or comment is editable or not.
You can set the readOnly
option to one of the following:
Setting | Decription |
false (default) | Set as editable |
true | - Set as read-only - Add the readOnlyCellClassName CSS class name (by default: htDimmed ) |
Read more:
Default: false
Category: Core Example
// set as read-only
readOnly: true,
# readOnlyCellClassName
Source code (opens new window)options.readOnlyCellClassName : string
The readOnlyCellClassName
option lets you add a CSS class name to read-only cells.
Default: "htDimmed"
Category: Core Example
// add a `is-readOnly` CSS class name
// to every read-only cell
readOnlyCellClassName: 'is-readOnly',
# renderAllRows
Source code (opens new window)options.renderAllRows : boolean
The renderAllRows
option configures Handsontable's row virtualization.
You can set the renderAllRows
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
false (default) | Enable row virtualization |
true | Disable row virtualization (render all rows of the grid) |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
// disable row virtualization
renderAllRows: true,
# renderer
Source code (opens new window)options.renderer : string | function
The renderer
option sets a cell renderer for a cell.
You can set the renderer
option to one of the following:
- A custom renderer function
- One of the following cell renderer aliases:
Alias | Cell renderer function |
A custom alias | Your custom cell renderer function |
'autocomplete' | AutocompleteRenderer |
'base' | BaseRenderer |
'checkbox' | CheckboxRenderer |
'date' | DateRenderer |
'dropdown' | DropdownRenderer |
'html' | HtmlRenderer |
'numeric' | NumericRenderer |
'password' | PasswordRenderer |
'text' | TextRenderer |
'time' | TimeRenderer |
To set the renderer
, editor
, and validator
options all at once, use the type
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
// use the `numeric` renderer for every cell of the entire grid
renderer: `'numeric'`,
// add a custom renderer function
renderer(hotInstance, td, row, column, prop, value, cellProperties) {
// your custom renderer's logic
// apply the `renderer` option to individual columns
columns: [
// use the `autocomplete` renderer for every cell of this column
renderer: 'autocomplete'
// use the `myCustomRenderer` renderer for every cell of this column
renderer: 'myCustomRenderer'
# rowHeaders
Source code (opens new window)options.rowHeaders : boolean | Array<string> | function
The rowHeaders
option configures your grid's row headers.
You can set the rowHeaders
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true | Enable the default row headers ('1', '2', '3', ...) |
false | Disable row headers |
An array | Define your own row headers (e.g. ['One', 'Two', 'Three', ...] ) |
A function | Define your own row headers, using a function |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
// enable the default row headers
rowHeaders: true,
// set your own row headers
rowHeaders: ['One', 'Two', 'Three'],
// set your own row headers, using a function
rowHeaders: function(visualRowIndex) {
return `${visualRowIndex}: AB`;
# rowHeaderWidth
Source code (opens new window)options.rowHeaderWidth : number | Array<number>
The rowHeaderWidth
option configures the width of row headers.
You can set the rowHeaderWidth
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
A number | Set the same width for every row header |
An array | Set different widths for individual row headers |
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
// set the same width for every row header
rowHeaderWidth: 25,
// set different widths for individual row headers
rowHeaderWidth: [25, 30, 55],
# rowHeights
Source code (opens new window)options.rowHeights : number | Array<number> | string | Array<string> | Array<undefined> | function
The rowHeights
option sets rows' heights, in pixels.
In the rendering process, the default row height is 23px.
You can change it to equal or greater than 23px, by setting the rowHeights
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description | Example |
A number | Set the same height for every row | rowHeights: 100 |
A string | Set the same height for every row | rowHeights: '100px' |
An array | Set heights separately for each row | rowHeights: [100, 120, undefined] |
A function | Set row heights dynamically, on each render | rowHeights(visualRowIndex) { return visualRowIndex * 10; } |
undefined | Used by the modifyRowHeight hook, to detect row height changes | rowHeights: undefined |
The rowHeights
option also sets the minimum row height that can be set
via the ManualRowResize and AutoRowSize plugins (if they are enabled).
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
// set every row's height to 100px
rowHeights: 100,
// set every row's height to 100px
rowHeights: '100px',
// set the first (by visual index) row's height to 100
// set the second (by visual index) row's height to 120
// set the third (by visual index) row's height to `undefined`
// set any other row's height to the default 23px
rowHeights: [100, 120, undefined],
// set each row's height individually, using a function
rowHeights(visualRowIndex) {
return visualRowIndex * 10;
# search
Source code (opens new window) : boolean | object
The search
option configures the Search
You can set the search
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
false (default) | Disable the Search plugin |
true | Enable the Search plugin with the default configuration |
An object | - Enable the Search plugin- Apply your custom configuration |
If you set the search
option to an object, you can configure the following search options:
Option | Possible settings | Description |
searchResultClass | A string | Add a custom CSS class name to search results |
queryMethod | A function | Add a custom query method |
callback | A function | Add a custom callback function |
Read more:
Default: false
Category: Search Example
// enable the `Search` plugin with the default configuration
search: true,
// enable the `Search` plugin with a custom configuration
search: {
// add a `customClass` CSS class name to search results
searchResultClass: 'customClass',
// add a custom query method
queryMethod(queryStr, value) {
// add a custom callback function
callback(instance, row, column, value, result) {
# selectionMode
Source code (opens new window)options.selectionMode : string
The selectionMode
option configures how selection works.
You can set the selectionMode
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
'single' | Allow the user to select only one cell at a time. |
'range' | Allow the user to select one range of cells at a time. |
'multiple' | Allow the user to select multiple ranges of cells at a time. |
Read more:
Default: "multiple"
Category: Core Example
// you can only select one cell at at a time
selectionMode: 'single',
// you can select one range of cells at a time
selectionMode: 'range',
// you can select multiple ranges of cells at a time
selectionMode: 'multiple',
# selectOptions
Source code (opens new window)options.selectOptions : Array<string> | object | function
The selectOptions
option configures options that the end user can choose from in select
You can set the selectOptions
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
An array of strings | Each string is one option's value and label |
An object with key-string pairs | - Each key is one option's value - The key's string is that option's label |
A function | A function that returns an object with key-string pairs |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
columns: [
// set the `type` of every cell in this column to `select`
type: 'select',
// set the first option's value and label to `A`
// set the second option's value and label to `B`
// set the third option's value and label to `C`
selectOptions: ['A', 'B', 'C'],
// set the `type` of every cell in this column to `select`
type: 'select',
selectOptions: {
// set the first option's value to `value1` and label to `Label 1`
value1: 'Label 1',
// set the second option's value to `value2` and label to `Label 2`
value2: 'Label 2',
// set the third option's value to `value3` and label to `Label 3`
value3: 'Label 3',
// set the `type` of every cell in this column to `select`
type: 'select',
// set `selectOption` to a function that returns available options as an object
selectOptions(visualRow, visualColumn, prop) {
return {
value1: 'Label 1',
value2: 'Label 2',
value3: 'Label 3',
# skipColumnOnPaste
Source code (opens new window)options.skipColumnOnPaste : boolean
The skipColumnOnPaste
option determines whether you can paste data into a given column.
You can only apply the skipColumnOnPaste
option to an entire column, using the columns
You can set the skipColumnOnPaste
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
false (default) | Enable pasting data into this column |
true | - Disable pasting data into this column - On pasting, paste data into the next column to the right |
Read more:
Default: false
Category: Core Example
columns: [
// disable pasting data into this column
skipColumnOnPaste: true
# skipRowOnPaste
Source code (opens new window)options.skipRowOnPaste : boolean
The skipRowOnPaste
option determines whether you can paste data into a given row.
You can only apply the skipRowOnPaste
option to an entire row, using the cells
You can set the skipRowOnPaste
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
false (default) | Enable pasting data into this row |
true | - Disable pasting data into this row - On pasting, paste data into the row below |
Read more:
Default: false
Category: Core Example
cells(row, column) {
const cellProperties = {};
// disable pasting data into row 1
if (row === 1) {
cellProperties.skipRowOnPaste = true;
return cellProperties;
# sortByRelevance
Source code (opens new window)options.sortByRelevance : boolean
The sortByRelevance
option configures whether autocomplete
lists are sorted in the same order as provided in the source
You can set the sortByRelevance
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true (default) | Sort options in the same order as provided in the source option |
false | Sort options alphabetically |
Read more:
Default: true
Category: Core Example
columns: [{
// set the `type` of every cell in this column to `autocomplete`
type: 'autocomplete',
// set options available in every `autocomplete` cell of this column
source: ['D', 'C', 'B', 'A'],
// sort the `autocomplete` option in this order: D, C, B, A
sortByRelevance: true
# source
Source code (opens new window)options.source : Array | function
The source
option sets options available in autocomplete
and dropdown
You can set the source
option to one of the following:
- An array
- A function
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
// set `source` to an array
columns: [{
// set the `type` of every cell in this column to `autocomplete`
type: 'autocomplete',
// set options available in every `autocomplete` cell of this column
source: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
// set `source` to a function
columns: [{
// set the `type` of every cell in this column to `autocomplete`
type: 'autocomplete',
// for every `autocomplete` cell in this column, fetch data from an external source
source(query, callback) {
fetch('' + query, function(response) {
# startCols
Source code (opens new window)options.startCols : number
If the data
option is not set, the startCols
option sets the initial number of empty columns.
The startCols
option works only in Handsontable's constructor.
Default: 5
Category: Core Example
// start with 15 empty columns
startCols: 15,
# startRows
Source code (opens new window)options.startRows : number
If the data
option is not set, the startRows
option sets the initial number of empty rows.
The startRows
option works only in Handsontable's constructor.
Default: 5
Category: Core Example
// start with 15 empty rows
startRows: 15,
# stretchH
Source code (opens new window)options.stretchH : string
The stretchH
option determines what happens when the declared grid width
is different from the calculated sum of all column widths.
You can set the stretchH
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
'none' (default) | Don't fit the grid to the container (disable column stretching) |
'last' | Fit the grid to the container, by stretching only the last column |
'all' | Fit the grid to the container, by stretching all columns evenly |
Read more:
Default: "none"
Category: Core Example
// fit the grid to the container
// by stretching all columns evenly
stretchH: 'all',
# strict
Source code (opens new window)options.strict : boolean
The strict
option configures autocomplete
cells' strict/lazy mode.
You can set the strict
option to one of the following:
Setting | Mode | Description |
true | Strict mode | The value entered must match an autocomplete option (case-sensitive) |
false | Lazy mode | The value entered doesn't have to match an autocomplete option. The end user can: - Choose from suggested options - Enter a custom value |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
columns: [
// set the `type` of every cell in this column to `autocomplete`
type: 'autocomplete',
// set options available in every `autocomplete` cell of this column
source: ['A', 'B', 'C'],
// values entered must match `A`, `B`, or `C`
strict: true
# tableClassName
Source code (opens new window)options.tableClassName : string | Array<string>
The tableClassName
option lets you add CSS class names
to every Handsontable instance inside the container
You can set the tableClassName
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
A string | Add a single CSS class name to every Handsontable instance inside the container element |
An array of strings | Add multiple CSS class names to every Handsontable instance inside the container element |
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
// add a `your-class-name` CSS class name
// to every Handsontable instance inside the `container` element
tableClassName: 'your-class-name',
// add `first-class-name` and `second-class-name` CSS class names
// to every Handsontable instance inside the `container` element
tableClassName: ['first-class-name', 'second-class-name'],
# tabMoves
Source code (opens new window)options.tabMoves : object | function
The tabMoves
option configures the action of the Tab key.
You can set the tabMoves
option to an object with the following properties
(or to a function that returns such an object):
Property | Type | Description |
row | Number | - On pressing Tab, move selection row rows down- On pressing Shift+Tab, move selection row rows up |
col | Number | - On pressing Tab, move selection col columns right- On pressing Shift+Tab, move selection col columns left |
Default: {row: 0, col: 1}
Category: Core Example
// on pressing Tab, move selection 2 rows down and 2 columns right
// on pressing Shift+Tab, move selection 2 rows up and 2 columns left
tabMoves: {row: 2, col: 2},
// the same setting, as a function
// `event` is a DOM Event object received on pressing Tab
// you can use it to check whether the user pressed Tab or Shift+Tab
tabMoves(event) {
return {row: 2, col: 2};
# title
Source code (opens new window)options.title : string
The title
option configures column header names.
You can set the title
option to a string.
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
columns: [
// set the first column header name to `First name`
title: 'First name',
type: 'text',
// set the second column header name to `Last name`
title: 'Last name',
type: 'text',
# trimDropdown
Source code (opens new window)options.trimDropdown : boolean
The trimDropdown
option configures the width of the autocomplete
and dropdown
You can set the trimDropdown
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true (default) | Make the dropdown/autocomplete list's width the same as the edited cell's width |
false | Scale the dropdown/autocomplete list's width to the list's content |
Read more:
Default: true
Category: Core Example
columns: [
type: 'autocomplete',
// for every cell of this column
// make the `autocomplete` list's width the same as the edited cell's width
trimDropdown: true,
type: 'dropdown',
// for every cell of this column
// scale the `dropdown` list's width to the list's content
trimDropdown: false,
# trimRows
Source code (opens new window)options.trimRows : boolean | Array<number>
The trimRows
option configures the TrimRows
You can set the trimRows
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
false | Disable the TrimRows plugin |
true | Enable the TrimRows plugin |
An array | - Enable the TrimRows plugin- Trim selected rows at initialization |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: TrimRows Example
// enable the `TrimRows` plugin
trimRows: true,
// enable the `TrimRows` plugin
// trim rows 5, 10, and 15 at Handsontable's initialization
trimRows: [5, 10, 15],
# type
Source code (opens new window)options.type : string
The type
option lets you set the renderer
, editor
, and validator
options all at once, by selecting a cell type.
You can set the type
option to one of the following:
Cell type | Renderer, editor & validator |
A custom cell type | Renderer: your custom cell renderer Editor: your custom cell editor Validator: your custom cell validator |
'autocomplete' | Renderer: AutocompleteRenderer Editor: AutocompleteEditor Validator: AutocompleteValidator |
'checkbox' | Renderer: CheckboxRenderer Editor: CheckboxEditor Validator: - |
'date' | Renderer: DateRenderer Editor: DateEditor Validator: DateValidator |
'dropdown' | Renderer: DropdownRenderer Editor: DropdownEditor Validator: DropdownValidator |
'handsontable' | Renderer: AutocompleteRenderer Editor: HandsontableEditor Validator: - |
'numeric' | Renderer: NumericRenderer Editor: NumericEditor Validator: NumericValidator |
'password' | Renderer: PasswordRenderer Editor: PasswordEditor Validator: - |
'text' | Renderer: TextRenderer Editor: TextEditor Validator: - |
'time ' | Renderer: TimeRenderer Editor: TimeEditor Validator: TimeValidator |
Read more:
- Cell type →
- Cell renderer →
- Cell editor →
- Cell validator →
- Configuration options: Cascading configuration →
Default: "text"
Category: Core Example
// use the `numeric` cell type for every cell of the entire grid
type: `'numeric'`,
// apply the `type` option to individual columns
columns: [
// use the `autocomplete` cell type for every cell of this column
type: 'autocomplete'
// use the `myCustomCellType` cell type for every cell of this column
type: 'myCustomCellType'
# uncheckedTemplate
Source code (opens new window)options.uncheckedTemplate : boolean | string | number
The uncheckedTemplate
option lets you configure what value
an unchecked checkbox
cell has.
You can set the uncheckedTemplate
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
false (default) | If a checkbox cell is unchecked,the getDataAtCell method for this cell returns false |
A string | If a checkbox cell is unchecked,the getDataAtCell method for this cell returns a string of your choice |
Read more:
Default: false
Category: Core Example
columns: [
// set the `type` of every cell in this column to `checkbox`
// when unchecked, the cell's value is `false`
// when checked, the cell's value is `true`
type: 'checkbox',
// set the `type` of every cell in this column to `checkbox`
// when unchecked, the cell's value is `'No'`
// when checked, the cell's value is `'Yes'`
type: 'checkbox',
uncheckedTemplate: 'No'
checkedTemplate: 'Yes',
# undo
Source code (opens new window)options.undo : boolean
The undo
option configures the UndoRedo
You can set the undo
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true | Enable the UndoRedo plugin |
false | Disable the UndoRedo plugin |
By default, the undo
option is set to undefined
but the UndoRedo
plugin acts as enabled.
To disable the UndoRedo
plugin completely,
set the undo
option to false
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: UndoRedo Example
// enable the `UndoRedo` plugin
undo: true,
# validator
Source code (opens new window)options.validator : function | RegExp | string
The validator
option sets a cell validator for a cell.
You can set the validator
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
A string | A cell validator alias |
A function | Your custom cell validator function |
A regular expression | A regular expression used for cell validation |
By setting the validator
option to a string,
you can use one of the following cell validator aliases:
Alias | Cell validator function |
A custom alias | Your custom cell validator |
'autocomplete' | AutocompleteValidator |
'date' | DateValidator |
'dropdown' | DropdownValidator |
'numeric' | NumericValidator |
'time' | TimeValidator |
To set the editor
, renderer
, and validator
options all at once, use the type
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
columns: [
// use a built-in `numeric` cell validator
validator: 'numeric'
// validate against a regular expression
validator: /^[0-9]$/
// add a custom cell validator function
validator(value, callback) {
# viewportColumnRenderingOffset
Source code (opens new window)options.viewportColumnRenderingOffset : number | string
The viewportColumnRenderingOffset
option configures the number of columns
to be rendered outside of the grid's viewport.
You can set the viewportColumnRenderingOffset
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
auto (default) | Use the offset calculated automatically by Handsontable |
A number | Set the offset manually |
Read more:
Default: 'auto'
Category: Core Example
// render 70 columns outside of the grid's viewport
viewportColumnRenderingOffset: 70,
# viewportRowRenderingOffset
Source code (opens new window)options.viewportRowRenderingOffset : number | string
The viewportRowRenderingOffset
option configures the number of rows
to be rendered outside of the grid's viewport.
You can set the viewportRowRenderingOffset
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
auto (default) | Use the offset calculated automatically by Handsontable |
A number | Set the offset manually |
Read more:
Default: 'auto'
Category: Core Example
// render 70 rows outside of the grid's viewport
viewportRowRenderingOffset: 70,
# visibleRows
Source code (opens new window)options.visibleRows : number
The visibleRows
option sets the height of the autocomplete
and dropdown
When the number of list options exceeds the visibleRows
number, a scrollbar appears.
Read more:
Default: 10
Category: Core Example
columns: [
type: 'autocomplete',
// set the `autocomplete` list's height to 15 options
// for every cell of this column
visibleRows: 15,
type: 'dropdown',
// set the `dropdown` list's height to 5 options
// for every cell of this column
visibleRows: 5,
# width
Source code (opens new window)options.width : number | string | function
The width
option configures the width of your grid.
You can set the width
option to one of the following:
Setting | Example |
A number of pixels | width: 500 |
A string with a CSS unit (opens new window) | width: '75vw' |
A function that returns a valid number or string | width() { return 500; } |
Read more:
Default: undefined
Category: Core Example
// set the grid's width to 500px
width: 500,
// set the grid's width to 75vw
width: '75vw',
// set the grid's width to 500px, using a function
width() {
return 500;
# wordWrap
Source code (opens new window)options.wordWrap : boolean
The wordWrap
option configures whether content that exceeds a column's width is wrapped or not.
You can set the wordWrap
option to one of the following:
Setting | Description |
true (default) | If content exceeds the column's width, wrap the content |
false | Don't wrap content |
To style cells that don't wrap content, use the noWordWrapClassName
Read more:
Default: true
Category: Core Example
// set column width for every column of the entire grid
colWidths: 100,
columns: [
// don't wrap content in this column
wordWrap: false,
// if content exceeds this column's width, wrap the content
wordWrap: true,
# Methods
# isEmptyCol
Source code (opens new window)options.isEmptyCol(col) ⇒ boolean
The isEmptyCol
option lets you define your own custom method
for checking if a column at a given visual index is empty.
The isEmptyCol
setting overwrites the built-in isEmptyCol
Category: Core Example
// overwrite the built-in `isEmptyCol` method
isEmptyCol(visualColumnIndex) {
// your custom method
Param | Type | Description |
col | number | Visual column index. |
# isEmptyRow
Source code (opens new window)options.isEmptyRow(row) ⇒ boolean
The isEmptyRow
option lets you define your own custom method
for checking if a row at a given visual index is empty.
The isEmptyRow
setting overwrites the built-in isEmptyRow
Category: Core Example
// overwrite the built-in `isEmptyRow` method
isEmptyRow(visualRowIndex) {
// your custom method
Param | Type | Description |
row | number | Visual row index. |
← Hooks AutoColumnSize →